Proc Rotation
5 43
Infected Bioweapon
Proc Rotation
4dc3c5(c6), cancel 4 as soon as his hands go down
Absorbing Man
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Absorbing Man
Fear Itself
Proc Rotation
5qc4 then repeat (6c)3dc5qc4, leave out 3qc in the first rotation to align the proc
Adam Warlock
Proc Rotation
1c2c5 34dc, cancel 1 when the rocks appear, cancel 2 when the orbs appear, cancel 4 when 5 is almost off cooldown
Adam Warlock
Infinity Countdown
Proc Rotation
5c4c3 5c4c6dc3, let 3 play out for the whole proc, cancel 6 when the ugly ground appears
Rage Rotation
4c5dc3 1c2c 4c5dc6dc3, let 3 play out for the whole proc, cancel 5 when the ball appears, cancel 6 when the ugly ground appears
Adam Warlock
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
(6c)5dc3c4 1c2, cancel 5 when he shoots the energy balls down
Proc Rotation
3c5 124, cancel 3 when the buffs apply, try to use the residual from 4 in the proc on the next rotation
Proc Rotation
3c2qc(5 or 6) 14, then repeat 3dc5 24. Cancel 2 when the damage proc applies on the first rotation, use 6 if it is available, and cancel 3 when she lands on subsequent rotations
Agent Venom
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
4dc5 3 (1 or kite), cancel 4 when he shoots the tendrils
Agent Venom
Agent Anti-Venom
Proc Rotation
4dc5 32, cancel 4 when the symbiote projectiles appear
Agent Venom
Rage Rotation
(6c)3c5dc4, cancel 5 before he slams
Proc Rotation
5dc(6c)3c4, cancel 5 before he slams, you can instant cancel 5 on the first rotation to align the proc
Agent Venom
Guardians of the Galaxy
General Rotation
(6c)5qc3c4, use 7 whenever available
Hulk (Amadeus Cho)
Totally Awesome Hulk
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Hulk (Amadeus Cho)
Monsters Unleashed! (MFF Variant)
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Hulk (Amadeus Cho)
Proc Rotation
3dc4 5 (kite or 2), when ready 3dc5c6, cancel 3 when he is about to punch
America Chavez
General Rotation
543c2, cancel 3 immediately for immunity, proc preferred on 5 or 4 but difficult to align
America Chavez
Proc Rotation
4c(6c)5 3, all cancels instant
America Chavez
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2
Proc Rotation
Rage Rotation
3 get hit 5c(6c)4
Ancient One
General Rotation
Prioritise 4 then 5, then just spam other skills
Ancient One
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange
General Rotation
Prioritise 4 then 5, then just spam other skills
Ancient One
Unleashed Mystic
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Proc Rotation
3 get hit c 5 42
Proc Rotation
3dc542, cancel 3 when the feathers start spinning
All-New X-Men
Proc Rotation
Fallen One
Proc Rotation
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Secret Wars: 1602 Witch Hunter Angela
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All-New, All-Different
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Asgard's Assassin
Proc Rotation
3c4dc(6c)5, cancel 4 at the second slam
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
General Rotation
1c5(d)c3qc4(c6), cancel 5 after the second beam or instantly if using a damage proc and it activates the proc too early
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Marvel Studios' Ant-Man
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Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp
Proc Rotation
5dc4 32, cancel 5 when the tank grows to full size
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Safe Proc Rotation
54, but 4 will steal proc often
DPS Proc Rotation
523 or 53 kite
Team Suit
Safe Proc Rotation
54, but 4 will steal proc often
DPS Proc Rotation
523 or 53 kite
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Proc Rotation
1c2c3c4c5, then (7c)(6dc)3c4c5 on subsequent rotations. Cancel 6 after the backflip
Age of Apocalypse
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Messiah Complex
Rage Rotation
3c4c5dc2c1, when ready 3c4c5dc6, cancel 4 when the giant sphere appears, cancel 5 when you see the i-frame icon
Proc Rotation
4dc5 2c1c3dc, cancel 4 when the giant sphere appears. When ready use 6 within four to five seconds of using 3
Heralds of Apocalypse
Complex Proc Rotation
Rage/Judgement Rotation
1c5qc4c3c2(c6), use 7 whenever available
Infinity Warps
Proc Rotation
Arachknight 2099
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)5dc4, cancel 5 when he shoots out the webs
WBU One-Shot Rotation
3c coop c 5c6
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)5 4dc, cancel 4 when you can do 3c5 again
Baron Mordo
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Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange
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Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2
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Baron Zemo
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Baron Zemo
Marvel Studios' The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
General Rotation
3c, then repeat 5dc4dc3dc, cancel 5 and 4 when he slashes at the end, cancel 3 when 5 is ready again
General Rotation
Age of Apocalypse
General Rotation
Uncanny X-Men
Proc Rotation
5dc432dc, cancel 5 after he lands, cancel 2 once 5 is ready, proc on 4 is also fine
All-New X-Men
Proc Rotation
(6c)3c4qc5, cancel 4 before the bombs explode
Beta Ray Bill
General Rotation
One-Shot Rotation
coop c 3c5c4c6, use a teamup that makes Bill use skill 5
One-Shot Rotation (Unawakened)
coop c 3c5c4 or coop c 3c4c5
Beta Ray Bill
Beta Ray Bill
Proc Rotation
(6c)4dc3c5, cancel 4 when he raises his axe and Thor appears and use 7 whenever available
Proc Rotation
3dc4 52, cancel 3 after you get hit
Awakened Ready
3dc6c5, cancel 3 when you get hit
Black Bolt
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Black Bolt
All-New, All-Different
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Black Bolt
Inhumans: Attilan Rising
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Black Bolt
Marvels X
Rage Rotation
3c5dc4(c6), cancel 4 when there is about 2 seconds left on the rage proc, cancel 5 after the sfx ends
Proc Rotation
3c5 4, let 4 play until 3 and 5 are ready again. When ready 3c5c6
Black Bolt
Fallen Soul
Rage Rotation
3c5dc4 1c2, when ready 3c5dc4c7c6. Cancel 5 when he stomps
Proc Rotation
1c2c3c5c4 3c5c4c6
Black Cat
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Black Cat
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Black Cat
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
Black Cat
Winter Criminal
Proc Rotation
3dc4c5, cancel 3 when she swings past once
Black Dwarf
General Rotation
14 15
Cull Obsidian
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3 get hit dc 5dc4 1c2c1c2c, cancel 3 after getting hit, cancel 5 on the second hit when he smashes the ground, cancel 1 and 2 after they do one hit each
Black Dwarf
Dark Obsidian Armor
Proc Rotation
(6dc1c)5c4c3, kite when the proc ends. Use 6dc1c if 6 is available and cancel it when the other Black Order members appear
Black Panther
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Black Panther
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Black Panther
Marvel Studios' Black Panther
Proc Rotation
4c5 23dc1, when ready 4c6. Cancel 4 when the buffs apply, cancel 3 when he tosses the mines
Black Panther
Proc Rotation
3qc4dc5(c6), cancel 3 when the buffs apply, cancel 4 after the first two hits
Black Panther
King Without a Crown
Proc Rotation
3dc5qc4 2c1 3dc5qc(7c)4c6, cancel 3 once the spear is thrown, 5 is a very quick cancel
Black Swan
Proc Rotation
3dc4c5(c6), cancel 3 once she stomps
Black Widow
The Avengers
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Black Widow
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Black Widow
Golden Gate Vigilante
Proc Rotation
(6qc)5c4c3 1c2, use 6 when ready
Tier-4 Rage Rotation
(6qc)1c5c4c3 2qc1 7
Black Widow
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Black Widow
Secret Wars: 2099
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Black Widow
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Black Widow
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3dc5dc4 12, cancel 3 with the baton throw, cancel 5 when she lands
Black Widow
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
3dc5dc4 12, cancel 3 with the baton throw, cancel 5 when she lands
Black Widow
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
3dc5dc4 12, cancel 3 with the baton throw, cancel 5 when she lands
Black Widow
Avengers 3099
Proc Rotation
4dc532dc, but don't cancel 4 if you proc on it before the explosions, cancel 2 into 4 when available. Proc on 6 if relevant
Black Widow
Marvel Studios' Black Widow
PvP Rotation
45, 6 when ready
Proc Rotation
43(d)c5, cancel 3 when there are about five seconds to the next proc, this should ensure you proc on 4 with residual from the end of 5
Proc Rotation - Tier-3 Ready
3c6dc5 about two seconds before the proc is ready, cancel 6 when the bullets start raining
Black Widow
Marvel Studios' Black Widow (Snow Suit)
PvP Rotation
4dc3c5, cancel 4 at the shock animation, cancel 3 for the buff while invisible
Proc Rotation
43(d)c5, cancel 3 when there are about five seconds to the next proc, this should ensure you proc on 4 with residual from the end of 5
Proc Rotation - Tier-3 Ready
3c6dc5 about two seconds before the proc is ready, cancel 6 when the bullets start raining
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70's Classic
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Proc Rotation
3dc4 2dc5dc, cancel 3 when he throws the mines, cancel 2 on the final slash after he pauses, cancel 5 a second before 4 is ready
Vampire Slayer
Proc Rotation
4c3dc5(c6) then kite until 5 is almost ready again, cancel 3 when he throws the stakes
Blue Dragon
Proc Rotation
(56dc)4321 5dc4231 5c4231
Blue Dragon
Moon Temple Defenders
Rage/Judgement Rotation
5qc3dc4 (2), cancel 3 when the proc ticks down from four to three seconds. When ready 5qc3c4dc 6dc, cancel 4 when there are two seconds left on the proc and cancel 6 when the Sky Kyrin roars
Proc Rotation
Tier-4 Rage/Judgement Rotation
1c2c3c5qc4dc17 (6dc), cancel 4 when 1 is ready, use 6 if it is available and cancel when the Sky Kyrin roars
Blue Marvel
Proc Rotation
Blue Marvel
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Secret Wars: 1872
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Dark Avengers
One-Shot Rotation
3dc coop c 6c5, cancel 3 after he shoots the arrows
ABX Rage Rotation
3dc4dc6c5 4dc53dc21, cancel 3 when he shoots the arrows, cancel 4 when he lights the ground on fire, keep 4 and 5 within the rage proc as much as you can
Proc Rotation
3qc4qc5c6, use 7 whenever available
Rage Rotation
6c3qc5c4 12, use 7 whenever available
Proc Rotation
4dc2c5 13, cancel 4 when all the portals appear, use 1 and 3 when the proc is on cooldown
Proc Rotation
4dc2c3c5, cancel 4 when all the portals appear, cancel 3 when his hand raises
Cable & Deadpool
Proc Rotation
4dc2c3c5 4dc2c3c5(c6), cancel 4 when he enters i-frame, cancel 5 into 6 on the second rotation if Tier-3
Summer Days
WBI Rotation
Proc Rotation
4dc3c2c5, cancel 4 when the other Cables appear
Tier-3 Rotation
4dc3c2c5 4dc3c2c6c5, cancel 4 a few moments before the other Cables appear
X of Swords
Proc Rotation
3dc4dc2c5 3dc4dc2c5(dc6), cancel 3 when he splashes the enemy, cancel 4 when he enters i-frame, if 6 is ready then cancel 5 when he makes a throwing motion
Heart of Darkness
Proc Rotation
Captain America
The Avengers
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Captain America
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Captain America
Avengers 3099
Hard Proc Rotation
2dc (get hit) 4dc5 3 , cancel 2 when the shield bubble appears, get hit if possible for accumulation, cancel 4 when he throws the shield
Safe Proc Rotation
2dc 5 43, cancel 2 when the shield bubble appears
Captain America
Hydra Supreme
Proc Rotation
5c432c1, when ready 5c4c6
Rage Rotation
1c2c543, when ready 5c4c6
Captain America
Enter the Phoenix
Proc Rotation
(5dc)4 321, when ready 5dc6, cancel 5 when he lands. You can leave out 5dc on the first rotation to align the proc
Rage/Judgement Rotation
2c3c1c 5dc4 123 1 5dc4 2c3, when the proc is at 1 second hold 6 until you get hit, release when the proc is about to reactivate and cancel it to 2c3c 5dc4 when the proc is at 3-4 seconds
Captain America
Back to Basics
Rage Rotation
3c1qc2c5dc4 1qc2, when ready 3c4c(7c)5dc6, cancel 5 when he lands, cancel 1 when he throws the shield
Proc Rotation
Captain America
What If... Zombies?!
Proc Rotation
1qc2c3c5c4(c6), use 7 whenever available
Captain America
Secret Wars: 2099
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Captain America
Marvel Studios' Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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Captain America
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Captain America
Marvel NOW!
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Captain America
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
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Captain America
Team Suit
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Captain America
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5c432c1, when ready 5c4c6
Rage Rotation
1c2c5dc43, when ready 5c4c6
Captain Marvel
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Captain Marvel
Secret Wars: Captain Marvel & The Carol Corps
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Captain Marvel
Ms. Marvel
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Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel
Proc Rotation
5 423 423. When available, time your proc for 6dc4, cancel 6 when the meteor lands
Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Rage Rotation
5c2dc4c 1dc 2dc 3dc 1dc 2dc 4 3 T3 (when 5 skill is at 3 sec cooldown)
Proc Rotation
Use 5 and try and proc on 3 or 4. When available, time your proc for 6dc3 or 6dc4, cancel 6 when the meteor lands
Captain Marvel
The Last Avenger
Proc Rotation
2c5c3 41, when 6 is ready use it when the proc timer shows three seconds
Rage Rotation
2qc(6dc)543, cancel 6 when she lands
Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios' The Marvels
Proc Rotation
(7c)(6c)3dc5c4, cancel 3 just before she reaches the top of her jump
Rage Rotation
Start with proc rotation then spam skills, cancel 3 just before she reaches the top of her jump, cancel 2 when she starts the energy blasts
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
5 4c1 3, proc wherever as it is basically impossible to align
Absolute Carnage
Rage Rotation
3dc5 4, cancel 3 when the rage proc activates. When ready 3c6dc5, cancel 6 when he throws his hands forward after flying up, try to use skill 6 two seconds before the proc can activate
Proc Rotation
3c5 4, instant cancel 3. When ready 3c6dc5, cancel 6 when he throws his hands forward after flying up, try to use skill 6 two seconds before the proc can activate
Fallen Soul
Proc Rotation
(6c)3c4qc5, cancel 4 when he reaches the top of his jump so that the tendril pool appears
Superior Carnage
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Cassandra Nova
Marvel Studios' Deadpool & Wolverine
Proc Rotation
2c5qc3c4 4c2c5qc3c6, cancel 5 when the purple beams appear
Rage/Judgement Rotation
Cassie Lang
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Proc Rotation
3dc5dc4, cancel 3 once she lands and 5 when she places the device down
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Phoenix Five
Proc Rotation
Hellfire Gala
Proc Rotation
Corvus Glaive
General Rotation
5dc42 31, cancel 5 when the third crater appears
Corvus Glaive
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
54, then spam 3 and 2
Corvus Glaive
Dark Obsidian Armor
Rage Rotation
(6dc)5qc3dc42, cancel 6 when the other Black Order characters, appear, cancel 3 when he moves
Proc Rotation
(6dc)5qc4 (31 or kite), cancel 6 when the other Black Order characters appear
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Lifestyle Series 1
DPS Proc Rotation
2 (get hit) 5 43, when ready 5c2c6
Lazy Tier-3 Rotation
54312, when ready 5c2c6
Light Sirius Armor
Proc Rotation
2c4c5 2c45 3c1 2c4c5c6
Rage Rotation
2c4dc5 2c4dc5 3c1 2c4dc6qc5, cancel 4 when she breaks the rock, cancel 6 when she jumps
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Secret Empire
Safe Proc Rotation
5 43 (2), use 2 if you still have time
DPS Proc Rotation
3c2c5 41, cancel 2 when he dashes past the enemy
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
3dc2 541, cancel 3 when she jumps and makes a throwing motion
Royal Suit
Proc Rotation
5dc2 341, cancel 5 when she summons the cyclones. If 5 steals the proc at the start, let it play out
Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
5c2134, cancel 5 when the four cyclones appear
Shadowland Rotation
5, line up enemies so all are within the beam
General Rotation
5, when immunity runs out, 3412
Age of Apocalypse
Shadowland Rotation
4dc5, line up enemies so all are within the beam, cancel 4 when the burning x appears in the ground
General Rotation
4dc5, when immunity runs out, 312
Marvel NOW!
Shadowland Rotation
5, line up enemies so all are within the beam
General Rotation
5, when immunity runs out, 3412
Phoenix Five
Tier-2 Proc Rotation
543dc, or 53 kite. Cancel 3 when 5 is ready
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
5423dc, when ready proc on 6, cancel 3 when 5 is ready
Tier-3 Rage Rotation
25423dc, when ready 65423dc, cancel 3 into either 2 or 6 when ready
Proc Rotation
3dc5c4 2c1 3c5c4c(7)6, cancel 3 as he's about to shoot the beams, cancel the T3 rot very quickly
Daisy Johnson
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
General Rotation
General Rotation
Daisy Johnson
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Quake)
General Rotation
Proc Rotation
5 4hdc, cancel 4 after the slashes when he roars
Dark Wolverine
Proc Rotation
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Devil of Hell's Kitchen
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All-New, All-Different
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Fall From Grace
Proc Rotation
3c4 5 3c4 5c6dc4 5, cancel 6 when he moves towards enemies
Marvel Television's Daredevil: Born Again
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Proc Rotation
3c5 42c, cancel 2 into 3 when ready
WBI Rotation
Proc Rotation
(3) 4dc(2c)5, use 3 if it is available, cancel 4 after she runs up the rainbow and the orbs appear in the sky, use 2 if it won't steal the proc. You can use 2c5 on the first rotation to align the proc for the delayed cancel
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Lady Deadpool
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Holiday Party
General Rotation
5c4dc2, cancel 4 before the spin paralyse
Tier-3 Ready
30th Anniversary Black Version
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 3c5c4(c6), cancel 3 when he tosses the bombs, very slightly delay cancel on 5, cancel 4 instantly if 6 is ready
30th Anniversary White Version
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 3c5c4(c6), cancel 3 when he tosses the bombs, very slightly delay cancel on 5, cancel 4 instantly if 6 is ready
April Pools
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Marvel Studios' Deadpool & Wolverine
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Deadpool & Wolverine
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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General Rotation
3421 kite
Doctor Doom
General Rotation
(4c or 2) 5 (2 or 4c) 3, prioritise 4 over 2 in the bracketed parts
Doctor Doom
Rage Rotation
1c5dc4dc3 1c4dc3 1c5dc4dc3c6, cancel 5 when the missile launches, cancel 4 when he floats up
Proc Rotation
4c5dc1c3 1c42 4c5dc1c3c6 1c4, cancel 5 when he puts his hand on his chin
Doctor Doom
God Emperor
Rage Rotation
2(d)c3c5qc(6qc)4, cancel 2 once you get hit (or instantly if you know you won't be), 5 just before the energy balls come out, and use 7 whenever available
Doctor Octopus
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Doctor Octopus
Superior Spider-Man
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Doctor Octopus
Superior Octopus
One-Shot Rotation
coop c 3c 6
Proc Rotation
5c3c6 2c4dc, then repeat 5c3 2c4dc, cancel 4 when 3 is ready
Paralyse Roar Cancel
tag in, 5c3c6 2c4 (cancel roar) 5c3, tag out
Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Proc Rotation
3c5c(6 or 4), use 6 if it is available, 4 otherwise. Make sure the uniform proc is ready on the rotation with 6
Doctor Octopus
Ends of the Earth
Proc Rotation
5c3c(6 or 4), use 6 if it is available, 4 otherwise.
Tier-4 Rotation
1c2c5c3c4(c6), when ready 7c5c3c4
Rage Rotation (T4 skill not ready/available)
2c3c5c4dc1(c6dc)21, cancel 4 when the lightning strikes, cancel 6 when mysterio and sandman appears
Rage Rotation (T4 skill available/charged more than 71%)
2c3c5c4dc7 2c3c5c4dc1(c6dc) 2c3c5c4dc121, cancel 4 when the lightning strikes, cancel 6 when mysterio and sandman appears
Doctor Strange
All-New, All-Different
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Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange
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Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Rage Rotation
5 (4c3c2c)x4 6dc, x4 means do the rotation in the brackets 4 times, cancel 6 into 5 when the clones appear
Doctor Strange
Space Suit
Rage Rotation
5 (4c3c2c)x4 6dc, x4 means do the rotation in the brackets 4 times, cancel 6 into 5 when the clones appear
Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2
Rage Rotation
(6dc)(5dc)4qc2c1c3, cancel 6 when the clones appear, cancel 5 when the big sphere appears
Proc Rotation
4qc2c1c3, then (6dc)(5dc)4qc2c1c3. Cancel 6 when the clones appear, cancel 5 when the big sphere appears, time your 6 and 5 so that the main rotation - 4qc2c1c3 - stays on proc
Doctor Strange
Death of Doctor Strange
Rage Rotation
(6dc)(5dc)3c4 1c2, cancel 5 when the ring appears and 6 when the clones appear
Doctor Strange
What If... Zombies?!
Rage Rotation
1c(5c)2c3c4 2c3c(7)1c4 1c2c(6(d)c)(5c)3c4(7); if 2, 3, and 4 are still on cooldown during T3 rotation, cancel 6 once the clones appear, insta-cancel otherwise.
Proc Rotation
(6c)(5c)1c2c3c4, use 7 whenever available.
Simple Rage Rotation
Cancel whatever is available into 4. You can let 6 play out until the rage activates
Doctor Voodoo
Proc Rotation
5dc4 3dc1dc (2 or kite), cancel 5 when the magic circle appears on the ground, cancel 3 after he jumps four times, cancel 1 after the circle appears, if 5 is still on cooldown you can use 2 or kite if 2 steals the proc
Doctor Voodoo
Strange Academy
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
4 325dc, cancel 5 when the mines appear, try to use residual from end of 5 to proc on 4
Marvel NOW!
Proc Rotation
3c5dc 42, cancel 3 when the buffs apply, cancel 5 when the mines come out
Krakoa X-Force
Proc Rotation
(6c)3(d)c4qc5, cancel 3 once you get hit or instantly if you know you won't be getting hit
General Rotation
54123, keep enemies in the lava pool left by 1
Proc Rotation
3c5 4(6) (1c)2, cancel 3 when the planet appears, cancel 1 when the spikes appear
Guardians of the Galaxy
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All-New, All-Different
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Ebony Maw
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Ebony Maw
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
1dc4c5 3, cancel 1 after the i-frame when the spikes appear
Ebony Maw
Dark Obsidian Armor
Proc Rotation
4qc5c3, if Tier-3, then 4qc5c6
Judgement/Rage Rotation
4qc5c3qc2dc1 4qc5c3qc6dc, cancel 2 when he throws the rock, cancel 6 when the eyes open
Ebony Maw
General's Hand
General Rotation
Enter the Phoenix
General Rotation
3c(6c)2qc5dc4, cancel 2 right as she dashes forward, cancel 5 when the circle of fire appears
Maya Lopez
Marvel Studios' Hawkeye
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Maya Lopez (Echo)
Marvel Studios' Echo
Proc Rotation
(6c)5(d)c(7)2c3c4, cancel 5 once she jumps off the motorcycle or instantly if it’s activating the proc early
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Spider-Man: No Way Home
Rage/Judgement Rotation
3c(6c)5dc4, cancel 5 after he teleports and shoots his first lightning bolt
Proc Rotation
3dc5, spam 4c2c until next rotation
Marvel Studios' Daredevil
Proc Rotation
3dc5, spam 4c2c until next rotation
Woman Without Fear
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
1c2c3c5c4 1c2c3c5c4 6qc3c5c4
Tier-2 Proc Rotation
Elsa Bloodstone
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Elsa Bloodstone
Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies
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Elsa Bloodstone
Monsters Unleashed! (MFF Variant)
Proc Rotation
(6)5324dc, cancel 4 when she launches the energy balls up
Emma Frost
Proc Rotation
5dc4312, cancel 5 when she finishes walking
Emma Frost
Marvel NOW!
Proc Rotation
Emma Frost
Phoenix Five
Hard Proc Rotation
5c4 1 3dc2dc, cancel 3 when the clone appears, cancel 2 when the fire appears. If 2 steals the proc too much, use easy rotation
Easy Proc Rotation
3dc5c4 21, cancel 3 when the clone appears
Emma Frost
Hellfire Gala
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
2dc3c1dc5c4 21 3c5c4dc6, cancel 2 immediately after the hits start, cancel 1 when she fires the projectiles, cancel 4 slightly longer than a qc
Rage/Judgement Rotation
1dc3c5c4dc 1dc2, kite a bit, 3c5c1dc4dc6, same cancels as proc rotation
Tier-2 Proc Rotation
3c1dc5c4 2 or kite, cancel 1 when she fires the projectiles
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Summer Days
Proc Rotation
War of the Realms
Proc Rotation
3dc(6c)4c5, cancel 3 once she floats up
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4, cancel 5 when the yellow circle appears on the ground
Marvel Studios' Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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All-New Captain America
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Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Marvel Legacy
Proc Rotation
4dc5 23, cancel 4 after two wind tunnels
Captain America (Sam Wilson)
Marvel Studios' The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3c5 1c2c 4 1c2c 3c5c6, all cancels instant
What If... Zombies?!
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3c5 1c2c 4 kite 1c2c 3c5c4c6, all cancels instant
Captain America (Sam Wilson)
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Brave New World
Proc Rotation
1c2c 4c3c5(c6)
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Proc Rotation
3c5 42, cancel 3 when he points his finger
Franklin Richards
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
5, move away with d-pad, 4 3, move away with d-pad
Awakened Ready
6dc3c5, cancel 6 when Nightcrawler and X-23 appear, slightly delay cancel on 3
Proc Rotation
3c5 4, slightly delay cancel on 3
X-Men Year-End Party
Proc Rotation
(6c)4qc3c5, use 7 whenever available
Guardians of the Galaxy
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All-New, All-Different
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Guardians of the Galaxy 2
General Rotation
45, then kite or use other skills. 3 and 2 are good for hit-stunning, 1 is good for evading directional attacks. You can also choose to spam all skills except 4, and save 4 as an emergency i-frame
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4, cancel 5 when she lands
Awakened Ready
3c5dc6c4, cancel 5 when she lands
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
(6c)3qc4c5, use 7 whenever available
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Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp
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Ghost Panther
Infinity Warps
Proc Rotation
3c5 42
WBI Rotation
4c 3c5, cancel 4 after you dash next to the boss
Ghost Rider
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Ghost Rider
70's Classic
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Ghost Rider
Inhumans: Attilan Rising
Proc Rotation
253 241
Tier-3 Ready
Proc on 6
Ghost Rider
King of Hell
Rage Rotation
5dc4dc 324, wait until the proc is about to run out, 5dc6dc3. Cancel 5 when he throws the fire ball, cancel 4 when he rises up in the air, cancel 6 after a second when the chain appears. If the T3 meter is stuck at ~90% even after 5 and 4, spam skills 1 and 2.
Ghost Rider
Rage Returned
Rage Rotation
1c2c3dc5c4, cancel 3 right before he leaps up and use 6dc and 7 together when available, cancel 6 when the ground changes
Proc Rotation
1c2c3dc5c4 then 1c2c3c5c6dc4 (7), cancel 3 right before he leaps up, cancel 6 when the ground changes
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Ultron Pym
General Rotation
5412c3, invincibility proc recommended
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Marvel Studios' Eternals
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
5dc4 3, cancel 5 when he flies up
Thanos: The Infinity Revelation
Rage Rotation
3c5qc4 1c2 3c4c5qc(7)6 1c2
Proc Rotation
2c5 43, cancel 2 after the first hit when he grows big
War of Kings
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Complex Proc Rotation
3c4 first rotation, subsequent rotations 5 3c4, use residual from end of 5 to boost the proc
Simple Prox Rotation
5 3dc4 2, proc on either 5 or 4
Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder
Proc Rotation
3c4dc5 2c1 3c5c4dc6, cancel 4 after the sword submerges
Green Goblin
General Rotation
5 kite, save 3 as an emergency iframe
Green Goblin
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Green Goblin
Dark Avengers
One-Shot Rotation
coop c 3dc4c5 (kite), cancel 3 before he fires the missiles, try to have the boss be standing still
Proc Rotation
3dc4c5 (2), cancel 3 before he fires the missiles, you can omit 2 if it steals the proc
Green Goblin
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Proc Rotation
3c1c2dc5dc4(c6), cancel 2 when he throws the bombs, cancel 5 right before he reappears
Green Goblin
Red Goblin
Proc Rotation
2(d)c3qc5c4(c6), cancel 2 after he lunges through but if you keep proccing on it then instantly cancel
Guardians of the Galaxy
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Secret Wars: Thors
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Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Proc Rotation
2dc 5qc4 (31 or kite), cancel 2 when he applies snare, cancel 5 when Rocket appears
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
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Snowflake Festival
Proc Rotation
3dc5c4, cancel 3 when the tree appears, 5 is an instant cancel but you need to wait a little bit for the skill to actually activate
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
5 3c4 3c1 (3dc), cancel 3 for the i-frame the first two times, if you still have time you can do a third 3 and let her throw the grenade for stun
Gwen Poole
General Rotation
Holiday Party
Proc Rotation
5 4 3
April Pools
Proc Rotation
3c5c4c(2 or 6), use 6 if it is available. Don't cancel 4 into 2 if 2 is getting cancelled
Dark Gwenpool
ABX Rage Rotation
1c5qc3c4c2(c6dc), cancel 6 into the next rotation once she fires the rocket
Rage Rotation
1c5qc3c4c2 1c2 5qc3c4c6dc1c2, 1 is just a filler, use 7 whenever available, cancel 5 when she throws the presents, cancel 6 when she finishes about 2 rounds on the bike
Proc Rotation
1c5qc3c4c2 1c2 5qc3c4c6dc, 1 is just a filler, use 7 whenever available, cancel 5 when she throws the presents, cancel 6 when she jumps off the bike. You could also skip using 2 and proc on 4 instead if your procs seems to miss a lot.
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3dc5c4 then 1c2c 4c3dc5c6, cancel 3 when he throws the energy disc
The Avengers
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Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
432c1c5dc, use residual at end of 5 in subsequent rotations, cancel 5 right after he cleans his blade
Marvel Studios' Hawkeye (Hero Suit)
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 2c1 kite 3c4c5c6
Proc Rotation
5dc3c4(c6), cancel 5 once the arrows land and before he starts shooting again, use 7 whenever available.
Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
3c 5c4 121, cancel 5 when he lands
Asgard Invasion
Proc Rotation
4c5 then (6dc)4c5, use awakening skill when the proc timer is at two seconds or the 5th skill is finished
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Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
5 4dc1 3 basic attack (2), cancel 4 when the glowing daggers appear in the sky, use 2 if 5 is still on cooldown
Asgard Invasion
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Marvel Studios' What If...?
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 1c2 3c4c5c6
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
General Rotation
5 4312 (1 or kite)
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Hope Summers
Proc Rotation
(6c)3qc5c4, cancel 3 slightly after the effects start
The Avengers
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Secret Wars: Future Imperfect
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World War Hulk
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Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
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Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5 43, when ready 6, proc on 4 is fine too
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
5 43, when ready 6, proc on 4 is fine too
Immortal Hulk
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4 2, cancel 3 when he grows big, cancel 5 when he lands. When ready 3c5dc4c6, cancel 4 immediately
Fear Itself
General Rotation
1c2c3c5dc4(c6), cancel 5 when he slams
General Rotation
(7)(6dc)3c4c5, repeat rotation once the buffs of 3 run out and cancel 6 once he punches the ground
Hulkbuster (Iron Man Mark 44)
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Hulkbuster (Iron Man Mark 43)
Heavy Duty Armor
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Hulkbuster 2.0
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 3c12, cancel 3 and 5 when the missiles appear
Hulkbuster (Iron Man Mark 44)
Proc Rotation
3c5dc(6 or 4), cancel 5 when he slams, proc on 6 if it's available, otherwise proc on 4
Celestial Hulkbuster
Proc Rotation
5qc4c3(c6), use 7 whenever available
New Avengers
Step 2
Cover yourself in oil
Human Torch
Proc Rotation
5c3 4, first rotation can lead with 3 so that 5 doesn't steal the proc
Human Torch
Future Foundation
Proc Rotation
5c3 4, first rotation can lead with 3 so that 5 doesn't steal the proc
Human Torch
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)4 5, let the residual from skill 5 pass onto the next rotation's proc, all cancels are instant
Judgement Rotation
3c(6c)5dc4, cancel 5 when the fire tornado appears
Human Torch
The Fall of the Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
(6c)4dc3c5, cancel 4 once he starts to throw up the fireballs
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Proc Rotation
2c534, cancel 2 when the water jet erupts, use dpad on 4 to gather enemies
All-New, All-Different
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Proc Rotation
5hdc421 321, h means hold, cancel 5 after charging it and getting hit, proc on 3 does barely any damage but keeps it aligned for next rotation
Enter the Phoenix
Proc Rotation
3dc5 4 3dc5 4(qc6dc), cancel 3 right as he lands, use the part in brackets if Tier-3 and cancel 6 when the lava pool appears
Proc Rotation
2c4c5 3(1), cancel 2 when the ice crystal appears, cancel 4 instantly. 5's animation ends when the ice monster roars, so start using other skills then
X-Men Blue
Proc Rotation
1dc4c5 3(2), cancel 1 when he makes the big ice platform above the enemy, cancel 4 instantly. 5's animation ends when the ice monster roars, so start using other skills then
Krakoan Summer
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
(2c)3c5 4, cancel 2 instantly if you need ignore dodge buff, cancel 3 instantly
Rage Rotation
3c5dc4 2dc, cancel 3 instantly, cancel 5 after he explodes and starts speeding around, cancel 2 at the end when he makes the fireball
Marvel Studios' Eternals
Proc Rotation
Rage Rotation
2c3c5dc4 2c3c4c5dc6, cancel 5 after he explodes and starts speeding around
Proc Rotation
(6c)3c4dc5, cancel 4 when she reaches the top of her jump
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
5dc2 34, cancel 5 when he shoots the fireballs up
Proc Rotation
5dc2 314, cancel 5 when he shoots the fireballs up
Invisible Woman
Proc Rotation
4c5 23, cancel 4 when the shield appears
Invisible Woman
Future Foundation
Proc Rotation
4c5 21c3, cancel 4 when the bubble appears, cancel 1 when the cube appears
WBI Rotation
4c3 for Boss Mode, 3 for Point Mode
Invisible Woman
Proc Rotation
3c4c(6c)5, all cancels instant, use 6 if available
Invisible Woman
The Fall of the Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
1c3c(6c)5c4, use 7 whenever available
Iron Fist
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Iron Fist
New Avengers
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Iron Fist
All-New, All-Different
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Iron Fist
Marvel Studios' Iron Fist
General Rotation
Iron Fist
The Living Weapon
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)5 2 4dc, cancel 3 and 6 instantly, use 6 if it is available, start 4 when skill 3 is almost ready and cancel into next rotation's 3 after the dragon goes up
Rage Rotation
(6c)4dc3c5, same cancels as Proc Rotation
Iron Hammer
Infinity Warps
Proc Rotation
Marvel NOW!
General Rotation
5 1 2dc4, cancel 2 when the i-frame ends
Riri Williams
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Rage Rotation
(6c)3dc5c4, cancel 3 when she flies up
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 to align the proc, then (6c)3dc5c4, cancel 3 when she flies up. If the proc is slipping again, revert to 3c5c4
Iron Man
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Iron Man
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Iron Man
Model Nil
Proc Rotation
4qc3c5, when ready 3c5c4qc6. cancel 4 once the missles come out and use 7 whenever available
Iron Man
Secret Wars: 2099
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Iron Man
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Iron Man
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 2
Iron Man
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
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Iron Man
Team Suit
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Iron Man
Avengers 3099
Proc Rotation
5c4 3, if relevant 5dc6 , wait a couple of seconds before cancelling 5 into 6
Iron Man
Superior Iron Man
Proc Rotation
5c3c4 2c1 5c3c(6 or 4) 2c1, use 6 the second time if he is Tier-3, all cancels are instant
Iron Man
Back to Basics
Proc Rotation
3c4qc2qc5 3c5c4qc2qc6, cancel 4 when he faces upwards, cancel 2 when he flies upwards. If not Tier-3 or above, use only the first part
Rage Rotation
4qc2qc5 3(c6)dc, cancel 3 when 4 is ready or instant cancel into 6 and cancel 6 when the beam fires off
Thor (Jane Foster)
All-New, All-Different
Safe Rotation
54321, try and keep enemies hit-stunned
Proc Rotation
3dc5 41 kite, cancel 3 when she throws the hammer
Thor (Jane Foster)
Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder
Proc Rotation
2c3dc5c4 3dc4c5c6, cancel 3 after she flies up and just before the hammer lands. If Tier-2, just repeat the first part (2c3dc5c4)
Jean Grey
Proc Rotation
(3) 1dc5c4 2, use 3 if available, cancel 1 when she teleports behind enemies
Jean Grey
X-Men Red
Rage Rotation
3dc4c5 21, cancel 3 when she exits i-frame. When ready 3dc4c5c6(dc), cancel 6 when the big phoenix spreads its wings into 4 or 5, whichever is off cooldown
Jean Grey
Marvel Girl
Rage Rotation
3dc5c4 21, cancel 3 when she exits i-frame. When ready 3dc4c5c6(dc), cancel 6 when the big phoenix spreads its wings into 4 or 5, whichever is off cooldown
Jean Grey
Dark Phoenix
Proc Rotation
(7)2c 3dc1qc4c5 (7)2c 3dc1qc5c4c6, cancel 3 when she moves forward
Rage Rotation
3dc4c5qc2(c6)(7), cancel 3 when she moves forward, you can use 1 whenever. If the 6th skill triggers the proc before 3 is ready, do 4c5qc3dc2 for that rotation
Jessica Jones
General Rotation
5432c, cancel 2 when she kicks up
Jessica Jones
Proc Rotation
5dc(6c)4 3, cancel 5 when she smashes the big rock, use and instant cancel 6 if it is available
Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Brave New World
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3c4qc5 1c2c5c 3c4qc6
Proc Rotation
5dc4 1dc3dc2, cancel 5 when she flips back, cancel 1 when she throws, cancel 3 into 2 when 5 is almost ready
Brotherhood of Mutants
Proc Rotation
2dc5 43, cancel 2 after being hit
Fear Itself
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange
General Rotation
53 (1 or kite)
Marvel Studios' What If...?
Proc Rotation
(6c)4qc3c5, you will know if you have cancelled 4 correctly when the energy tubes show up
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
All-New, All-Different
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Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Karachi Costume
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Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Inhumans: Attilan Rising
Proc Rotation
5, then 3c4dc5 on subsequent rotations, cancel 4 when she slams the poles into the ground
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Marvel Studios' Ms. Marvel
Proc Rotation
3qc4c5 5c3qc4c6
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Marvel Studios' The Marvels
Proc Rotation
Kang the Conqueror
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Proc Rotation
5qc3qc(6qc)4 2c1
War of Kings
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All-New, All-Different
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Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
Marvel NOW!
Proc Rotation
1dc5dc4 23, cancel 1 when she shoots the arrow, cancel 5 when the mines appear
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
Marvel Studios' Hawkeye
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi
Proc Rotation
Kid Kaiju
Monsters Unleashed!
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Kid Kaiju
Monsters Unleashed! (MFF Variant)
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Kid Omega
Proc Rotation
1c5c4 (3), cancel 1 when you get hit, you can kite instead of using 3 if it steals the proc too much
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Erik Killmonger (Black Panther)
Marvel Studios' Black Panther
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
3dc5c4 2, cancel 5 when he enters i-frame
Awakened Ready
3c4c5dc6, cancel 5 when he enters i-frame
Marvel Studios' Eternals
Rage Rotation
(6c)3qc2c5dc2c4 2c1c2c, cancel 5 when he floats up and the big ball appears. 3 has a long cooldown so it may 'slip down' subsequent rotations, so just use 3qc whenever it is available
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Secret Wars: Armor Wars
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Winter Criminal
General Rotation
4c5 1c2c3dc 4c5 1c2c3dc (6dc)4c5, cancel 3 whenever 4c5 is ready, use 6 if he is Tier-3 and cancel when the ninjas appear
Marvel Television's Daredevil: Born Again
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Kitty Pryde
Proc Rotation
3c5 2c1c5, cancel 2 and 1 once the i-frames run out to maximise survivability
Kitty Pryde
Red Queen
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4 2c1 3c4c5dc6, cancel 5 when she brings the mast down and just before it hits the ground
Rage Rotation
3c5dc4dc2 4dc2c1c6dc5dc2, cancel 5 when he slashes (to trigger the rage proc), cancel 4 when the symbiote clouds rise, use 6 when there is 1 second left on the proc and cancel it when he slashes
Proc Rotation
5dc4dc2 5dc4dc2dc 6dc2, cancel 5 when he stabs himself, cancel 4 when the symbiote clouds rise, cancel 2 into 6 when the proc timer shows 1 second, cancel 6 when he slashes
Ancient History
General Rotation
(6dc)3c4c5, use 6 when 3, 4, and 5 have 2 seconds left on cooldown and cancel once he slashes
Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel
Proc Rotation
2c5 13h 4c2c5 14c, h means hold the skill down to charge it
Kraven The Hunter
Proc Rotation
3c5 43121, let 3 play out the second time for the i-frame
Kraven The Hunter
Interdimensional Hunter
Proc Rotation
(6c)5dc(2c)3qc4, cancel 5 when the net lands
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Proc Rotation
1c2c 5c3dc4, when ready 6dc5c3c4, cancel 3 and 6 immediately when the effects start
Lincoln Campbell
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
General Rotation
Keep 4 and 3 up all the time, spam other skills for damage
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The Avengers
General Rotation
53, then kite or spam other skills
Lady Loki
General Rotation
531, then kite or spam other skills
Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
53412 kite
General Rotation
531, then kite or spam other skills
Agent of Asgard
Proc Rotation
4dc3c5(c6) 2c1, cancel 4 when the fourth clone appears and before he teleports back, cancel 3 quickly (but not instant) when he jumps up, cancel 6 when the proc ends
Rage Rotation
5c4dc3c2c1 5c4dc3c6c2c1, cancel 5 when the effects appear, cancel 4 as soon as the first two clones appear, cancel 3 quickly (but not instant) when he jumps up, cancel 2 when he shoots the laser, cancel 6 when the throne appears
Marvel Studios' Loki (TVA Suit)
Proc Rotation / ABX Rotation
3qc5c(6c)4 2dc1, kite and gather mobs around
Rage Rotation (Outside ABX)
2c3qc5c4 2dc1 3qc5c(6qc)4
Marvel Studios' Loki (President Loki)
Proc Rotation / ABX Rotation
3qc5c(6c)4 2dc1, kite and gather mobs around
Rage Rotation (Outside ABX)
2c3qc5c4 2dc1 3qc5c(6qc)4
Marvel Studios' Loki
Proc Rotation
(7)3qc5c(6c)4 2dc1
Rage Rotation
2c3qc5c4 2dc1 (7)3qc5c(6qc)4
Luke Cage
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Luke Cage
All-New, All-Different
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Luke Cage
Marvel Studios' Luke Cage
General Rotation
Luke Cage
Uptown Suit
Proc Rotation
3c(6c) 4dc5, cancel 3 and 6 (if available) instantly, cancel 4 when he slams and the massive crater appears
Luna Snow
General Rotation
Button mash, use 6 when the proc is one second from activation
Luna Snow
Andromeda Suit
General Rotation
Button mash, use 6 when the proc is one second from activation
Luna Snow
Lifestyle Series 1
General Rotation
Button mash, use 6 when the proc is one second from activation
Luna Snow
Light Sirius Armor
Rage/Judgement Rotation
5qc23, use 4qc after 5 if it is available, use 1qc if everything else is on cooldown
Tier-3 Ready
6dc into whatever is available, use only when the proc isn't active and cancel when the ice shards start flying
Luna Snow
Summer Lilac
Rage/Judgement Rotation
5c4c3dc1c2, cancel 3 when she raised her hand. Use 7 and 6c whenever available.
Madelyne Pryor
Rage Rotation
1c2c (6c)3dc5qc4, cancel 3 when the effects start swirling, cancel 5 when the red cloud appears
Proc Rotation
5c4 321, cancel 5 when she slams her sword, if she procs before that point do not cancel and play it out
Phoenix Five
Proc Rotation
5c4 321(1) 5 1321, cancel 5 when she slams her sword, if she procs before that point do not cancel and play it out, use the extra 1 if 5 is still on cooldown
Krakoan Winter
Proc Rotation
1c4c 3dc2c5 1 4c5c 3dc2c6, cancel 3 when the first portal appears
Marvel Rivals
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Marvel NOW!
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House of X
Rage Rotation
4c3c5dc 2c1 3c4c5dc 2c1c 3, when proc reaches 3 seconds, use 6. Cancel after he pushes his hands out
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 1dc2, when ready use 6dc3c4c5 when there's 2 secs left on proc, cancel 6 when he pushes his hands forward
Krakoan Winter
Rage Rotation
Button Mash: all cancels are instant except 5 (cancel when the purple sphere appears) and 2 (cancel when the snowflake appears). If Tier-4, make sure you use 7 when the rage proc is active
Proc Rotation
(6c)3c4c5 (2qc1), you will have to do 3c4c5 twice at the start to charge 6
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Marvel Studios' Eternals
Proc Rotation
3dc(6 or 4)c5, cancel 3 when she does her first dash past the enemy, use 6 if it is ready and 4 otherwise, and you can try 4qc if you are very brave
Rage Rotation
(6c)3dc2qc4qc5, cancel 3 when she does her first dash past the enemy
Thor: The Dark World
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All-New, All-Different
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War of the Realms
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
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Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
(6c)5c3dc4, cancel 3 when she puts her hands to the ground
War of Kings
General Rotation
34521, cooldowns might get misaligned after the first rotation, so just prioritise 3 then 4. You can save 5 for an emergency iframe, and save 2 for an emergency paralyse
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4, cancel 5 when he lands
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
5 3c12(4), use 4 if 5 is not ready
Awakened Ready
Monsters Unleashed! (MFF Variant)
Proc Rotation
5431, 3c6 if relevant
Inhumans vs X-Men
Proc Rotation
3c5 4
Awakened Ready / One-Shot
3c (coop c) 6dc 4c5, cancel 6 when Crystal and Kamala appear, instant cancel all the rest
Rage/Judgement Rotation
3 to change forms, then repeat 2dc1qc5qc(6qc)4, cancel 2 when the fireball appears
Proc Rotation
3 to change forms, then 2c5qc4 1 and 2c5c6qc4 1 when ready. Cancel 5 and 6 when the flames appear
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
All-New, All-Different
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Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Into the Spider-Verse
Single-Target Proc Rotation
4dc5 23, cancel 4 when the crack in the earth appears
SL Rumble Proc Rotation
51 4dc3, cancel 4 when the crack in the earth appears
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Absolute Carnage
Proc Rotation
3dc5 4(1), cancel 3 when the ground web appears
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Anniversary Special
Proc Rotation
3c5qc4 2c1 3c4c5qc6
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Proc Rotation
2c1c 3c5c(6c)4, use 7 whenever available
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Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel
Proc Rotation
5dc3c4, cancel 5 when the spaceship comes down
Mister Fantastic
Proc Rotation
543 21, when ready 4c6, cancel 4 when the buffs apply in the first hit
Mister Fantastic
Future Foundation
General Rotation
52c1c4c3 to charge, then 4c3c6
Mister Fantastic
The Maker
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
3c4dc5 kite 3c5c4dc6, stop kiting when 5 is available, cancel 4 when he slams his arms down, other cancels are instant for T3 charge
Tier-2 Proc Rotation
3c4dc5 then kite or use 1 or 2, cancel 4 when he slams his arms down
Mister Fantastic
The Fall of the Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
1c3c5dc4(c6) 2, cancel 5 immediately after he fires the beam (has to be immediate especially on the T3 rotation or else you may lose the proc) and use 7 whenever available
Mister Sinister
Proc Rotation
21 3dc 5dc4, you can proc on either 2 or 1, cancel 3 when the buffs apply, cancel 5 after a couple seconds when he explodes
Mister Sinister
Hellfire Gala
Proc Rotation
4c(6c)5 1dc2dc3dc, cancel 1 and 2 when the summons appear, cancel 3 when he raises his arms and the buffs apply, use 6 on the second rotation so it gets the summon attack increase. You can leave out either 1 or 2 if the proc is missing too much
Misty Knight
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
52c43, cancel 2 when she stuns, try and keep enemies in the ice pool she leaves after 5
Heroic Age
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Bobbi Morse
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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All-New, All-Different
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General Rotation
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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Proc Rotation
Molecule Man
Proc Rotation
4dc5 3, cancel 4 when he claps and a black hole forms
Tier-3 Ready (Tentative)
Cancel it somewhere before 5 for buffs, either 6c4dc5 or 4dc6c5 depending on availability
Molten Man
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Rage Rotation
52c34, stack residual from end of 4 into proc on 5
Proc Rotation
Try the rage rotation, if 4 steals the proc too much, use 523
Moon Girl
Marvel NOW!
Proc Rotation
3dc5 142, cancel 3 when the toy appears
Moon Girl
Monsters Unleashed! (MFF Variant)
Proc Rotation
5dc4 132, cancel 5 after you see the blue streaks appear
Moon Knight
Proc Rotation
2dc5c4 13, if possible 2dc5c6. Cancel 2 when he throws the discs
Moon Knight
Proc Rotation
2dc5c4 13, if possible 2dc5c6. Cancel 2 when he throws the discs
Moon Knight
Mr. Knight
Awakened Ready
3dc5c6dc 3dc5c4, cancel 3 when he tosses the grenade back but before it hits the enemy, cancel 6 when the proc runs out
General Rotation
3dc5c4 (kite or 2c1), cancel 3 when he tosses the grenade back but before it hits the enemy, use 2c1 if you have rage
WBU One-Shot
coop c 3c5c6c4
Knull Last x30 bars
3dc5c6dc 2c1 3dc5c4, cancel 3 as usual, cancel 6 when 1 second is left on the proc. If awakened is not ready do 1c3dc5c4, 1 is to get close to Knull so you can cancel into 4 properly
Awakened Ready (Hard)
3dc5c4, when there are 2-3 seconds on the proc, use 6, and cancel into the normal rotation when Elsa backflips
Moon Knight
Marvel Studios' Moon Knight
Proc Rotation
(6c)3qc4c5, cancel 3 when he throws the grenades
Dark Avengers
Proc Rotation
5c(4c)(coop c)(6c)3 kite, use 4 / co-op skill / 6 if they are available to use
Proc Rotation
5 31 2c4 12c, cancel 2 when the effects appear
Awakened Ready
3c(5c)6, use 5c if you need the pierce, make sure the buff from the end of 4 has a good duration before starting
Morgan le Fay
Proc Rotation
5c4 132, you can leave 2 out if it steals the proc too much
Morgan le Fay
Fallen Soul
Proc Rotation
4dc2qc1qc5qc3 5c3c4dc2qc6, cancel 4 when the circle starts to appear, cancel 2 when the first skull appears, cancel 1 when she stomps, on the first rotation cancel 5 quicker than a regular quick cancel and on the second rotation cancel it as quickly as possible
DPS Proc Rotation
2c5134, cancel 2 when big Mysterio appears
Safe Proc Rotation
52c134, cancel 2 when big Mysterio appears
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Simple Proc Rotation
3c4c5dc21, cancel 5 when the huge Mysterio appears, if it procs on 5 do not cancel
Complex Proc Rotation
4c5 31 4c2 13 4c5dc2 31, cancel 5 when the huge Mysterio appears
Summer Mystery
Proc Rotation
ABX Rage Rotation
3c4dc5dc6 when awaken is ready, otherwise 3c4dc5, cancel 4 when wolverine appears
Def Down Proc Rotation
3c6dc 45 2c1, cancel 6 when Magneto's ball appears
Hellfire Gala
Rage Rotation
4dc3qc2qc5dc1(c6dc), cancel 4 when Colossus shows up, cancel 5 when the explosion occurs, cancel 6 into the same rotation after 4 slashes, use 7 whenever ready
Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne)
Proc Rotation
543c, cancel 3 when she throws the discs, proc on 4 is also acceptable
Rage - Regular Rotation
Rage - T3 Ready (ABX/DRX/GBR)
5c6dc4c3, cancel 6 after he slams his trident
Rage - T3 Ready (WBU)
5c4c6 when two seconds are left on the proc
Phoenix Five
Rage - Regular Rotation
Rage - T3 Ready (ABX/DRX/GBR)
5c6dc4c3, cancel 6 after he slams his trident
Rage - T3 Ready (WBU)
5c4c6 when two seconds are left on the proc
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Rage/Judgement Rotation
5dc(7c)4c2c3(c6) 1, cancel 5 when the water circle appears
Guardians of the Galaxy
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Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
4dc5 231, cancel 4 when she slams her staff on the ground
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
4dc5 231, cancel 4 when she slams her staff on the ground
Super Nova Nebula
Marvel Studios' What If...?
Proc Rotation
(6c)5c3c4 2dc1, cancel 2 when the arrows appear
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Proc Rotation
3c5 42, cancel 3 when the buffs apply
Nick Fury
General Rotation
5c43, then spam 1 and 2 since 4 has a long cooldown, cancel 5 when the shield bubble appears
Nick Fury
Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel
General Rotation
5c43, then spam 1 and 2 since 4 has a long cooldown, cancel 5 when the shield bubble appears
Nick Fury
Marvel Studios' The Marvels
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3c5qc(6qc)4, cancel 5 when he shoots his gun upwards, cancel 6 when he throws the charge
Nick Fury
Secret Avengers
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General Rotation
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Nova (Richard Rider)
Proc Rotation
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Rage Rotation
3c5dc (cancel when big Odin appears) 4dc (let it play for about two seconds) 1c2c 3c5dc 2c 6 (cancel when Thor and Loki appear) 4 (let it play out) 2c1. Try to proc on 5dc4 in the first part, and proc on 6 towards the end
Avengers 1,000,000 BC
Proc Rotation
3c(6qc)5c4, use 7 whenever
What If... Zombies?!
Proc Rotation
3c5(d)c4 1c2 3c5(d)c4c6, cancel 5 once she throws the spear up or instanly if it activates the proc early on your first rotation
Omega Red
Proc Rotation
5c4c3 1 5c4c3c6
Phil Coulson
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Phil Coulson
A.O.S. Season 3
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Phil Coulson
Winter Ops
Complex Proc Rotation
1c2c 5dc3dc4 then 1c2c 4c5dc3dc6, cancel 5 when the bubble appears and cancel 3 when he shoots the snowballs up
Simple Proc Rotation
1c2c 3c5dc4 then 1c2c 3c4c5dc6, cancel 5 when the bubble appears, this is more proc-friendly
Recommended Proc Rotation
1c2c 5dc3dc4 then 1c2c 4c3c5dc6, cancel 5 when the bubble appears and cancel 3 when he shoots the snowballs up, instant cancel 3 on the Tier-3 rotation
Proc Rotation
2, get hit then cancel, 54, then kite until enemies are free
Proc Rotation
Rage Rotation
Professor X
Proc Rotation
4c5(c6) 2c1c3
One-Shot Rotation
coop c 5c4c3 1
Rage/Judgement Rotation
4qc5qc(6qc) 2dc1qc3, cancel 2 when he leaps back and shoots the energy
Professor X
Proc Rotation
4dc3c5, cancel 4 quickly when he makes the mind wave. When ready 6dc3c5 or 5c3c6, cancel 5 when the damage starts or cancel 6 when the Cerebro effect appears
Rage/Judgement Rotation
4qc5qc(6qc) 2dc1qc3, cancel 2 when he dashes
Professor X
Quiet Council
Rage/Judgement rotation
(6qc)5c3qc4 2dc1, use 7 whenever ready
Proxima Midnight
Proc Rotation
2c, then repeat 4dc5 2c3 2c1 2. Cancel 2 when she moves in but before she attacks, cancel 4 when all the spears appear
Proxima Midnight
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
1c4c5 23, cancel 1 and 4 when the spears appear
Proxima Midnight
Dark Obsidian Armor
Tier-2 Proc Rotation
5dc3dc4h 1c2, cancel 5 when she throws the spear, cancel 3 when all the spears appear, hold 4 until it attacks, cancel 1 when she throws the spears
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
2c 5dc3dc4h 1qc2 5dc4hdc3dc6, cancel 2 instantly the first time to charge, cancel 5 when she throws the spear, cancel 3 when all the spears appear, hold 4 until it attacks the first time but cancel it after about a second when the buffs apply in the rotation with 6, cancel 1 when she throws the spears.
Proc Rotation (Complex) / Rage Rotation
5dc3dc4h 1c2 5dc3dc4h 6dc 5dc3dc(move around)4h, cancel 5 and 1 when she throws the spear(s), cancel 3 when all the spears appear, cancel 6 when you see the iframe icon. In the rotation after you use 6, use the v-pad to move around after pressing 3 to cancel the skill so you can proc on 4h
DPS Proc Rotation
3dc54, cancel 3 when she throws the mind blades, start 3 close to the enemy so you can cancel to 5
Safe Proc Rotation
53dc4, cancel 3 when she throws the mind blades
Proc Rotation
3hdc4dc(6c)5, hold 3 and cancel after two charges, cancel 4 after the first hit when she flips up
Captain Britain
Hellfire Gala
Proc Rotation
3c4dc(6c)5, cancel 4 right before she starts attacking
Summer Vacation
Rage/Judgement Rotation
(6qc)3qc4qc5, use 7 whenever available.
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War Journal
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Marvel Studios' Daredevil
General Rotation
5234(1), use 1 if 5 is still on cooldown
Marvel Legacy
Proc Rotation
54 31 (2), use 2 if 5 is still on cooldown
Cosmic Ghost Rider
Rage Rotation
3dc542dc1c, cancel 3 when the chains appear
Proc Rotation
3c452dc1, you can try proc on 5 if 4 is too inconsistent
Fist of the Beast
Proc Rotation
3c4dc5 3c5c4dc6, cancel 4 when the logo appears. 1 and 2 can be used for filler
Marvel Television's Daredevil: Born Again
Proc Rotation
5qc1c2c4 3, then 1c2c4c 5qc6dc, cancel 6 into 5qc of the next rotation when it comes off cooldown
Quasar (Avril Kincaid)
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
2dc3c5 4 (1), cancel 2 when she dashes past the enemy, cancel 3 when the two orbs appear, use 1 if you still have time
Quasar (Avril Kincaid)
Proc Rotation
5dc3c4 2dc1, cancel 5 when she stomps, cancel 2 when she dashes past
Awakened Ready
5(d)c3c4c6, you can try to cancel 5 after she stomps but it steals proc often - recommended to instant cancel unless you have Rage
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Marvel Legacy
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Uncanny Avengers
General Rotation
5c42c1c3dc, when ready 5c3c6
Summer Days
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 21c, when ready 3c(4c)5c6, don't use 4 in the rotation with 6 if it steals proc too often
Mighty Avengers
Proc Rotation
4c3dc5(c6), cancel 3 once his hands touch the ground
Rage Rotation
(7)3dc5c(6dc)4, cancel 6 once he's about to move forward
Rachel Summers
Proc Rotation
521 3c421, cancel 3 when the orb appears
Burst (WBI) Rotation
4c5, cancel 4 when the first orbs start to appear
Rachel Summers
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Proc Rotation
(6c)3dc4c5, cancel 3 after her jump when the black hole appears
Red Guardian
Proc Rotation
5 3c4, when ready 5c6
Red Guardian
Marvel Studios' Black Widow
Proc Rotation
5 3c4, when ready 3c5c6, cancel 3 after his flex animation
Red Hulk
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Red Hulk
Marvel NOW!
General Rotation
3dc5dc 24, cancel 3 when immunity applies, cancel 5 when he stops spinning
Red Hulk
Symbiote of Vengeance
Proc Rotation
5c3 24, cancel 5 when the lava pool appears, try to use residual damage on end of 4 in subsequent rotations
Red Hulk
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Brave New World
Proc Rotation
Rage/Judgement Rotation
(6c)5dc3c1c444444, cancel 5 when he explodes
Red She-Hulk
Proc Rotation
3, get hit, 54
Rage Rotation
3dc125dc4, cancel 3 when the accumulation buff is applied
Red Skull
Captain America: The First Avenger
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Red Skull
Secret Wars: Red Skull
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Red Skull
Hydra Armor
Proc Rotation
5c (2dc6 or 2dc43)x2, x2 means use the rotation in the brackets twice, cancel 2 when he swoops off-screen
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5dc4 31 kite, cancel 5 when the energy bomb reaches full size
Proc Rotation
5dc4 12, cancel 5 when the energy balls appear, you can use 3 when you need heals but it will steal procs otherwise
Awakened Ready
5dc4c6, cancel 5 when the energy balls appear
Invincible Iron Man
Proc Rotation
3qc4dc5(c6), cancel 3 when the shield appears and 4 she fires the beams
General Rotation
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Marvel NOW!
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Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Lord of Vengeance
Proc Rotation
(6c)3dc5 4, cancel 3 when he throws the chains
Rocket Raccoon
Guardians of the Galaxy
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Rocket Raccoon
All-New, All-Different
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Rocket Raccoon
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
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Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
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Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5342(1), skip 1 if you don't have time or if it steals the proc
Rocket Raccoon
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
5342(1), skip 1 if you don't have time or if it steals the proc
Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
5qc3c4(c6) 2c111
Rage Rotation
General Rotation
5123, auto attack until one second of immunity remains, then 4
Age of Apocalypse
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Uncanny Avengers
Rage Rotation
5dc2c4dc3dc1, cancel 5 after the orange circle around Rogue explodes, cancel 4 when the ice tornadoes come out, cancel 3 when the meteors come down
Proc Rotation
3c4dc5(c6) 2, cancel 4 when the cracks in the ground appear, instant cancel 5 into 6 when ready
Rage/Judgement Rotation
3c4dc5dc(6) 21dc, cancel 4 when the cracks in the ground appear, cancel 5 when she slams down, cancel 1 when she slashes
Winter Ops
Rage/Judgement Rotation
3qc5c4(c6) 1c2, use 7 when the T3 rotation is ready
Guardians of the Galaxy
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General Rotation
Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel
Proc Rotation
5hdc4 32dc, hold 5 until heal if you need but only about a second otherwise, cancel 2 once 5 is ready
Proc Rotation
4dc3c5(c6), cancel 4 just before he shoots the beam or instantly if it procs
Brotherhood of Mutants
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Uncanny Avengers
Proc Rotation
5 3hdc, h means hold, cancel 3 when he does the final slash downwards
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4(c6), cancel 5 as soon as he lunges forward
Nova (Sam Alexander)
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
3c5c2 14
Squad Battle Rotation
5c3 for mobs, 5c23 otherwise
Proc Rotation
5c4 3c1, cancel 5 when the big Sandman appears, cancel 3 when the buffs apply
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Marvel Legacy
General Rotation
53c42(dc), cancel 3 when the demons appear, cancel 2 if/when 5 is ready
Ascended One
Proc Rotation
Scarlet Spider
One-Shot Rotation
coop c 3c4c5c2
Simple Proc Rotation
Complex Proc Rotation
4dc3c5c2, cancel 4 when he starts coming down, cancel 5 when the tank appears
Dark Web
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4(c6), cancel 5 when the tubes show up from the ground
Scarlet Witch
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Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
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Scarlet Witch
Uncanny Avengers
Proc Rotation
4c3 first rotation to align proc, then 5dc4 3, cancel 5 when the beam appears. When ready 5dc4c6
Scarlet Witch
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
5dc4c3, cancel 5 when the ground opens up, cancel 4 almost instantly but if you proc on 4 let it play out. When ready, 5dc4c6
Rage Rotation
Same as proc rotation, but always cancel 4 after a short delay
Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios' WandaVision
Rage/Judgement Rotation
1qc5qc2qc4qc3 1qc4qc3 1qc6dc5qc2qc4qc1qc3 All cancels are fast but not quite instant: cancel 2 when the circle around her appears, cancel 4 quickly but not instant, cancel 5 when the Hex shows up, cancel 1 when the orbs start flying, cancel 6 when she lands on the ground
Proc Rotation
2c5c 4qc3 first rotation, then repeat: kite 1 4qc3(dc6dc) 2c5qc4qc3. Cancel 2 instantly always, cancel 5 instantly the first time but wait for the hex to appear in future rotations, cancel 4 when the cyclones appear, if 6 is ready then cancel 3 when there is one second left on the proc, cancel 6 right before she lands
Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2
Rage/Judgement Rotation
2c1c3qc4qc(6dc)5, cancel 6 when she lands
Proc Rotation
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch
Rage/Judgement Rotation
(6dc)5c3c2qc1qc4, use 7 whenever available and cancel 6 once she lands (try to time it to when your Rage/Judgement proc is about to activate). Note that the residuals of 6 may start your proc early on your next rotation
Proc Rotation
4hdc5 3c(2), cancel 4 when his tail throws the projectiles up, cancel 3 when the crack in the ground first appears, you can use 2 to fill time if 4 is not ready yet. First rotation can start with 5 to align the proc
Rage Rotation
4hdc3dc5 (2), first rotation can start with 5 to align the rage window as triggering immediately on 4 is no good. Cancels on 4 and 3 are same as with Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
3c5 4, if the enemy runs out of range of 5, use 3c4 5
Proc Rotation
(6c)5c3c4, cancel very quickly!
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Nimrod The Lesser
Proc Rotation
3 get hit dc 4dc5, cancel 3 when you get hit, cancel 4 when he lands
Proc Rotation
2c5c4 1c3, cancel 5 when the effects appear, cancel 1 for the T3 charge
Tier-3 Ready
General Rotation
(7)4qc5c3(c6) 2c1, cancel 4 as soon as he stomps. If using a damage proc, cancel 4 instantly during the T3 rotation
Proc Rotation
3 (get hit) c 2dc5dc4 (1), try to use 3 when you know you are about to get hit (if you do not get hit cancel anyway and try next rotation), cancel 2 when three orbs appear, delay cancel 5 very slightly, use 1 if you have time
Marvel Studios' Eternals
Proc Rotation
Shadow Shell
Rage Rotation
4c5(c6) 3c11
Shadow Shell
Moon Temple Defenders
Proc Rotation
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Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi
Proc Rotation
3dc5 1c2c5c 6qc4 1, cancel 3 when the invincibility activates
Agent 13
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Agent 13
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Captain America 75th Anniversary
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Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Star Light Armor
Proc Rotation
35dc(4 or 6)2 if your timing allows, otherwise 3542
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Dark Star Armor
Proc Rotation
3c4 12 on first rotation to align proc, subsequent rotations are 3c5dc4 12, when ready 3c5dc6. Get hit before cancelling 3, cancel 5 after spear thrust
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Star Night Armor
General Rotation
3c5dc, get hit, 4 or 6 if ready
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Light Sirius Armor
Proc Rotation
2c3c5qc4 1dc2 2c3c4c5qc6, cancel 1 when she throws the blade
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Poseidon Armor
Proc Rotation
3c5qc4 1c2, when ready (7)3c4c5qc6
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
Arctic Warrior
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 1c2 3c4c5c6, use 7 when available
Secret Wars: A-Force
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Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
Proc Rotation
5c3dc4, when ready 4c5c3dc6, cancel 3 when she punches
Marvel Legacy
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Marvel Studios' Black Panther
Proc Rotation
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Proc Rotation
(6c)5dc4c3, cancel 5 when she finishes throwing the beads
Black Panther
Marvel Studios' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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General Rotation
3c54 321
Asgard Invasion
Proc Rotation
3c5 then repeat (6dc)3c5, use 6 when there are two seconds left on the proc and cancel when the slashes start
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
14 53 (2), use 2 if you still have time or as an emergency i-frame
Web Suit
Proc Rotation
1c4 35dc, cancel 1 when the web hits, cancel 5 when 4 is almost ready
Summer Days
General Rotation
(6dc)3c4qc5, cancel 6 when the lasers appear
Proc Rotation
Silver Surfer
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Silver Surfer
No Proc Rotation
3 counter 5c4dc2dc1, cancel 5 when the effects start, cancel 4 right after he lands, cancel 2 when he shoots the beam
Proc Rotation
5c3 counter 4 kite, cancel 5 when the effects start. When ready, use 6 when there are four seconds left on the proc cooldown and restart the rotation
Rage Rotation
5c3 (counter) dc (2)4dc, cancel 5 when the effects start, cancel 3 before he does the blast, use 2 if you counter or cancel 3 quickly, cancel 4 when he slams onto the ground
Rage Rotation - Tier-3 Ready
6c5c3 (counter) dc 4, activate 6 in between procs, cancel as soon as the light ball is thrown
Easy Proc Rotation
3c5 4(dc2 or kite), cancel 4 when he slams into the ground
Silver Surfer
Void Knight
General Rotation
(7)(6dc)3c4c5, cancel 6 once the orb reaches its apex and Surfer is back in view
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
5dc4 23 kite, cancel 5 into 4 whenever you start getting slapped
Rage Returned
Proc Rotation
(6c)2dc5dc3c4, cancel 2 when she throws the grenade, cancel 5 when she raises her hand - slightly more delayed than a qc
Secret Wars: A-Force
Proc Rotation
3dc5 42(1), cancel 3 when the ball appears
Sister Grimm
Secret Wars: A-Force
General Rotation
1dc2345, cancel 1 before she lands to get close to the enemy
Sister Grimm
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
1dc2345, cancel 1 before she lands to get close to the enemy
Sister Grimm
Proc Rotation
(6qc)5dc4qc3, cancel 5 right before the hits start and 4 once she dashes forward
Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
54 312dc, cancel 2 when he throws the axe
Proc Rotation
5dc4 (3), cancel 5 when the clones start to appear, you can omit 3 if it is stealing the proc
Proc Rotation
New Avengers
General Rotation
3c14, auto attack, 2, auto attack
Proc Rotation
13 4dc5 2, auto attack or kite. Cancel 4 when all the orbs appear behind her
Proc Rotation
Captain Monica Rambeau
Marvel Studios' The Marvels
Proc Rotation
All-New, All-Different
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Gwendolyne Stacy
General Rotation
4235, proc on 4 if you have one but it's difficult to align
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4, cancel 5 when the symbiote cloud appears
Proc Rotation - Awakened Ready
3c5dc4dc6, cancel 5 when the symbiote cloud appears, cancel 4 when the puddle appears beneath her
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
General Rotation
(6dc)3c4qc5, cancel 6 just before the lasers appear, use 7 whenever ready
ABX/ABL Sweat Rage Rotation
(6dc)3c4c2 5dc21, cancel 6 when the lasers appear, cancel 5 when she finishes spinning
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Secret Wars: Renew Your Vows
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Back to Basics
Proc Rotation
The Symbiote Suit
Proc Rotation
All-New, All-Different
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Spider-Man 2099
Proc Rotation
3c5 (4), cancel 3 when he dashes past the enemy, 4 if you still have time
Spider-Man 2099
All-New, All-Different
Proc Rotation
3dc5 (4), cancel 3 when he dashes past the enemy, 4 if you still have time
Spider-Man 2099
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Proc Rotation
2c3c4qc5(c6), you can move while using 5
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Spider-Man: Homecoming Homemade Suit
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Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
4dc5 312, cancel 4 when the debris rises
Spider-Man: Far From Home
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (Stealth Suit)
Proc Rotation
4c(5dc or 3 or 6) 12, cancel 5 after the bulk of the damage, use 5, 3 or 6 depending on what is available
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Integrated Suit)
Proc Rotation
3dc4dc(6c)5 1c2dc, cancel 3 when he starts moving forward, cancel 4 when he walks past the enemy, use 6 if it is available, cancel 2 into 3 when it comes off cooldown. You will need 2 regular rotations to charge Tier-3 the first time, but you can use it every 2nd rotation after
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Black & Gold Suit)
Proc Rotation
3dc4c(6c)5 1c2dc, cancel 3 when he starts moving forward, use 6 if it is available, cancel 2 into 3 when it comes off cooldown. You will need 2 regular rotations to charge Tier-3 the first time, but you can use it every 2nd rotation after
Awakened Ready
3c5c(4c)6, use the 4c if enemies can ignore i-frame
Proc Rotation
3(d)c54, if the proc is delayed do a delay cancel on 3, cancel after about half a second otherwise. If you are fighting Knull use delay cancel always
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Proc Rotation
Awakened Ready
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Proc Rotation
Squirrel Girl
New Avengers
DPS Rotation
5 2c4 13, cancel 2 when she hops on the enemy once
Safe Rotation
5 121 (3 or kite)
Squirrel Girl
Marvel NOW!
General Rotation
543121, you should be able to fit 3 into the stun from 4
Squirrel Girl
Nutty Titan
Proc Rotation
Guardians of the Galaxy
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Space Armor
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Guardians of the Galaxy 2
General Rotation
5 4 3dc2 (1), cancel 3 after he shoots the projectiles
Tier-3 Ready
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
5c4 3213, when ready 5c6, cancel 5 after he puts his headphones on
Proc Rotation
5qc4 first rotation, kite, then 3c5qc4 other rotations. When ready, 5qc4c6, don't use 3 here as it has a lower defense down cap than 6
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Proc Rotation
2c5dc3c4 5dc3c4(c67), cancel 5 shortly before the hits start
Proc Rotation
1c2c 3qc4c5 2c1 3c4c5c6
Rage Rotation
1c2c, then repeat 3qc4c5(c6) 2c1
Proc Rotation
3c5 412dc, cancel 2 when 3 is ready, 3c6 if applicable
X-Men Red
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Inhumans vs X-Men
Rage Rotation
3c4125, when ready 3c46 as soon as the rage proc ends
Proc Rotation
3c45, when ready 3c4c2c6 to stack defense/resist down
Krakoan Summer
Proc Rotation
2c3dc5c4(c6) 1, cancel 3 when she raises her hands, you can kite instead of using 1 if you want
Rage/Judgement Rotation
2dc3dc5c4(c6) 1, cancel 2 when the ice spikes appear, cancel 3 when she raises her hands, you can kite instead of using 1 if you want
Proc Rotation
2c3 5dc2c4dc3 2c5dc4dc3 14 repeat, cancel 5 when he lands, cancel 4 when the tornadoes appear
Proc Rotation
Sun Bird
Proc Rotation
4dc(64dc)5 2, cancel 4 when he dashes past
Sun Bird
Moon Temple Defenders
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Proc Rotation
3 2c5 4 then kite
Dark Obsidian Armor
Proc Rotation
(6dc)4c5qc2c3, cancel 6 when the other Black Order characters appear, cancel 5 quickly but not instantly
Simple Proc Rotation
4c5qc(6c)2c3 if you have trouble cancelling 6
Judgement Rotation
(6dc1qc)4c5qc2c3, cancel 6 when the other Black Order members show up, cancel 1 after you’ve moved close to the enemy (1 is only used to close the distance after 6), cancel 5 after the circle around her shows up, 4 and 2 are instant
Sword Master
Proc Rotation
5dc4 32dc, cancel 5 a moment after he slams his sword, but don't cancel if it procs on 5, cancel 2 when he dashes past
Sword Master
Proc Rotation
3c5dc(6 or 4), cancel 5 when he raises his sword, use 6 if ready and 4 otherwise
Marvel Studios' Loki
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
4dc5 2, cancel 4 when he shoots the arrows
Marvel Studios' Black Widow
Safe Proc Rotation
54dc32, cancel 4 when he shoots the arrows
DPS Proc Rotation
524dc, cancel 4 when he shoots the arrows so that the residual leads into the next 5, try and proc on 5 every second rotation
Tier-3 Ready
5qc6, cancel 5 when the shield throws, use with skill 4's residual from the previous rotation if possible
Proc Rotation
5dc4 2c3 1, cancel 5 when he pounds the ground, you can try 2c between 5dc and 4 but it will steal often
Phoenix Force
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
5 12 3c4, cancel 3 when the i-frame ends
Tier-3 Ready
Proc on 6
Secret Wars: Infinity
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Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
5dc4c3 12, cancel 5 when the portals appear
Tier-3 Ready
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5dc4c2 13, cancel 5 when the portals appear
Tier-3 Ready
Obsidian King
Proc Rotation
2c 1dc3c5c4 2 1dc3c5c4c6, cancel 1 when the smaller portals appear
Wise Harvester
Proc Rotation
(6qc)5c3c4(7), use 7 after the proc triggers on 4. You can also delay cancel 5 so that the hits start at about the same time
Rage Rotation
1c(6qc)5c3c42, use 7 whenever available
Thanos Wins
Rage Rotation
(6qc)1c3c4qc 2, use 7 whenever available
Proc Rotation
5dc4c2c3, cancel 5 when she first throws her spears
Marvel Studios' Eternals
Rage Rotation
2c4qc5dc3 2c1 2c4qc5dc3dc6, cancel 2 very fast but not instantly, cancel 5 when the first spear falls, cancel 3 the second time when there are three seconds on the rage proc
The Thing
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The Thing
Future Foundation
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The Thing
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)5 4, cancels are instant
The Thing
The Fall of the Fantastic Four
Proc Rotation
3dc(6c)5c4, cancel 3 immediately after he lands
The Avengers
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All-Father Reborn
Rage Rotation
5dc4qc3, when ready (7)5dc3c4c6; cancel 5 when he flies up and 4 after he dashes back to his starting position
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Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
4c5 31(2c), cancel 4 when the lightning strike appears, use 2 if 4 and 5 are not ready yet but cancel once they are
Tier-3 Ready
4c6, cancel 4 when the lightning strike appears
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3dc5 41, cancel 3 when he slams his axe, first rotation can start with 5 to align the proc
Tier-3 Ready
3dc6, cancel 3 when he slams his axe
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
3dc5 41, cancel 3 when he slams his axe, first rotation can start with 5 to align the proc
Tier-3 Ready
3dc6, cancel 3 when he slams his axe
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
3dc5 41, cancel 3 when he slams his axe, first rotation can start with 5 to align the proc
Tier-3 Ready
3dc6, cancel 3 when he slams his axe
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Herald of Thunder
Proc First Rotation
5dc4h, cancel 5 when he raises the hammer
Proc Rotation
3dc5c(4h or 2), cancel 3 when he slams, cancel 5 when he raises the hammer, use 4h if it is ready and 2 otherwise
Tier-3 Proc Rotation
5dc4h 3dc1 5dc2 3dc1c4hdc 5dc6, cancel 5 when he raises the hammer, cancel 3 when he slams, with 4hdc hold 4 then cancel it to 5dc6 as soon as 5 is ready
Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder
Proc Rotation
3qc4qc5(c6), cancel 3 as soon as you can but it won't let you instant cancel
Rage/Judgement Rotation
1c3dc5dc4 3dc5dc4qc6, cancel 3 when he slams his axe, cancel 5 when he lands after the cracks in the ground appear
Proc Rotation
5, then repeat 214 3 get hit 5
Fear Itself
Proc Rotation
3c(6c)4dc5 2, cancel 4 when she slams
Proc Rotation
(6c)3dc4qc5, cancel 3 when the tendrils go into the ground
General Rotation
54c2dc3, cancel 4 after he pounds the ground the first time, cancel 2 before he leaps
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Ultron Prime
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Ultron Mark 1
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Ultron Mark 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Infinity Ultron
Marvel Studios' What If...?
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 1c2 3c4c5c6
Ulysses Klaue
Marvel Studios' Black Panther
Proc Rotation
4c5 312
Valeria Richards
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok
Proc Rotation
52413 kite
Fearless Defenders
Proc Rotation
3c2c5 4, cancel 2 when she throws the spinning blade
Proc Rotation - Awakened (Almost) Ready
3c4 5dc 6dc3c4, cancel 5 after she swoops down the second time and the buffs apply, cancel 6 when the slashes start
Rage Rotation
3c45dc2c, cancel 5 when the buffs apply, cancel 2 when she throws the blade
Rage Rotation - Awakened Ready
3c6dc5dc2 1c3dc4, cancel 3 after two slashes, fit the rage proc within 4, and use 5 and 3 as soon as they are available, cancel 5 at the end when the buffs apply
Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder
Proc Rotation
3c5c2dc4, cancel 2 when she throws the spinning blade
Awakened Ready
Rage Rotation
(6c)3c5dc2qc4, cancel 5 after she jabs at the end, cancel 2 when she throws the spinning blade
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Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies
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War of the Realms
Proc Rotation
4dc5 23, cancel 4 when he bounces. When ready 4c5(dc)6, instant cancel 5 if proc is about to activate, if not play it out until the ball forms
King in Black
Rage Rotation
5dc3qc4 1c2, when ready 6dc5dc3qc4, cancel 5 when the black water spreads, cancel 3 when his axe reaches the ground, cancel 6 a half second after he slams down
Proc Rotation
3c5dc4 1c2 3c4c5dc6, cancel 5 when the symbiote pool appears on the ground
Rage Rotation
(6dc)5qc3c4 1c2, cancel 6 a half second after his hands go down
Proc Rotation
5c3c4 1c2 5c3c4c6
General Rotation
4dc23dc21c2, cancel 4 and 3 when circles appear on the ground
Emperor Guarder
Proc Rotation
2c4c3dc5 2c4c5c3dc6, cancel 3 immediately after she lands
Rage Rotation
2c3dc4dc5 2c3dc4dc5c6, cancel 3 immediately after she lands, cancel 4 when the portals with the spears appear behind her
Proc Rotation
5 2 3c4 2, cancel 3 when the summons land
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 12, use alternate rotation if proc is too hard to land on 5
Alternate Rotation
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 12, use alternate rotation if proc is too hard to land on 5
Alternate Rotation
Uncanny Avengers
Proc Rotation
3c4c5 12, use alternate rotation if proc is too hard to land on 5
Alternate Rotation
Marvel Studios' WandaVision
Proc Rotation
(6dc)3dc4dc5c2, slightly delay cancel 3, cancel 4 when three Visions appear (or sooner if proc is missing often), cancel 5 instantly, cancel 6 right before the explosions appear if available
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General Rotation
5dc4(2)1, cancel 5 when the i-frame runs out, skip 2 if you're scared about survivability, very hard to proc
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Proc Rotation
5241, if you take too much damage during 2, cancel it into 4
War Machine
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War Machine
Iron Patriot
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War Machine
Avengers: The Initiative
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War Machine
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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War Machine
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
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War Machine
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
Proc Rotation
5dc3 2dc4, cancel 5 when he flies offscreen (but let it play out if it procs on 5), cancel 2 when he flies up
War Machine
Team Suit
Proc Rotation
5dc3 2dc4, cancel 5 when he flies offscreen (but let it play out if it procs on 5), cancel 2 when he flies up
War Machine
Proc Rotation
3c5c4 12 3c4c5c6
War Machine
Invincible Iron Man
Proc Rotation
4c3c5(c6) 2, use 7 whenever available
Proc Rotation
2dc5 314, cancel 2 when he throws the blades
War Tiger
General Rotation
(6) 5dc2dc34dc(1), cancel 5 and 2 when he dashes past, cancel 4 when he dashes downwards after his emblem appears. Try to proc on 6, 5 or 4
War Tiger
Moon Temple Defenders
Proc Rotation
5qc4qc(6c)3, cancel 5 just before the tornadoes come out, cancel 4 after he throws the scythe
The Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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General Rotation
5324, try and stay inside the bubble
All-New, All-Different
General Rotation
5324, try and stay inside the bubble
Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp
Proc Rotation
2c4 53 (1c), cancel 2 after the first hit, use 1 if 4 is on cooldown but cancel it to 2 when 4 is ready
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Proc Rotation
(6c)(2c)3qc4c5, use 2 if you need the immunity
Proc Rotation
Proc Rotation
4c5 3
Awakened Ready
Weapon Hex
Infinity Warps
Proc Rotation
3c54, use residual from 4 in subsequent rotations
Weapon Hex
Infected Bioweapon
Proc Rotation
(6c)3dc5c4, cancel 3 once she slams down and use 7 whenever available
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
Proc Rotation
Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi
Proc Rotation
4dc5, cancel 4 when the rings start flying
Marvel Studios' What If...?
Proc Rotation
1c2c (6dc)3c4dc5, cancel 4 when he stomps, cancel 6 when he punches the ground
Marvel Studios' Iron Man 2
General Rotation
4352, if you have a proc 3 and 5 are good skills to proc on
White Fox
Proc Rotation
35 241, use residual on 1 and 3 to align the proc on 5
White Fox
Lifestyle Series 1
General Rotation
54321, if you have a proc, 5, 4 and 3 are about equal - it is very hard to proc with this uni
White Fox
Lifestyle Series 2
Proc Rotation
4qc(5 or 6) 13
White Tiger
New Avengers
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White Tiger
Marvel Television's Daredevil: Born Again
Proc Rotation
New Avengers
General Rotation
54(3) 21, 5 and 2 to snare
Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios' Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
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Winter Soldier
Captain America
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Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Proc Rotation
3 (get hit d)c 5dc4 12 5dc4 12, cancel 5 when the bombs start dropping. You can try to get hit after 3 for accumulation but it might steal the proc
Tier-3 Ready
3 (get hit d)c 5dc6, highly recommended to get hit for accumulation in Shadowland
Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios' The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Proc Rotation
3c2c5qc4, if Tier-3 then 3c2c4c5qc6, cancel 5 when the cloud of smoke appears
Winter Soldier
Proc Rotation
1c2c 5qc3c4(c6)
Rage Rotation
(6dc)5qc3c4, cancel 6 when the gunfire starts
Proc Rotation
2c3c4c5 2c3c5c4c6, repeat just the first sequence if Tier-2
Age of Apocalypse
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All-New Marvel NOW!
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Proc Rotation
3 counter 5 4dc2c1, get hit during 3 and let the counterattack play out, cancel 4 when he does the second slash, cancel 2 when the effects appear
Tier-3 Ready
4c3 counter 6, cancel 4 as soon as the buffs appear, get hit during 3 and let the counterattack play out
House of X
Proc Rotation
5 4dc2c(1)3, cancel 4 when he does the second slash, cancel 2 when the effects appear, use 1 if you have low attack speed
Tier-3 Ready
4c5c6, cancel 4 and 5 as soon as the buffs appear.
Enter the Phoenix
Rage/Judgement Rotation
3c2dc4c5 2dc3c4c5 2dc4c6, cancel 2 when he lands
Proc Rotation
(2dc)4c5 3, when ready 2c5c4c6. Cancel 2 when he lands, or move it to the end of the rotation if it is stealing the proc too much
X Deaths of Wolverine
Proc Rotation
2c1c4dc3c5(c6), cancel 4 after the second slash and use 7 whenever available
Marvel Studios' Deadpool & Wolverine
Proc Rotation
All-New, All-Different
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Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange
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Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2
Proc Rotation
1c2c3c5c4, put 6 into the rotation and instantly cancel whenever it is ready
What If... Zombies?!
Rage Rotation
1c2c3qc5c4, put 6 into the rotation and instantly cancel whenever it is ready
Proc Rotation
5 324, use residual from end of 4 on subsequent rotations
Proc Rotation
4235, use residual from end of 5 on subsequent rotations
All-New Wolverine
Proc Rotation
(6dc)3c5 4dc, cancel 6 when Gambit and Nightcrawler appear when available, cancel 4 when 3 and 5 are ready
Target X
Proc Rotation
(6qc)4qc3c5, cancel 6 just before Nightcrawler appears, cancel 4 immediately once she throws the grenade down, and use 7 whenever available
Yelena Belova
Proc Rotation
5dc3c(4 or 6) 1dc2, cancel 5 when the red circle appears, use 6 if ready and 4 if not, cancel 1 once she finishes shooting her pistols
Yelena Belova
Marvel Studios' Black Widow
Proc Rotation
5dc3c(4 or 6) 1dc2, cancel 5 when the red circle appears, use 6 if ready and 4 if not, cancel 1 once she finishes shooting her pistols
Yelena Belova
Marvel Studios' Black Widow (Snow Suit)
Proc Rotation
5dc3c(4 or 6) 1dc2, cancel 5 when the red circle appears, use 6 if ready and 4 if not, cancel 1 once she finishes shooting her pistols
Marvel Studios' Ant-Man
Proc Rotation
5dc4 23dc, cancel 5 when there is one second left on paralysis, cancel 3 when 5 is ready
Marvel NOW!
Proc Rotation
5dc4 23dc, cancel 5 when there is one second left on paralysis, cancel 3 when 5 is ready
Guardians of the Galaxy
Proc Rotation
4c5 21 (3), cancel 4 when four arrows appear, 3 optional as it is unsafe
All-New, All-Different
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Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Proc Rotation
4c5 2c3 (1), cancel 4 when four arrows appear, cancel 2 when the arrows appear
Summer Vacation
Proc Rotation
3c4dc5(c6), cancel 4 when fireworks explode