PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Gamma Radiation Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 4%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Gamma Radiation Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 6%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Gamma Radiation Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 22%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 8%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Gamma Radiation Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.4.5
- 10.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Absorbing Man
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 2% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 4%).
- • Can restore up to 2% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 3% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 6%).
- • Can restore up to 3% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 4% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 8%).
- • Can restore up to 4% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 5% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 10%).
- • Can restore up to 5% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
Update 8.3
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 3 & 10) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 3 & 10) [4★]
Adam Warlock
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 1%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 1.5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 2%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 2.5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
Update 7.8
- 9.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 30% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (11 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (11 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 40% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (13 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (13 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 50% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 7.5
Agent Venom
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Allies with Symbiote Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 25% HP or higher by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Symbiote Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 25% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Symbiote Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 25% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Symbiote Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 25% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4
- 10.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
America Chavez
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0
Ancient One
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0.5
- 8.0 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6
- 9.9 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from bosses by 14%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 14%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from bosses by 17%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 17%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8
- 8.8 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 20% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 30% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 40% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 50% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
Update 10.3.5b
- 10.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 9% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 4%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 6%, and an additional 0.13% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 13% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 8%, and an additional 0.16% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 15% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7.5
Baron Mordo
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 5% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (5.0% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 10% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (10.0% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
Update 8.0.5
Baron Zemo
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.6
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (20 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 30%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (20 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 45%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 40%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (20 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 50%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (20 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 8.6
Beta Ray Bill
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 19%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 21%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 23%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.8
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6
Black Bolt
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4.5b
Black Cat
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 4%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 4%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 12%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 16%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.7
Black Panther
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.3.5
Black Swan
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.9
Black Widow
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.1
- 10.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 70% chance when HP STEAL buff is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 7% and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (12 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 80% chance when HP STEAL buff is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8% and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 50%) (13 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 90% chance when HP STEAL buff is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 9% and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 60%) (14 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 100% chance when HP STEAL buff is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 70%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
Update 8.1
Blue Dragon
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.3.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 20% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 25% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 30% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 35% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.6
- 10.6 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate (regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate), and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct (Stacs up to 20%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate (regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate), and an additional 0.6% of Total Instinct (Stacs up to 25%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate (regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate), and an additional 0.7% of Total Instinct (Stacs up to 30%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate (regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate), and an additional 0.8% of Total Instinct (Stacs up to 35%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
Update 9.3
- 9.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Captain America
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 1, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 1, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 1, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 1, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
- 8.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 3, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 3, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 3, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 3, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
Captain Marvel
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5
- 9.5 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 8.4.5a
- 8.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Cassandra Nova
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 13%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.2
Cassie Lang
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 22%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 26%, and an additional 0.6% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8
- 8.8 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Skill Cooldown by 7%.
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Skill Cooldown by 8%.
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Skill Cooldown by 9%.
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Skill Cooldown by 10%.
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 50% rate when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 3%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 5 seconds
- Activation Rate: 50% rate when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 5%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 5 seconds
- Activation Rate: 50% rate when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 7%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 5 seconds
- Activation Rate: 50% rate when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 10%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 5 seconds
Update 7.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 4, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 4, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 4, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 4, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.6
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 14%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 17%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6
- 8.6 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 20%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 2 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 3 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5?% for each instance of damage ignored up to 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5?% for each instance of damage ignored up to 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 4 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5?% for each instance of damage ignored up to 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5?% for each instance of damage ignored up to 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 50%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 5 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 10.3.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.8
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 3%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 7%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 7.9.5a
- 10.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 2% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 4%).
- • Can restore up to 2% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 3% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 6%).
- • Can restore up to 3% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 4% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 8%).
- • Can restore up to 4% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
- Applies to: Self
- • Restores HP equal to 5% of Reflect Damage dealt to the target. Restores bonus HP equal to (Total Instinct * 10%).
- • Can restore up to 5% of Max HP and has a 1 sec Cooldown.
Update 8.2
Doctor Doom
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1.5b
- 10.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Doctor Octopus
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5b
- 7.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Doctor Strange
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 5% chance when TIME FREEZING skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • (5% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- • 35% chance to dodge ALL attacks, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 10% chance when TIME FREEZING skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • (10% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- • 40% chance to dodge ALL attacks, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when TIME FREEZING skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • (15% + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- • 45% chance to dodge ALL attacks, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when TIME FREEZING skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • (20% + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 24%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- • 50% chance to dodge ALL attacks, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
Update 8.0
- 8.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Doctor Voodoo
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.4
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • [P1]% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional [P2]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- • [P3]% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • [P1]% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional [P2]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- • [P3]% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • [P1]% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional [P2]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- • [P3]% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) ([P5] sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 50% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 9.3
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 2% and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 3% and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 50%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 4% and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 60%) (11 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when hit
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 70%) (12 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
Update 7.8
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 7 & 14) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 7 & 14) [4★]
Ebony Maw
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Allies with Black Order Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Black Order Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Black Order Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Black Order Ability
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.9.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.8
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 4 & 11) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 4 & 11) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 90% chance when SHOCK skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 2% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 30%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 90% chance when SHOCK skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 3% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (11 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 90% chance when SHOCK skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 4% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 50%) (12 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: 90% chance when SHOCK skill is used
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 60%) (13 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
Update 7.9.5b
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 20% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 25% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 30% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 35% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.1.5
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 5 & 12) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 5 & 12) [4★]
Emma Frost
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Reflects 20% of basic damage received, regardless of the attacker's defense effects, (50% of Max Attack), and increases Max ATK Ratio by 0.2 of total Instinct.
- Applies to: Self
- • Reflects 25% of basic damage received, regardless of the attacker's defense effects, (50% of Max Attack), and increases Max ATK Ratio by 0.3 of total Instinct.
- Applies to: Self
- • Reflects 30% of basic damage received, regardless of the attacker's defense effects, (50% of Max Attack), and increases Max ATK Ratio by 0.4 of total Instinct.
- Applies to: Self
- • Reflects 35% of basic damage received, regardless of the attacker's defense effects, (50% of Max Attack), and increases Max ATK Ratio by 0.5 of total Instinct.
Update 7.7
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 6 & 13) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 6 & 13) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 15% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 20% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 25% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 30% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Max HP by 19%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Max HP by 22%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Max HP by 25%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.4
Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.35% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0
Franklin Richards
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 5% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (2 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 15% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (3 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 10.1
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.6
- 10.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.8
- 9.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Ghost Panther
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 15% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 20% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 25% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 30% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7.5
Ghost Rider
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 9.4.5
- 9.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: Allies with FLAME Ability
- • Increases Fire Damage by 20% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (7 sec.)
- • Increases Fire Damage by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: Allies with FLAME Ability
- • Increases Fire Damage by 23% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- • Increases Fire Damage by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: Allies with FLAME Ability
- • Increases Fire Damage by 26% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- • Increases Fire Damage by 12%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: Allies with FLAME Ability
- • Increases Fire Damage by 30% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (10 sec.)
- • Increases Fire Damage by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
Update 8.1
- 8.1 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 45%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 55%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 65%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 80%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 75%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 7.6
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Shock and Awe) [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.8
- 9.8 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4
- 8.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Green Goblin
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 22%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 26%, and an additional 0.6% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5b
- 8.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.0.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5a
- 7.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
- 10.2 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% for every 1% of Critical Rate regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate.
- • Increases Basic Damage by Total Instinct * 0.5%.
- • Basic Damage increases up to 20%. (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% for every 1% of Critical Rate regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate.
- • Increases Basic Damage by Total Instinct * 0.6%.
- • Basic Damage increases up to 25%. (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% for every 1% of Critical Rate regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate.
- • Increases Basic Damage by Total Instinct * 0.7%.
- • Basic Damage increases up to 30%. (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% for every 1% of Critical Rate regardless of Guaranteed Critical Rate.
- • Increases Basic Damage by Total Instinct * 0.8%.
- • Basic Damage increases up to 35%. (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
Update 7.9
- 7.9 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%.
- • Additional increase by 0.1% of Total Instinct (up to 200% of the base value). (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (6 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 14%.
- • Additional increase by 0.1% of Total Instinct (up to 200% of the base value). (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (7 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 17%.
- • Additional increase by 0.1% of Total Instinct (up to 200% of the base value). (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (8 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%.
- • Additional increase by 0.1% of Total Instinct (up to 200% of the base value). (8 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
Update 7.9
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 60%
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Recovers HP by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 30 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 60%
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Recovers HP by 40%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 30 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 60%
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 30 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 60%
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 30 seconds
Update 7.6
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 7.6
- 9.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 15% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 20% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 25% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Fire Damage by 30% of Fire Resist, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.9
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0
Hope Summers
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Mutant Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases HP by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases HP by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases HP by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases HP by 25%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.3
- 8.3 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Hulkbuster (Iron Man Mark 44)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.3
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 22%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.3
Human Torch
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 20% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Resistances by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 23% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Resistances by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 26% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Resistances by 16%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 30% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Resistances by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (6 sec.)
- (5.0 + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 17 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (7 sec.)
- (5.0 + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 17 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- (5.0 + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (8 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 17 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- (5.0 + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 17 seconds
Update 7.5
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Madness Ensues) [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 45%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 45%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 55%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 55%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 60%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 9.8
Invisible Woman
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1
- 10.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Iron Hammer
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 15% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 20% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 25% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 30% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7.5
Iron Man
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 25%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.1
- 8.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.5
Jean Grey
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6
- 8.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 40%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 40%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 60%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 70%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 8.3
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6
- 9.6 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Kang the Conqueror
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.2.5
- 9.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6
Kid Omega
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.7
- 9.7 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.4
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.6
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Shock and Awe) [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 30%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 50%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 60%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
Update 7.7
Kitty Pryde
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.5.5
- 10.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5
Kraven The Hunter
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.9
- 8.9 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.7
Lincoln Campbell
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 15% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 20% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 25% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 30% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.9
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct (Up to 20%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate, and an additional 0.6% of Total Instinct (Up to 25%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate, and an additional 0.7% of Total Instinct (Up to 30%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage by 0.2% per 1% of Critical Rate, and an additional 0.8% of Total Instinct (Up to 35%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 15 seconds
Update 9.5.5
- 9.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Luna Snow
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 20% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 30% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 40% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 50% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 7, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 7, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 7, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 7, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.35% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.5
- 8.5 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8
Madelyne Pryor
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 9.7
- 9.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
Update 8.6.5
- 10.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 14%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 17%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6.5
- 8.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Madness Ensues) [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.2
- 9.2 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 30%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 40%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 40%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 60%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 9.4
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.0
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5
Mister Fantastic
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 13%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1
Mister Sinister
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Summons a clone when the effect has been activated.
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Immunity to Incapacitation effect. (4 sec.)
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Summons a clone when the effect has been activated.
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Immunity to Incapacitation effect. (5 sec.)
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Summons a clone when the effect has been activated.
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Immunity to Incapacitation effect. (6 sec.)
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Summons a clone when the effect has been activated.
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Immunity to Incapacitation effect. (7 sec.)
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 7.7
Misty Knight
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 15% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 20% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 25% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Cold Damage by 30% of Cold Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.8
Molten Man
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.5
Moon Girl
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.5
Moon Knight
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.1.5
- 8.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Morgan le Fay
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 25%, and an additional 0.6% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4.5b
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.3.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5b
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.7.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 25%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.5
- 8.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.0
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Instinct Critical Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.2
Nick Fury
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 4%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 6%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 8%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5
- 9.5 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
- 10.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Nova (Sam Alexander)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 16%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 13%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.1
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 2 & 9) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 2 & 9) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.2
- 9.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.4
- 10.4 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Omega Red
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 2% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 30%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 3% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (11 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 4% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 50%) (12 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5% and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 60%) (13 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
Update 9.3
Phil Coulson
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Hero Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6.5
- 9.6 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 14%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 17%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.6% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.6
Professor X
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 15% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 20% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 25% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Mind Damage by 30% of Mind Resist, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8.5
- 8.8 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 20% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 25% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 30% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 35% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 30% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (10 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 14%, and an additional 0.13% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (10 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 40% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (12 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 17%, and an additional 0.16% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (12 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Self
- • 50% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (14 sec.)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (14 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 8.5.5
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Allies with Annihilators Ability
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 9%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Annihilators Ability
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Annihilators Ability
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 13%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Annihilators Ability
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.8
- 9.8 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0.5
- 10.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Rachel Summers
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 20% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 30% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 40% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 50% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
Update 9.7
- 9.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Red Hulk
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.7
Red She-Hulk
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.7
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.3
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 40%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 40%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 60%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 70%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 8.9
Rocket Raccoon
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.0
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 9%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 11%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 13%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.8.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.35% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 9.1.5a
- 9.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 11%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 15%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5b
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 4%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 6%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 10%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.9
- 9.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Scarlet Spider
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Allies with Spider-Sense Ability
- • 20% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (9 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Allies with Spider-Sense Ability
- • 30% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (11 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 6.5%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (11 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Allies with Spider-Sense Ability
- • 40% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (13 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (13 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
- Activation Rate: when debuffed
- Applies to: Allies with Spider-Sense Ability
- • 50% chance to ignore all debuffs received, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 25 seconds
Update 8.7.5
- 8.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Scarlet Witch
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0
- 8.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.1
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 20% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 70% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 25% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 30% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 80% chance to increase Basic Critical Damage by 35% on Critical Attacks, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4
- 8.4 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0
- 10.0 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 20% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 30% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 40% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
- Activation Rate: when dead
- Applies to: Self
- • Revives with 50% of Max HP, increases by an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 100%)
- Cooldown Time 300 seconds
Update 7.5
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Madness Ensues) [3★]
Shadow Shell
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 20% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7
- 8.7 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 2, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 2, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 2, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 2, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Allies with Gamma Radiation Ability
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 3% and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 15%) (27 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Allies with Gamma Radiation Ability
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 4% and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 20%) (28 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Allies with Gamma Radiation Ability
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5% and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 30%) (29 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
- Activation Rate: when attacking
- Applies to: Allies with Gamma Radiation Ability
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 6% and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Stacks up to 40%) (30 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 3 seconds
Update 8.3.5b
- 8.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.5
- Legendary Battle Extreme (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.6
Silver Surfer
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.8.5
- 9.8 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Super Villain Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Villain Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Villain Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Super Villain Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.4.5
- 9.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Sister Grimm
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or below by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.4
- 9.4 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 40%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 30%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 40%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 50%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 60%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 10.5
- 10.5 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 11%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5
- Legendary Battle Extreme (The Marvels) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 5% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 10% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when dodging
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
Update 9.1.5b
- 9.1 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.7
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7
Spider-Man 2099
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to CREATURE Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.1
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.1
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.1
- 9.1 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Squirrel Girl
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 10%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 12%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.9.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to ALIEN Characters by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.0
- 9.0 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Element Damage by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2.5
- 8.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 1%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 1.5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 2%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 99%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 2.5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 1 second
Update 9.3
- 9.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Sun Bird
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Allies with Warriors of the Sky Ability
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Warriors of the Sky Ability
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 13%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Warriors of the Sky Ability
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Allies with Warriors of the Sky Ability
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.3.5a
- 8.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
Sword Master
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (5 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 3%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (6 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 6%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.4%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (7 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 9%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
- Activation Rate: 20% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (20.0% + Total Instinct * 0.5%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (8 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 12%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (8 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 16 seconds
Update 7.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.5.5
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 10%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.9.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 9%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases HP by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.8
- 8.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
- 9.9 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
The Thing
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1.5a
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.6
- Eternals Epic Quest Deluxe Mission (Shock and Awe) [3★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 15% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 20% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 25% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Lightning Damage by 30% of Lightning Resist, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2
- Legendary Battle Extreme (Thor: Love and Thunder) [4★]
- 10.0 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
Thor (Jane Foster)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2
- 8.2 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 15%, and an additional 0.15% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 25%, and an additional 0.25% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Non-Boss enemy Damage Decrease by 30%, and an additional 0.3% of Total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.3
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 25%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 50%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 45%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 60%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 55%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (15 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 35%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 70%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 65%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 80%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- • Increases Max HP by 75%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (16 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 27 seconds
Update 9.2
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.15%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (4 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.2%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (4 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.25%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (4 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 9 seconds
- Activation Rate: 15% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- (15.0% + Total Instinct * 0.3%) chance to activate:
- • Can attack enemies with Ignore Targeting.
- • Cannot exceed a 100% chance. (4 sec.)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 30%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 9 seconds
Update 7.8
- World Boss Legend First Clear Reward (Infinity Ultron Stage 10, 20, 30) [4★]
- World Boss Legend First Clear Reward (Infinity Ultron Stage 40, 50, 60) [5★]
- World Boss Legend First Clear Reward (Infinity Ultron Stage 70, 80, 90) [6★]
Valeria Richards
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 12%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 8%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 13%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 11%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 16%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Fantastic Four Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 20%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1
- 10.1 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 5%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 8%, and an additional 0.15% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to bosses by 15%, and an additional 0.25% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.2
- 8.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.1% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 15%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 25%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.4
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 6%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 9%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Universal Allies
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.1.5b
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Max HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.0
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 14%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 7%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 16%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 9%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 18%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Instinct Critical Rate by 12%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.9.5b
War Machine
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 12%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.3
- 10.3 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
War Tiger
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases Basic Damage Received from SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7
- 8.7 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to enemies with 50% HP or higher by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.3
- 9.3 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.8
- Legendary Battle Extreme (Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania) [4★]
Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne)
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Recovers HP by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Recovers HP by 6.5%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Recovers HP by 8%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
- Activation Rate: when skill (regular attacks excluded) is used
- Applies to: All Allies
- • Recovers HP by 10%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 10 seconds
Update 8.1
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 6, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 6, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 6, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 6, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
Weapon Hex
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 5%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 15%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores target's Dodge Rate by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.7.5
- 10.4 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 9.6
White Fox
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: 25% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 14 seconds
- Activation Rate: 25% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 13%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 14 seconds
- Activation Rate: 25% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 16%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 14 seconds
- Activation Rate: 25% chance when attacking
- Applies to: Self
- • Recovers HP by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%) (1 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 14 seconds
Update 7.5
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 5, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Clear Reward (Round 5, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 5, Legendary / Mythic) [3★]
- Dimension Rift Progress Reward (Round 5, Mythic) [4★]
- Dimension Rift Daily Progress Completion Reward [3★]
White Tiger
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • 11% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.2 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 14% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.3 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 17% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.4 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • 20% chance to Dodge ALL Attacks, and an additional 0.5 of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.8
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 8%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 10%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 12%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 15%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by [P3]%, and an additional [P4]% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.3
Winter Soldier
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 11%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 14%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 17%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER HERO faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Increases Basic Damage Dealt to SUPER VILLAIN faction by 20%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 10.7.5a
- 10.7 Collector's Vault (Personal Vault) [4★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 10% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (4 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 20% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (5 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 35% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (6 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 5%
- Applies to: Self
- • Guard Break Immunity
- • HP does not drop to 1 or below. Recovers HP by 50% of Max HP when the buff ends.
- • Recovers by an additional 0.5% of Total Instinct. (Up to 100% of HP Recovery) (7 sec.)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 7.5
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 1 & 8) [3★]
- Alliance Battle Legend 2.5m Reward (Round 1 & 8) [4★]
- 10.2 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
Update 8.0
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 20%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 2 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 30%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 3 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 40%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 4 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
- Activation Rate: when HP is below 50%
- Applies to: Self
- • Ignores Basic Damage for 5 seconds
- • Increases Basic Damage by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- • Decreases All Damage Received by 5% for each instance of damage ignored up to 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Cooldown Time 180 seconds
Update 10.3.5a
- 10.3 Collector's Vault (General Vault) [6★]
PvE Score
PvP Score
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 10%, and an additional 0.2% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 15%, and an additional 0.3% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 20%, and an additional 0.4% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)
- Applies to: Self
- • Increases All Basic Attacks by 25%, and an additional 0.5% of total Instinct. (Up to 200%)