First Family (Fantastic Four)
Epic Quests are sets of story-based missions that allow you to build up characters as you progress through a list of challenges.
The First Family Epic Quest follows the story of Mister Fantastic and the Fantastic Four.
Like the Rise of the X-Men (Wolverine) and X-Force (Deadpool) Epic Quests before it, this Quest includes a Deluxe Pack and second Native Tier-2 (Doctor Doom) that requires other quest-related characters to be built up.
On the web version of this guide, you can click on the character portrait to view additional details (such as acquisition).
Mister Fantastic
Mister Fantastic
The protagonist of the Epic Quest. As a Native Tier-2, he will gradually be built up to Level 60 as the Quest progresses.
The Thing
The Thing
A free, farmable character.
Human Torch
Human Torch
A free, farmable character.
A free, farmable character.
A free, farmable character.
Shifter character that can only be selected from the Bio Sub, or farmed at 8 Bios per day at maximum for free (elaborated on in the Missions section).
It is recommended that you use Rank Up Tickets and/or Tier-2 Tickets to get Victorious to 5 Stars (for Quest completion) or Tier-2 (for Doom).Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman
The Deluxe Pack character, who can only be unlocked by purchasing the Deluxe Pack for 6600 Crystals.
She is unlocked at 6 Stars upon purchase, and additional Biometrics are given as Deluxe Rewards and Deluxe Mission drops.Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom
The Ultimate Native Tier-2, who can only be unlocked by upgrading the prerequisite characters to Tier-2 and Level 60.
He is unlocked at 1 Star once this is done.Deluxe Pack
6 Star Invisible Woman
6 Star Invisible Woman
Instantly unlocked when purchasing the Deluxe Pack.
Deluxe Mission (Doom's Day)
Deluxe Mission (Doom's Day)
Instantly unlocked when purchasing the Deluxe Pack.
Deluxe Packs are a feature of every Epic Quest except the Doctor Strange one (and a slight exception for the Fate of Mankind / Eternals Epic Quest, which features two Deluxe Packs). Deluxe Packs can be purchased with Crystals (6600 of them in this case), and unlock an exclusive character who cannot be otherwise acquired, and an exclusive mission that drops valuable rewards.
Deluxe Packs are generally viewed as solid investments. Even if the character that is unlocked gets power creeped, the mission stays unlocked for you to keep farming materials at a higher rate. This Deluxe pack drops ISO-8 and Obelisks, with two guaranteed 6-Star Boost ISO-8 each day.
The exclusive character for this Deluxe Pack is Invisible Woman, who gets unlocked at 6 Stars immediately after purchasing it. To get her to Tier-2, you can use a combination of the Biometrics given as "Deluxe Rewards" in the Epic Quest progression, and farmable Biometrics from the unlockable mission rewards at about 20/day.
Deluxe Rewards
Deluxe Rewards are additional rewards given at each stage of the Epic Quest after a Deluxe Pack is purchased. These can be claimed retroactively, so you can go back to missions already completed and collected the Deluxe Rewards - there is no penalty for progressing far in the Epic Quest before buying it. The total Deluxe Rewards are listed below.
400 Invisible Woman Biometrics
400 Invisible Woman Biometrics
Deluxe Rewards gained from progressing in the Epic Quest.
This is more than enough to get her to Tier-2, with the average cost to upgrade gears to 20 being 166 Biometrics.630 Norn Stones of Energy
630 Norn Stones of Energy
Deluxe Rewards gained from progressing in the Epic Quest.
Enough to reach full Mastery for Invisible Woman.1500 Crystals
1500 Crystals
Deluxe Rewards gained from progressing in the Epic Quest.
A decent "cashback", putting the net price of the Deluxe Pack at 5100 Crystals.2,700,000 Gold
2,700,000 Gold
Deluxe Rewards gained from progressing in the Epic Quest.
Ruler of Latveria
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom
"Ruler of Latveria" allows you to unlock a 1 Star Doctor Doom once you reach Lv.60 and Tier-2 with the 7 listed characters (Mister Fantastic, Crystal, The Thing, She-Hulk, Victorious, Human Torch and Invisible Woman). You will then have to build up Doctor Doom manually as a double-cost Native Tier-2.
Note that Invisible Woman is required, so you can consider Doctor Doom to also be locked behind the Deluxe Pack's 6600 Crystal cost.
These are the characters required, and the materials needed, to complete the Epic Quest.
On the web version of this guide, you can click on the item icons to view additional details (such as acquisition).
5 Star Crystal
5 Star Crystal
5 Star The Thing
5 Star The Thing
5 Star She-Hulk
5 Star She-Hulk
5 Star Victorious
5 Star Victorious
5 Star Human Torch
5 Star Human Torch
500 Gear Up Kits
500 Gear Up Kits
500 Dimension Debris
500 Dimension Debris
8 Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter
8 Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter
Combining from scratch takes 800 Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter + 3,500,000 Gold.
5 Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter
5 Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter
Combining from scratch takes 1000 Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter + 5,625,000 Gold.
3 Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter
3 Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter
Combining from scratch takes 1200 Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter + 7,687,500 Gold.
3 Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
3 Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
Combining from scratch takes 2400 Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter + 16,500,000 Gold.
1900 Norn Stones of Chaos
1900 Norn Stones of Chaos
1000 M'Kraan Shards
1000 M'Kraan Shards
Can be bought outright from the Support Shop - 400 daily for 3000 Dimension Tokens.
2000 M'Kraan Crystals
2000 M'Kraan Crystals
Primarily farmed from Mutant World Boss and missions in Mutant Epic Quests (Rise of the X-Men, X-Force, Goblin Queen).
2000 Phoenix Feathers
2000 Phoenix Feathers
Primarily farmed from Mutant World Boss and missions in Mutant Epic Quests (Rise of the X-Men, X-Force, Goblin Queen).
These are the total rewards gained throughout the Epic Quest's 55 stages.
Tier-2, Fully Mastered, Lv.60 Mister Fantastic
Tier-2, Fully Mastered, Lv.60 Mister Fantastic
From here, work on Lv.70 / Tier-3 if desired.
Note that his gears must be upgraded to +20 before you can realise Potential in World Boss to reach 70.Various Biometrics
Various Biometrics
You get 30 of each of these characters' Biometrics.
These should help with the Rank Up requirements in the quest progression.100 Dimension Debris
100 Dimension Debris
These should help with Research.
2 Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter
2 Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter
These should help with Research.
1 Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter
1 Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter
These should help with Research.
1 Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter
1 Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter
These should help with Research.
1 Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
1 Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
These should help with Research.
200 M'Kraan Shards
200 M'Kraan Shards
These should help with Research.
200 M'Kraan Crystals
200 M'Kraan Crystals
These should help with Research.
200 Phoenix Feathers
200 Phoenix Feathers
These should help with Research.
1,700,000 Gold
1,700,000 Gold
100 Clear Tickets
100 Clear Tickets
200 Energy
200 Energy
Unlockable Missions
Unlockable Missions
Listed below are all the playable missions that are unlocked during the Epic Quest, and their rewards (excluding S.H.I.E.L.D. Archive drops).
Like Brothers
Clobberin' Time
Clobberin' Time
These missions drop at least 1 Biometric per run, with a decent chance of a bonus one. Each mission has an individual limit of 10 Biometric runs per day (but a single run that drops 2 Biometrics only counts as 1 Biometric run).
The Energy cost of these missions is low (3 Energy with Stage 1 Boost Points, 4 Energy without), making them a decent way to farm Uniform XP while acquiring Biometrics.
New Faces
Inhuman Princess
Inhuman Princess
Mean & Green
Mean & Green
These missions drop at least 1 Biometric per run, with a decent chance of a bonus one. Each mission has an individual limit of 10 Biometric runs per day (but a single run that drops 2 Biometrics only counts as 1 Biometric run).
The Energy cost of these missions is low (3 Energy with Stage 1 Boost Points, 4 Energy without), making them a decent way to farm Uniform XP while acquiring Biometrics.
However, both characters here are farmable in the Support Shop, so it might be best to prioritise characters whose Rank Up Material is harder to get (e.g. Mutants in the X-Men and X-Force Quests).
Twisted World
Latverian Champion
Latverian Champion
In the Shadow of Doom
In the Shadow of Doom
NOTE: Victorious cannot appear as a Shifter in "Latverian Champion" until you reach Stage 40 in the Quest List and the mission changes.
These missions drop 1 of the listed Custom Gear rewards.
The main purpose of these missions is to slow farm Victorious Biometrics through Shifters. Each time a Shifter appears at the start of a mission, you will receive a Victorious Biometric as a mission reward.
The issue is that the Shifter only appears about one-third of the time, and only when playing the mission manually. Auto Repeat is fine, but skipping it with "Clear" will never give Shifters and thus no Biometrics.
You can guarantee a Shifter drop by force closing the mission if you enter and no Shifter appears - this doesn't use up any resources and allows you to try again once you restart. With a 1-in-3 chance of a Shifter appearing, you're expecting to force close about 12 times a day for all 6 Biometrics. Very tedious but it is an option.
Deluxe Mission
Doom's Day
Doom's Day
This mission is unlocked upon buying the Deluxe Pack, and has a daily entry limit of 2. Each run will drop about 10 Invisible Woman Biometrics, 2 6-Star ISO-8 Boosters, and may include the other ISO-8 and Obelisk drops. This makes it a very valuable mission and one you should run daily.
Every run will randomly select one of Victorious, Human Torch or The Thing as a Shifter (if played manually), and rewards a single Biometric of that Shifter character upon mission completion.
As with the Twisted World missions, it is an option to guarantee two Victorious Biometrics from this mission by force closing if you get Human Torch or The Thing as a Shifter. Again, this is tedious, but can bring the total up to 8 Victorious Biometrics a day when combined with force closing for Twisted World.
Stage List
Stage List
Below is the full list of Epic Quest stages and their associated rewards. Remember that you can:
- See the "Research" section below for details on those.
- See the "Basics" > "Requirements" subsection above for information on resource and material farming.
Long Journey Home
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 201
Use 50 Energy
Reward: Gold2
In the Dark
[DIMENSION MISSION] Acquire Contribution Reward 1 time
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 253
[RESEARCH] Activate Cosmic Energy Scanner
Reward: Clear Ticket4
Four No More!
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Participate 5 times
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 305
Intelligent Design
[COMIC CARDS] Upgrade x1
Reward: Energy6
Supply Run
[SEARCH] Search Portable Bridge Parts
Reward: Mister Fantastic Rank 27
Inhuman Nature
Use 100 Energy
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 18
Crystal Clear
[New Faces] Clear Inhuman Princess 2 times
Reward: Biometrics: Crystal9
Building Bridges
[RESEARCH] Craft Portable Bridge
Reward: Mister Fantastic Rank 310
Unstable Molecules
Rank Up Crystal to 3 Star
Reward: Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter11
Joining the Family
[RESEARCH] Fantastic Four Uniform for Crystal
Reward: Clear Ticket12
Crossing Over
Use 2,000,000 Gold
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 3513
A Different World
[RESEARCH] Collect Cosmic Energy Scanner Parts
Reward: Mister Fantastic Rank 414
Finding the Fantastic
[NEW FACES] Clear Inhuman Princess 4 times
Reward: Biometrics: Crystal15
Future Fallen
Rank Up Crystal to 5 Star
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 216
Searching the Rubble
[DIMENSION MISSION] Acquire Contribution Reward 1 time
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 4017
Welcoming Committee
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Participate 10 times
Reward: M'Kraan Shard18
It's Clobberin' Time!
[LIKE BROTHERS] Clear Clobberin’ Time 5 times
Reward: Biometrics: The Thing19
Rebuilding Phase
[RESEARCH] Repair Fantasticar #1
Reward: M'Kraan Crystal20
Upgrade Package
Rank Up The Thing to 3 Star
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 4521
Signal Detected
Reward: Biometrics: The Thing22
Gamma Gamma Hey!
[NEW FACES] Clear Mean & Green 2 times
Reward: Biometrics: She-Hulk23
Heavy Hitter
Rank Up She-Hulk to 3 Star
Reward: Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter24
Fantastic Friend
[RESEARCH] Craft Fantastic Four Uniform for She-Hulk
Reward: Energy25
Recalibration Required
Use 50 Energy
Reward: Biometrics: She-Hulk26
Road Trip
Rank Up She-Hulk to 5 Star
Reward: Mister Fantastic Rank 527
Emergency Landing
[ENCHANTED URU] Combine 1 times
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 328
Android Army
Rank Up The Thing to 5 Star
Reward: Gold29
Salvage Job
[SEARCH] Search for Fantasticar parts
Reward: Phoenix Feather30
Necessary Repairs
[RESEARCH] Repair Fantasticar #2
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 5031
Impending Doom
[LIKE BROTHERS] Clear Clobberin’ Time 8 times
Reward: Clear Ticket32
She Is Victorious!
[TWISTED WORLD] Clear Latverian Champion 2 times
Reward: Biometrics: Victorious33
Fight Another Day
Rank Up Victorious to 3 Star (SEE NOTE BELOW)
Reward: Gold34
S.H.I.E.L.D. Showdown
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Participate 5 times
Reward: Energy35
Up in Flames
[LIKE BROTHERS] Clear Hothead 10 times
Reward: Biometrics: Human Torch36
Ultimate Weapon
Rank Up Human Torch to 3 Star
Reward: Gold37
Full Concentration
[RESEARCH] Research the Ultimate Nullifier
Reward: Clear Ticket38
Return to Latveria
[ISO-8] Combine ISO-8, 5 times
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 439
Claiming Victory
[TWISTED WORLD] Clear Latverian Champion 2 times
Reward: Biometrics: Victorious40
Uneasy Alliance
Rank Up Victorious to 5 Star
Reward: Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter41
Back to Reality
[LIKE BROTHERS] Clear Clobberin’ Time 10 times
Reward: Gold42
Home Sweet Home
[RESEARCH] Activate Cosmic Energy Scanner
Reward: Energy43
Search for Sue
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Win 10 times
Reward: Biometrics: Human Torch44
Out of Gas
[RESEARCH] Repair Fantasticar #3
Reward: Mister Fantastic Rank 645
Always Doom
Rank Up Human Torch to 5 Star
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 5546
Queen of Latveria
[TWISTED WORLD] Clear Latverian Champion 3 times
Reward: Clear Ticket47
Four Once More
Use 300,000 Gold
Reward: Gold48
No Time to Waste
[SEARCH] Search Time Platform
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 549
Castle Clash
Reward: Gold50
[TWISTED WORLD] Clear In the Shadow of Doom 3 times
Reward: Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter51
Final Plea
Use 50 Energy
Reward: Dimension Debris52
Crossing the Line
[RESEARCH] Craft New Portable Bridge
Reward: Mister Fantastic Mastery 653
[CUSTOM GEAR] Upgrade Custom Gear 10 times
Reward: Gold54
Fantastic Voyage
[EPIC QUEST] All Stories Complete
Reward: Mister Fantastic Lv. 6055
Usually you can slow farm a Shifter character for rank ups. However at this point in the Quest this is not possible, as the "Latverian Champion" mission only has Shifters available at Stage 40, and "In the Shadow of Doom" is not unlocked yet.
If you have the Deluxe Mission you are able to Shifter farm up to 2 a day, but if not, there is no other (free) way to get Victorious Biometrics. Rank Up Tickets or a Bio Sub are your best choices at this point or you may be stuck here for a long time.
A package also pops up which is essentially a "skip", offering 70 Victorious Biometrics and some Gold for 600 Crystals. It's up to you if you deem this worthy of your Crystals.
Search and Research
Search and Research
At various points in the Stage List, you will be asked to complete "Search" or "Research" tasks. Searches require you to run certain mission types repeatedly to obtain drops. Researches require you to sacrifice some resources to progress.
Searches and Researches are listed here in the order they appear in the Stage List (and generally, goes from easiest to hardest).
Portable Bridge Parts
Portable Bridge Parts
Find 20 Portable Bridge Parts in Dimension Missions.
Skip Cost: 16 per item, 320 totalCosmic Energy Scanner Parts
Cosmic Energy Scanner Parts
Find 30 Cosmic Energy Scanner Parts in Dimension Missions.
Skip Cost: 17 per item, 510 totalFantasticar parts
Fantasticar parts
Find 40 Fantasticar parts in Like Brothers and/or New Faces missions.
Skip Cost: 20 per item, 800 totalTime Platform
Time Platform
Find 50 Time Platform in Dimension Missions.
Skip Cost: 25 per item, 1250 totalResearches
Activate Cosmic Energy Scanner
Activate Cosmic Energy Scanner
x500 Gear Up Kit
Skip Cost: 1 Crystal per item, 500 totalCraft Portable Bridge
Craft Portable Bridge
x500 Dimension Debris
Skip Cost: 1 Crystal per item, 500 totalFantastic Four Uniform for Crystal
Fantastic Four Uniform for Crystal
x8 Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter, 100 Norn Stone of Chaos
Skip Cost: 400 Crystals per Rank 3 Black Anti-Matter, 5 Crystals per Norn Stone of Chaos, 3700 totalRepair Fantasticar #1
Repair Fantasticar #1
x1000 M'Kraan Shard
Skip Cost: 3 Crystals per item, 3000 totalCraft Fantastic Four Uniform for She-Hulk
Craft Fantastic Four Uniform for She-Hulk
x5 Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter, 300 Norn Stone of Chaos
Skip Cost: 800 Crystals per Rank 4 Black Anti-Matter, 5 Crystals per Norn Stone of Chaos, 5500 totalRepair Fantasticar #2
Repair Fantasticar #2
x800 Phoenix Feather, 800 M'Kraan Crystal
Skip Cost: 7 Crystals per Phoenix Feather, 7 Crystals per M'Kraan Crystal, 11200 totalResearch the Ultimate Nullifier
Research the Ultimate Nullifier
x1200 Phoenix Feather, 1200 M'Kraan Crystal
Skip Cost: 7 Crystals per Phoenix Feather, 7 Crystals per M'Kraan Crystal, 16800 totalActivate Cosmic Energy Scanner
Activate Cosmic Energy Scanner
x3 Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter, 500 Norn Stone of Chaos
Skip Cost: 2880 Crystals per Rank 5 Black Anti-Matter, 5 Crystals per Norn Stone of Chaos, 11140 totalRepair Fantasticar #3
Repair Fantasticar #3
x1000 Norn Stone of Chaos
Skip Cost: 5 Crystals per item, 5000 totalCraft New Portable Bridge
Craft New Portable Bridge
x3 Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
Skip Cost: 6400 Crystals per item, 19200 total
Epic Quest Collections
Epic Quest Collections
Epic Quest Collections contain random items that have a chance to drop every time you run a specific mission. Each Collection comes with a reward upon completion.
The Mister Fantastic's Personal Lab Collection contains 4 items, each subdivided into 3 sub-items that can be farmed from missions within the Epic Quest. Once the required amounts of all 3 sub-items for a Collection item are reached, it is marked as collected, and your reward can be redeemed.
The amount you need to farm for each sub-item is more or less arbitrary. Each sub-item has its own drop percentages, and some will drop in higher quantities at once than others. None of the rewards for this Collection are much good anyway, so it's probably not worth focusing on any of these.
For each sub-item, the number of items needed is shown to the side. The icon shows the mission the sub-item drops in: as listed in the "Unlockable Missions" section.
1. Flare Gun
Location: Clobberin' Time
2. Signal Flare
Location: Hothead
3. Special Smoke
Location: Inhuman Princess
[Reward] Enchanted Uru Chest: Mythic
Unstable Molecules
1. Substance Molecules
Location: Mean & Green
2. Uniform Fabric
Location: In the Shadow of Doom
3. Fantastic Four Uniform
Location: Clobberin' Time
[Reward] 25 Victorious Biometrics
Baxter Building Blueprint
1. Archived Blueprint File
Location: Latverian Champion
2. Architecture Certification
Location: Hothead
3. Mister Fantastic’s Plans
Location: Mean & Green
[Reward] Rank 6 Black Anti-Matter
1. Destroyed Doombot
Location: In the Shadow of Doom
2. Dismantle Device
Location: Inhuman Princess
3. Doombot Schematics
Location: Latverian Champion
[Reward] Dimension Chest: 6-Star ISO-8