Start here. This guide should encompass roughly your first month of the game.
This guide covers mid-game goals for when you're done with the "Getting Started" guide.
A guide on how to build characters effectively.
Some additional resources that don't fit in to the earlier parts (but are still important to know).
A guide on how to use procs and read skill rotations.
Current Game Version
Page Updated For
This guide often lags slightly behind the most recent update, but usually does not go more than 1 major version out of date.
If the version numbers above are mismatched, feel free to ask what the upcoming changes will be in the Discord server: LINK
Older Versions + Changelog
Versions of the guide older than 8.4.5b are only available in large image versions, not section-by-section. Snapshots exist for 8.4.5b and newer.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Minor update, adding Falcon (Joaquin Torres) and Leader as lower priority recommendations.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Added Falcon (Joaquin Torres) to "Priority 1" in first place.
- Added Valeria Richards to "Priority 1" in last place, with a note that she is farmable from Multiverse Invasion and not Selectors.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Removed Falcon from "Futureproofing" section as Brave New World has released.
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added Leader to the "Random Chest" list in 6th place, as part of the second-tier recommendations.
- Edited the descriptions for Crescent in this section as they were outdated (referring to Luna and saying Crescent's leadership is excellent).
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Added Falcon (Joaquin Torres) to "Decent Builds" in first place.
- Removed mention of "Decent Builds" characters having no 6th skills as this is no longer the case.
[Part 1] Paid Selectors
- Added Leader to the "30 Biometrics Daily" recommendations in 4th place.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Fixed text under "C.T.P. Acquisition" referring to an old section that no longer exists.
- Swapped order of the Energy and Rage under this section to emphasise Rage being more important (previously Energy appeared first).
[Part 3] ISO-8
- Minor grammar fixes.
- Added a note under "ISO Sets" mentioning that attack sets work for HP-based characters like Titan Hulk.
[Part 3] Artifacts
- Under the "Artifacts" subsection, changed the sentence saying not to enhance Artifacts - now recommends it only for good Artifacts, and only at Tier-4.
[Part 3] Custom Gear
- Added a note at the top of this section, mentioning that there is much more detail in Part 5 of the guide.
[Part 4] Team Building
- Changed the example "PvE Team Building" team from Spider-Gwen, Shuri, Coulson to Gwenpool, Shuri, Enchantress.
- Updated a line referencing an old section in Part 1 of the guide. It now recommends building a PvE team for every character of the "Starting 5".
- Changed the example "PvP Team Building" team, replacing Spider-Man [Back to Basics] with Black Widow [Venomous], and Captain America [Back to Basics] with Spider-Man [The Symbiote Suit].
- Added a note under "PvP Team Building" to explain why the PvP mains are not in Part 1 of the guide.
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- Under "Daily Tasks", added a section for Alliance Conquest participation for tokens.
- Under "Late-Game Daily Tasks", added a note to donate Gold and materials through the Alliance for tokens.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- "The Main Cast" section replaced with "Starting 5" and "Off The Bench".
- Primary characters are now Iron Man, Gwenpool, Hulk, Loki, and Doctor Strange.
- Added M'Baku as a starter Premium support.
- Removed recommendations of Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Gwen, and Jean Grey.
[Part 1] Basic Information
- Removed the "Character Selections" section.
[Part 1] Characters - Starting 5
- New section with the first 5 DPS characters to build.
- These are Iron Man, Gwenpool, Loki, Hulk, and Doctor Strange.
[Part 1] Characters - Off The Bench
- New section with non-DPS characters.
- "Easy to Acquire" section contains Phil Coulson (moved from Part 2), Shuri and M'Baku.
- "Other Premiums" section contains Enchantress, Valkyrie and Ghost Panther.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Has been removed.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Edited the note under "Legendary Battle" which says to leave the Premium 1-Star unlocks alone, as M'Baku is now recommended.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Added Okoye to "Priority 1" in 2nd place.
- Edited "Priority 1" descriptions to be less redundant.
- Moved Scarlet Spider from "Priority 1" to "Priority 2".
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Removed note under "Optional Uniforms" which incorrectly stated no characters fit in the section.
- Moved Spider-Man (Miles Morales) from "Strong Recommendations" to "Optional Uniforms".
- Replaced mentions of "The Main Cast" section as it has been split up.
- Moved Thor from "No Uniform" to "Optional Uniforms" with the [All-Father Reborn] uniform.
- Added Falcon to "Futureproofing".
- "Tier-3 Guided Quest" section now has descriptions for why to pick Iron Man and Spider-Man.
[Part 1] Characters - Support Shop
- Replaced mention of "The Main Cast".
- Added a line up the top saying to click on the portraits (on the web version) to view any lead/support effects.
- Renamed "High Priority" to "High Priority Supports" and changed to a grid view with no text descriptions.
- Renamed "Leads and Supports" to "Other Leads and Supports" and changed to a grid view with no text descriptions.
- Also changed the character list "Shadowland Clearers" to a grid views with no text descriptions.
- Removed Destroyer from "Other Leads and Supports".
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Added Okoye to "Decent Builds" in 2nd place.
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Added M'Baku as the sole choice for the "Mega Rank Up Ticket".
- Removed Luna Snow from "Mega Tier-2 Advancement Ticket".
- Removed White Fox from "Tier-3 Mega Advancement Ticket".
- Added M'Baku in first place to "Mega Tier-2 Advancement Ticket" and "Advanced Potential Transcendence Ticket".
- "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket" recommendations are now Gwenpool, Iron Man, Hulk, Loki.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Removed the sections "Main/DPS Characters" (with Red Goblin) and "Long-Term Goals" (with Jean Grey).
- Removed Phil Coulson as he is now in Part 1.
[Part 2] Characters - Tier-4 Advancements
- "General Picks" section is now Gwenpool, Hulk, and Doctor Strange (Spider-Gwen and Jean Grey removed).
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Moved Sorcerer Supreme from "Low Priority" to the top of "Recommended".
[Part 4] Card Information
- Corrected text that said Semi-Premiums were only available for Crystals (as this changed in 10.3 with the revamped Dispatch Shop).
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- Added Zombie Survival to "Weekly Tasks".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Replaced Human Torch with Iron Man in Part 1.
- Updated uniform acquisition and Guided Quest section to reflect recent uniforms being offered.
- Removed Hela from Part 2.
- Various changes to Premium rankings to account for Dazzler receiving a 6th skill.
[Part 1] Basic Information
- Added Tier-4 to the "Character Progression" list.
- Added Part 5 of the Beginner's Guide under "Additional Resources".
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Removed Human Torch from "Free-Choice Selections" and "Build Order".
- Added Iron Man [Model Nil] to "Fixed Selections".
- Removed Iron Man from "Low Priority Recommendations".
- Edited "Uniform" descriptions for Loki, Shuri, Hulk, and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) to reflect the latest uniforms now being offered in Guided Quest.
- Removed Luna Snow [Summer Lilac] from "Premiums" and "Build Order".
- Re-ordered the "Build Order" section (Spider-Gwen > Hulk > Iron Man > Loki as the first four).
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Removed Human Torch from "Priority 1".
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Updated "Tier-2 Guided Quest - Character Pool" with the updated uniforms in update 10.2.
- Added Loki [Marvel Studios' Loki] to "Strong Recommendations", noting to do his Guided Quest quickly before he is given free at Tier-3 on Day 4.
- Adjusted portraits and descriptions for Hulk, Shuri and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) under "Strong Recommendations" to show the uniforms.
- Added Doctor Octopus [Ends of the Earth] to "Optional Uniforms".
- Removed the description for Iron Man under "Tier-3 Guided Quest" (as it implied he was not in "The Main Cast".
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Bumped Dazzler up to 3rd place under "Random Chest". Updated her description as she now has a 6th skill.
- Adjusted Nick Fury's description under "Random Chest" to explain his lack of late-game restrictions.
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Removed Iron Man [3099] from "Low-Level Builds".
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Added Dazzler in 3rd place for "6-Star Premium Selector".
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Removed Hela [Marvel Studios' What If...?] from "Main/DPS Characters".
- Adjusted Red Goblin's description to mention that Gwenpool is technically better for maxing ABX scores.
[Part 2] Characters - Tier-4 Advancements
- Replaced Rogue [Winter Ops] with Psylocke [Summer Vacation] under "Seasonal Picks".
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Mentioned that Psylocke is good under the description for "X-Force - Beginning of the Chaos" ("Deluxe Packs" section).
[Part 3] Stats
- Under "Defense and HP", noted that HP as a whole is important for PvP-centric accounts. Added Titan Hulk to the list of characters whose damage scales off HP.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Added Liberation to "Other".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Added Human Torch to "The Main Cast".
- Added Luna Snow to some sections temporarily as her summer uniform is returning soon.
- Reorganised/reformatted some sections to remove bloat.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Added a note under "Fixed Selections" about Luna vs. Spider-Gwen.
- Added Human Torch [The Fall of the Fantastic Four] to "Free-Choice Selections" in 2nd place.
- Added Luna Snow [Summer Lilac] to "Premiums" in 3rd place.
- Updated "Build Order" with Luna Snow in 1st place and Human Torch between Hulk and Miles.
[Part 1] Characters - Freebies
- Reformatted "Tier-3 and Transcended" into a grid (instead of a list with descriptions) to reduce space.
- Split "Legendary Battle" into two grids (instead of a list with descriptions) to reduce space. The grid for 6-Star characters will now include the characters that were mentioned in text at the bottom.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Removed the "Weekly Selector Characters" title at the start of this section.
- Added a note about how type-specific Selectors from the daily chest can be used here.
- Added Human Torch to "Priority 1" in 1st place.
- Added Kid Omega to the bottom of "Priority 1".
- Reformatted "Priority 3" into a grid (instead of a list with descriptions) to reduce space.
- Added "Priority 4" which is just the characters from [Part 2] Characters - Shadowland Fodder.
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Removed both options (Ant-Man [Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania] and Venom [King in Black]) from "Optional Uniforms".
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Added Kid Omega to "Decent Builds" in 3rd place.
[Part 1] Items - Descriptions
- Removed the entire "90 Day Items" subsection as the same information is now in the item popups.
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Reworded the text to mention item popups.
- Added Luna Snow to "Mega Tier-2 Advancement Ticket".
[Part 1] Items - Free Selectors
- Entire section deleted.
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Reformatted "6-Star Premium Selector", "30 Biometrics Daily Recommendations", and "30 X-Genes Daily Recommenations" into grids (instead of lists with descriptions) to reduce space.
[Part 2] Goals
- Reformatted the bullet points to look better on the web version.
- Added a new section called "World Boss Legend" which describes the benefits of pushing for WBL.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Removed White Fox from "Lead/Support Only".
[Part 2] Characters - Shadowland Fodder
- Entire section deleted (moved to [Part 1] Characters - Selectors).
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Moved "First Family" up to 2nd place in "Medium Priority".
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed "Heroic Quest" subsection.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Reformatted C.T.P. images into grids (instead of lists with descriptions) to reduce space.
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- Added Multiverse Saga to "Daily Tasks".
- Removed Heroic Quest from "Weekly Tasks".
[Part 4] General Tips
- Under "Things to Avoid", replaced mention of "Heroic Quest Crystals" with "Multiverse Saga Crystal Chest".
- Removed "World Boss Ultimate Mechanics" from "Miscellaneous Tips".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Replaced Sharon Rogers with Hulk in Part 1.
- Removed Wave and Ancient One as support recommendations in Part 2, and added Ronan.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Removed C.T.P. of Energy from Shuri's recommendations.
- Removed text mentioning Ghost Rider's seasonal uni from "Free-Choice Selections".
- Removed Captain America (Sharon Rogers) from "Free-Choice Selections".
- Added Hulk [Titan] to "Free-Choice Selections" in first place, and to "Build Order" in third place.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Changed Scarlet Spider's description to not recommend the Chasm [Dark Web] uniform at all.
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Added Hulk to "Strong Recommendations", and re-ordered (Hulk > Shuri > Miles Morales).
- Moved Thor from "Optional Uniforms" (with [Love and Thunder] uniform) to "No Uniforms" (with [All-Father Reborn] uniform).
- Removed Doctor Octopus from "No Uniform".
- Rewrote Daredevil's description under "Futureproofing" since he did not get a uniform for Echo.
[Part 1] Characters - Support Shop
- Added new section at the top called "High Priority", which includes She-Hulk, Phil Coulson and Ronan (taken from "Leads and Supports").
- Removed reference to Medusa's [Inhumans vs X-Men] uniform in her description.
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Rearranged the "Random Chest" list to demote Nick Fury from 2nd place to 4th place (new order: Valkyrie > Polaris > Ghost Panther > Nick Fury).
- Rewrote Ironheart's description under "Random Chest" so it does not say she is the best selector recommendation.
- Rewrote Ironheart's description under "Selector" so it does not say she solely supports Sharon Rogers.
[Part 1] Characters - Gold Uniforms
- Removed reference to Sharon Rogers' [Poseidon Armor] under "Strong Recommendations".
- Moved Star-Lord [Guardians of the Galaxy 2] into "Strong Recommendations".
- Changed the remaining "Optional Uniforms" into a grid list with no descriptions.
[Part 1] Items - Descriptions
- Changed the "Basic Items" so they are enabled for item popups when you click on them.
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Added Hulk to "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket" in 3rd place. Re-ordered so it goes Gwen > Loki > Hulk > Miles.
- Removed Sharon Rogers from "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket".
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Rearranged the "6-Star Premium Selector" list to demote Nick Fury from 2nd place to 4th place (new order: Valkyrie > Polaris > Ghost Panther > Nick Fury).
- Rearranged the "30 Biometrics Daily" list to demote Nick Fury from 2nd place to 3rd place (new order: Valkyrie > Ghost Panther > Nick Fury > others).
- Removed Namor and Kitty Pryde from "30 X-Genes Daily Recommendations".
[Part 1] Items - Comic Cards
- Made a new section called "Event Cards" that includes the existing 8th Anniversary card. Added the new 9th Anniversary card here too.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Removed Doctor Octopus from "Main/DPS Characters".
- Removed Wave and Ancient One from "Lead/Support Only".
- Added Ronan [Annihilators] to "Lead/Support Only".
- Rewrote Jean Grey's usefulness description as she is no longer the undisputed best character.
[Part 2] Characters - Shadowland Fodder
- Edited the description at the top to mention the "Characters - Selectors" section from Part 1.
[Part 2] Characters - Tier-4 Advancements
- Rewrote Jean Grey's description as she is no longer the undisputed best character.
- Added Hulk to "General Picks" in third place.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Bumped Dark Reign from "Low Priority" to last place in "Medium Priority".
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed Wave from "Heroic Quest".
[Part 2] Improving Cards
- Rewrote some text to account for there being 2 good Anniversary cards now.
[Part 3] Gears and Uru
- Rewrote some text to account for the new Odin's Blessings.
[Part 4] Card Information
- Added the Ghost Rider card to "Premium Cards for PvE" in first place.
[Part 4] Update and Sales Schedules
- Updated April Fool's description under "Seasonal Uniform Events" to mention it was included in the main update for 9.9.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- "The Main Cast" section shuffled to account for free T3/TPs, removed Captain America from this section.
- Added Ikon as a early Selector recommendation.
- Added Phil Coulson as a mid-game support recommendation.
- Changed Card sections to account for free Doctor Strange Cards + What If cards.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Moved "Fixed Selections" up to the top (above Free-Choice Selections). This section now includes Spider-Gwen, Loki, Spider-Man and Shuri.
- "Free-Choice Selections" has Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Captain America (Sharon Rogers). There is a note at the bottom saying you can build Moon Knight or Iron Man if you really like them, otherwise leave them with no/free uniform for now.
- Edited Enchantress' description under "Premiums" to mention that the Premium Selector is now a Day 6 reward (previously Day 7).
- "Build Order" looks the same but swapped Gwen to be ahead of Miles, and removed Captain America.
[Part 1] Characters - Freebies
- Added a new section at the top, "Tier-3 and Transcended", which includes the free Iron Man, Spider-Gwen, Loki and Moon Knight from the new 7-day check in.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Reformatted section into Priority 1, Priority 2 and Priority 3. Removed the "Day x" from the high priority picks, added text saying to pick the good ones from Tier-2 or 6-Star Selectors.
- Priority 1: Ikon (new), Man-Thing, Scarlet Spider
- Priority 2: Iron Hammer, Katy, Scorpion, Kingo
- Priority 3: Shadow Shell, Scream, Darkhawk, Viper, Doctor Voodoo, War Tiger, Morgan le Fay
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Removed Loki from "Strong Recommendations" and Hulk [Fear Itself] from "Optional Uniforms".
- Replaced Captain America with Iron Man under "Tier-3 Guided Quest" and added an explanation.
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Added text in between Ghost Panther and Crescent under "Random Chest" that says the below choices (Crescent, Ironheart, Dazzler) are a lot less desirable than the ones above.
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Added Ikon in first place under "Decent Builds".
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Removed mentions of Spider-Gwen and Loki from TP/T3 Selectors/Tickets respectively.
[Part 1] Items - Free Selectors
- Under "Biometric Selectors", General Selectors and Speed-Type Selectors have been switched from Man-Thing and Kingo respectively to Ikon for both.
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Removed Captain America from "First Purchase Tier-3 Selector" and reworded some of the text to account for this.
[Part 1] Items - Comic Cards
- Added a new section, "Fixed Selections", which contains the two free Doctor Strange Cards and the 8th Year Anniversary Card.
- Removed the separate "8th Year Anniversary Card" section.
- Changed "Starter Set" heading to "Free-Choice Selections", and added WHAT IF? MAGIK (2018) #1 to the list.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Changed Red Goblin's description to no longer say he is the best Speed Villain for ABX.
- Added Phil Coulson under "Lead/Support Only" in first place.
[Part 2] Characters - Tier-4 Advancements
- Corrected Ghost Rider's description - previously said he was paywalled, now says "Crystal-cost".
- Added Rogue [Winter Ops] in third place under "Seasonal Picks".
[Part 2] Characters - Epic Quests
- Added Goblin Queen to the list of Epic Quests.
- Split the list into "Recommended", "Medium Priority" and "Low Priority".
- Recommended: Rise of the X-Men, X-Force
- Medium Priority: Goblin Queen, The Galactic Imperative
- Low Priority: Sorcerer Supreme, First Family, Dark Reign, The Fate of Mankind
- Moved the Epic Quest guide button up to the top.
[Part 2] Characters - Future Crystal Investments
- Added the Goblin Queen Deluxe Pack under "Deluxe Pack" in third place. Noted that it costs 1100 Crystals more than the other two.
[Part 2] Improving Cards
- Reworded the first line to match the correct name for the Part 1 section ("Items - Comic Cards").
- Replaced the bottom 3 Cards shown under "Improving Cards" with the 2 free Doctor Strange Cards, and WHAT IF? MAGIK (2018) #1.
- Changed the line at the bottom of the "Improving Cards" section to mention the Doctor Strange Cards should be replaced last, with the 8th Year Anniversary Card 2nd last if you have it.
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- Added Otherworld Battle in second last place under "Daily Tasks".
[Part 4] General Tips
- Added Groot's Special Gift to the list of things worth buying ("Things to Avoid" > point 7").
[Part 4] Update and Sales Schedules
- Added a line under "Seasonal Uniform Events" saying seasonal uniforms can be found in the Uniforms page by filtering.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Added Loki as a main starter character, removed Ghost Rider.
- Replaced Ironheart / Riri Williams with Enchantress as the free Premium selection.
- Added Hela as a mid-game character.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Removed Ghost Rider from this section. Replaced with a short sentence under "Free-Choice Selections".
- Added Loki to "Free-Choice Selections" in first place.
- Removed Ironheart / Riri Williams from the "Premiums" section.
- Added Enchantress [War of the Realms] to the "Premiums" section, replacing Ironheart.
[Part 1] Characters - Freebies
- Added 1-Star Spectrum under "Legendary Battle".
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Removed the text saying Scream's uniform is good.
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Added Loki to "Strong Recommendations" in first place.
- Removed Loki from the "Futureproofing" section.
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Bumped Nick Fury to 2nd place under "Random Chest", edited description as he now has a Tier-3 and new uniform.
- Removed Echo and Namor from "Random Chest".
- Removed the text saying "The characters listed below here are considerably less useful..." and replaced it with Dazzler's description saying she does not have a 6th skill.
- Swapped Ironheart (now 3rd place) and Enchantress (now 1st place) under "Selector".
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Changed Ironheart to Enchantress for "Mega Tier-2 Advancement Ticket".
- Updated the description of "Level 6 Advanced Potential Realisation Ticket" to mention The Main Cast section (previously referenced old section names which no longer exist).
- Changed Ironheart to a choice of Valkyrie, Ghost Panther or Spider-Gwen for "Advanced Potential Transcendence Ticket".
- Added Shuri in first place, and Enchantress in third place, under "Tier-3 Mega Advancement Ticket".
- Added Loki in third place, and removed Captain America and Spider-Man from "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket".
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Bumped Nick Fury to 2nd place under "6-Star Premium Selector" and "30 Biometrics Daily Recommendations".
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Added Hela [Marvel Studios' What If...?] in first place under "Main/DPS Characters".
[Part 2] Characters - Improving Cards
- Removed reference to when Craft was added under "Card Acquisition".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Added Ghost Rider [Rage Returned] as an optional beginner and Tier-4 pick.
- A few edits to existing content.
- On the website version, C.T.P. icons can now be clicked to view the C.T.P. stats popup. This applies retroactively to previous guide versions and future guides, but was added for this update.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Added Ghost Rider [Rage Returned] to "Free-Choice Selections" in last place, noting he is seasonal.
- Added Ghost Rider [Rage Returned] in third place under "Build Order".
- Fixed Shuri's portrait under "Build Order" (still showed tracksuit uniform).
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Changed banner image from Scream to Man-Thing.
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Changed banner image from Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) to Thor [Herald of Thunder].
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) in third place under "Selector: Tier-3 Character (Special Check-In)".
[Part 1] Items - Free Selectors
- Renamed section from "Items - Free Selectors and Tickets" as there are no longer any tickets mentioned here.
- Edited "Norn Stone of Brilliance" description under "Norn Stone Selectors" to make sense.
- Under "Biometric Selectors", added a note that you should go through the other guide sections once done with the ones listed.
- Under "Biometric Selectors", changed "General Selectors" and "Combat-Type Selectors" to Man-Thing (used to be Kingo and Scream respectively).
- Edited Kid Omega's description under "X-Gene / Mutant Selectors" to clarify that Floor 34 refers to Shadowland.
[Part 2] Characters - Tier-4 Advancements
- Renamed section from "First Tier-4s" which looked weird.
- Added Ghost Rider [Rage Returned] under "Seasonal Picks".
[Part 4] Team Building
- Changed the "PvE Team Building" team from She-Hulk/Shuri/Coulson to She-Hulk/Spider-Gwen/Shuri (with Shuri's correct uniform).
- Changed Shuri's uniform to the new one under "PvP Team Building".
- Updated the third point under "Additional Information" to account for updates to earlier guide sections.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Edited the intro text to mention you can click on the icons on the website version.
- Edited the "For PvE" intro text to not exclude Destruction.
- Edited the "For PvP" intro text to mention that PvP C.T.P.s usually need to be reforged.
- Moved "Regeneration" down to third place under "For PvP", and added "Conquest" in first place.
[Part 4] Card Information
- Edited the first point under "Card Tips" to refer to the website link at the top of the page instead of writing it again.
- Reworded the third point under "Card Tips" to clarify crafting before rerolling is almost always better, and that the two systems are mostly independent (previous stated to be "completely independent" which is not true due to quality affecting crafted stats).
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- Edited the "Giant Boss Raid" description under "Daily Tasks" to recommend Galactus once you are able.
- Edited the "Shadowland" description under "Weekly Tasks" to mention 35+ is now recommended.
[Part 4] General Tips
- Clarified point 6 under "Things to Avoid", since some non-Premium characters still deserve various tickets.
- Clarified point 7 under "Things to Avoid", as seasonal offers are worth it if you are willing to spend.
- Removed point 8 under "Things to Avoid" and added full stops to each point in this section.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Man-Thing added as a starter selector character, replacing Kingo.
- New section in Part 4 about scheduling.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Removed Kingo as the Day 7 pick in "Weekly Selector Characters", shifting him down to "Additional Selector Characters" (in first place).
- Moved Iron Hammer from Day 1 to Day 7 in "Weekly Selector Characters", replacing Kingo.
- Added Man-Thing as the Day 1 pick in "Weekly Selector Characters".
- Removed the mention of Katy being a good lead for Shang-Chi under "Weekly Selector Characters".
- Removed the part about buying Shadow Shell's uniform in her description under "Additional Selector Characters".
[Part 1] Characters - Guided Quest
- Renamed section from "Characters - Tier-2 Guided Quest".
- Edited introductory text as this section is no longer purely about Tier-2 Guided Quest.
- Added a short section at the bottom with Tier-3 Guided Quest picks.
- Edited release date of Daredevil: Born Again to TBA (Daredevil's description under "Futureproofing").
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Edited text to reflect the renamed "Characters - Guided Quest" section.
- Removed Kingo from "Decent Builds".
- Added Man-Thing to "Decent Builds" in first place.
[Part 4] Update and Sales Schedules
- New section that details patterns of updates and important sales (uniform sales, Black Friday / Anniversary, seasonal uniform events).
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Swapped Shuri's old uniform for her new one.
- Added Enchantress as an alternate option for the 6-Star Premium selector.
- Added a section in Part 2 of the guide for Tier-4s.
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- Removed the text saying the section is new as of July 2023.
- Changed Shuri's uniform to her new Black Panther one.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Edited Doctor Voodoo's description to state his leadership is useful for Dispatch/Rift rather than "very useful in late-game PvE".
[Part 1] Characters - Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Fixed the first sentence of this section still saying there are 10 Tier-2 Guided Quests.
- No longer recommends Shuri's Guided Quest uniform, as it has been replaced by the new Black Panther one.
[Part 1] Characters - Support Shop
- Added Bullseye in last place under "Leads and Supports".
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Removed Luna Snow from this section entirely and replaced the banner image with Polaris.
- Moved Nick Fury up to 4th place, below Ghost Panther, under "Random Chest".
- Added Enchantress in last place under "Selector".
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Added Spider-Gwen in 2nd place under "Selector: Potential Transcended Character (Special Check-In)" and "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket".
- Removed Ant-Man as a recommendation for "Selector: Tier-3 Character (Special Check-In)".
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Added a heading for "6-Star Premium Selector" that recommends Valkyrie, Polaris, Ghost Panther and Nick Fury.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Fixed She-Hulk not showing her default portrait under "Lead/Support Only".
- Added Ghost Panther and Ancient One [Unleashed Mystic] under "Lead/Support Only".
[Part 2] Characters - First Tier-4s
- New section. Recommends Jean, Spider-Gwen, Luna Snow (if [Summer Lilac] was purchased).
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Big update, reformatting most of the first two parts of the guide, and changing the order of sections.
- Character recommendations are consolidated into single sections rather than being split across separate sections for characters, uniforms, and advancements.
- Spider-Gwen added as a primary starter character, and Shadow Shell removed from Part 2 of the guide as a result.
Minor Update - 21 August 2023
- Updated references to old section names in Parts 1, 2 and 4 of the guide.
- Fixed Dazzler being described as a lead rather than a support in "Characters - Free Premiums".
- Fixed Ancient One's gold uniform being called "Marvel Studios' Ancient One" instead of "Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange" in "Characters - Gold Uniforms".
[Part 1] Characters - The Main Cast
- New section that shows all the starter characters. Each one has an expanded description that covers their Acquisition, Uniform, Advancement and Usefulness.
- The "Build Order" subsection at the bottom is taken from what was previously in the "Build Priorities" section.
[Part 1] Characters - Freebies
- Renamed from just "Freebies", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 1] Characters - Selectors
- Renamed from "Starter Characters".
- Removed the "Primary Starter Characters" subsection.
- Added a note saying the selector characters are generally less powerful, but do not require uniforms.
[Part 1] Characters - Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Renamed from just "Tier-2 Guided Quest", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 1] Characters - Support Shop
- Renamed from "Support Shop Grinds", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 1] Characters - Free Premiums
- Renamed from just "Free Premiums", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 1] Characters - Gold Uniforms
- Renamed from "First Uniforms".
- Removed the "Recommended Picks" and "Viable Alternatives" subsections.
- Updated subsections to "Strong Recommendations" and "Optional Uniforms".
[Part 1] Characters - Minor Build Priorities
- Renamed from "Build Priorities".
- Removed the "Stacked Builds" and "C.T.P. Recommendations" subsections.
[Part 1] Items - Descriptions
- Renamed from just "Items".
- Added lines to the "Tier-2 Advancement Ticket" and "Tier-2 Mega Advancement Ticket" that explains who to use them on.
[Part 1] Items - 90 Day Special Check-In
- Renamed from just "90 Day Special Check-In".
- Added Spider-Gwen as a "Selector: Potential Transcended Character" and "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket" recommendation.
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) as a "Selector: Tier-3 Character" recommendation.
[Part 1] Items - Other Selectors
- Renamed from "Free Selectors and Tickets".
- Edited Shadow Shell's description under "Biometric Selectors" to reflect her no longer being a recommended starter character.
- Removed the "Mastery Tickets" and "Tier-2 Tickets" subsections as they are covered by the "Items - Descriptions" section.
[Part 1] Items - Paid Selectors
- Renamed from just "Paid Selectors", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 1] Items - Comic Cards
- Renamed from just "Comic Cards", but otherwise unchanged.
[Part 2] Characters - Supporting Cast
- Equivalent of "Characters - The Main Cast" but for mid-game characters.
- Replaces the "First Uniforms", "Tier-3 and Transcending", and "Native Tier-2" sections.
[Part 2] Characters - Shadowland Fodder
- Renamed from "Character Collecting", but otherwise unchanged.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Added Spider-Man (Miles Morales) [Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse] as an important starter character.
- Moved Shadow Shell's [Moon Temple Defenders] uniform recommendation into Part 2 of the guide, and made her no longer a starter character.
- Tier-2 Guided Quest section has been edited to reflect Rocket, Groot and Miles Morales' new uniforms.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Split the list into subheadings: "Progression" and "Legendary Battle".
- Added more information on getting Sersi Tier-2 through Epic Quest.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed Shadow Shell from "Primary Starter Characters".
- Added Spider-Man (Miles Morales) to "Primary Starter Characters".
- Reordered the "Primary Starter Characters" section as below:
Placement Previous New 1 Shadow Shell Spider-Man (Miles Morales) 2 Shuri Spider-Man 3 Captain America Captain America (Sharon Rogers) 4 Spider-Man Shuri 5 Captain America (Sharon Rogers) Captain America 6 Sersi Sersi
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Spider-Man (Miles Morales) [Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse] in 1st place.
- Removed Shadow Shell [Moon Temple Defenders], which was in 1st place previously - now in the mid-game guide.
- Removed the parts of Shuri [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever]'s description that says it's the best and most versatile uniform in the game.
- Shuffled the order of recommendations to match the ones under "Starter Characters" (the table above exclusing Sersi).
- Removed the line in Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Star Light Armor]'s description that says her current uniforms are out of date (under "Gold Uniforms").
[Part 1] 90 Day Special Check-In
- Replaced Shadow Shell with Spider-Man (Miles Morales) as "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket" recommendation.
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Moved Spider-Man (Miles Morales) out of the "Optional Uniforms" section and into "Strong Recommendations" in first place (though without uniform).
- Removed the part of Shuri's description in "Strong Recommendations" that says she is the strongest beginner character.
- Removed Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) from the "Futureproofing" section.
- Added dates for Loki Season 2 and Echo in the "Futureproofing" section.
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- Edited Shadow Shell's description for "Universal-Type Selectors" as it is no longer recommended to use a weekly selector on her.
[Part 1] Paid Selectors
- Finished the incomplete first line of text.
- Swapped order of "First Purchase Tier-3 Selector" so Spider-Man is now listed before Captain America.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Stacked Builds Shadow Shell, Captain America, Spider-Man, Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Shuri,Valkyrie Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man, Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Shuri, CaptainAmerica, Sersi, Valkyrie Decent Builds Thor [Herald of Thunder], Sersi, Scarlet Spider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion No changes. Low-Level Builds Angel, Bishop, Warpath, Iron Man, Black Widow No changes. C.T.P. of Energy None, save for now Spider-Man (Miles Morales), or save for now C.T.P. of Destruction Spider-Man, once reforged, or save and reforge No changes. C.T.P. of Rage Captain America, or save for now No changes. C.T.P. of Judgement Green Goblin Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Green Goblin
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Changed the sections to "Main/DPS Uniforms" and "Lead/Support Only Uniforms", and added some text at the top to explain this.
- Green Goblin [Red Goblin] and Doctor Octopus [Ends of the Earth] are in "Main/DPS Uniforms", and the other existing uniforms from this section are all in "Lead/Support Only Uniforms".
- Added Shadow Shell [Moon Temple Defenders] as third choice under "Main/DPS Uniforms" with a note saying this may change with Spider-Gwen's upcoming uniform.
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Added Spider-Man (Miles Morales) to "Tier-3 Advancements" in first place.
- Moved Shuri below Captain America (Sharon Rogers) in "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Moved Shadow Shell to last place in "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Poseidon Armor] as an important starter character.
- Moved recommendation for Ironheart's uniform - and added Green Goblin [Red Goblin] and Doctor Octopus [Ends of the Earth] - into Part 2 of the guide.
- Added advice for purchased items (first purchase Tier-3 Selector, Bio/X-Gene subs).
- Added some info on the "anger / mini rage" Obelisk in Part 3.
[Part 1] Basic Information
- Under "Additional Resources", mentioned to keep away from YouTube videos for advice and added links to some of the other things mentioned.
- Added a button to go to the THANO$VIB$ Discord on the website version, and invite code on the image version.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Renamed the section "Non-Selector Characters" to "Primary Starter Characters" (since Shadow Shell is a Selector Character), and updated the text accordingly.
- Removed mention of Shuri being the best overall new player character in "Primary Starter Characters".
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) to "Primary Starter Characters" in 5th place.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever] - moved to Part 2 of the guide.
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Poseidon Armor] in 5th place.
[Part 1] 90 Day Special Check-In
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) in 2nd place as a "2nd Potential Realisation Ticket" pick.
- Removed Captain America (Sharon Rogers) as a futureproofing pick for the "Selector: Tier-3 Character".
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Moved Doctor Octopus from the "Futureproofing" to the "No Uniform" section in 4th place, since the Guided Quest offer did not update for his new uniform.
[Part 1] Free Selectors and Tickets
- Renamed from "Selectors and Tickets". No change in content.
[Part 1] Paid Selectors and Tickets
- New section. Choices on who to pick if you choose to buy the 20 Biometrics / X-Genes Daily deals, as well as the First Purchase Tier-3 Selector.
[Part 1] Comic Cards
- Changed mentions of "All Attack" rolls to "All Basic Attacks".
- Added a section saying to equip the 8th Year Anniversary card - TIGER DIVISION (2022) #1 (ARTGERM VARIANT) - if you have it.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Stacked Builds Shuri, Shadow Shell, Captain America, Spider-Man, Valkytrie Shadow Shell, Captain America, Spider-Man, Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Shuri,Valkyrie Decent Builds Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever], Thor [Herald of Thunder], Sersi, ScarletSpider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion Thor [Herald of Thunder], Sersi, Scarlet Spider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion Low-Level Builds Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Star Light Armor], Angel, Bishop, Warpath, Iron Man,Captain America, Black Widow Angel, Bishop, Warpath, Iron Man, Black Widow C.T.P. of Energy Shuri, Shadow Shell, Valkyrie None, save for now C.T.P. of Destruction Shadow Shell Spider-Man, once reforged, or save and reforge C.T.P. of Rage Captain America, Doctor Strange Captain America, or save for now C.T.P. of Judgement No recommendation Green Goblin
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Added Green Goblin [Red Goblin], Doctor Octopus [Ends of the Earth] and Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever] under "Recommended Picks", in 3rd-5th places respectively.
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers) and Green Goblin to "Tier-3 Advancements" in 2nd and 3rd place.
- Added Doctor Octopus to "Awakening/Transcend Potential" in 4th place.
[Part 2] Native Tier-2
- Added a new section for the Native Tier-2s you need to build to unlock WBL.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Added a button that links to the Epic Quest Guide Menu on the website version, instead of a plaintext link.
[Part 2] Improving Cards
- Added a note saying to keep the 8th Year Anniversary Card until it is replaced by a Premium, if you have it.
[Part 3] Custom Gear
- Reworked to include the "anger / mini rage" Obelisk proc, which is not highly recommended but worth keeping for new players.
- Added a button that links to the C.T.P. Stats page on the website version.
[Part 4] Team Building
- Added a button that links to the Leads & Supports page on the website version, under "Additional Information".
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Removed the descriptions under each C.T.P. This is to avoid redundancy with the C.T.P. Stats page.
- Added a button at the top that links to the C.T.P. Stats page on the website version.
- Moved Refinement and Transcendence from the "Useless" section into the "For PvP" section.
[Part 4] Card Information
- Added a button at the top that links to the Comic Cards page on the website version.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Actual beginner character recommendations have not changed at all.
- Updated Guided Quest sections to reflect the changes to Guided Quest in update 8.8 - some more characters are listed as optional buys.
- Changed a few of the 90 Day Special Check-In recommendations.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Added Tier-2 Thor [Herald of Thunder] between Iron Man and Sersi, to reflect the new academy rewards.
- Added 1-Star Cassie Lang to the end of the list.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Swapped the order of Shadow Shell (2nd to 1st) and Shuri (1st to 2nd) in "Starter Characters", since Shadow Shell's uniform should be purchased with the new player discount.
- Added some notes to the descriptions of Shuri, Captain America and Spider-Man under "Non-Selector Characters" to mention Guided Quests.
- Removed mention of Hulk in Captain America's description (under "Non-Selector Characters").
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added a note under "Random Chest" that you can reset your account by deleting data, rather than having to reinstall.
- Added a list of the possible characters you can get under the "Selector" section.
- Added a note under the "Don't Get Carnage" section explaining that his tier list placement is not a beginner recommendation.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Swapped the order of Shadow Shell (2nd to 1st) and Shuri (1st to 2nd) in "Starter Characters", since Shadow Shell's uniform should be purchased with the new player discount.
- Added mentions to Shuri, Captain America and Spider-Man saying to get their uniforms with the Guided Quest.
[Part 1] 90 Day Special Check-In
- Clarified that the "Mega Rank Up Ticket" is a 6-Star one.
Item Old New 6-Star Mega Rank Up Ticket Keep it for a premium No change Tier-2 Mega Advancement Ticket Ironheart Ironheart (no change) Level 6 Advanced Potential Enhance Ticket Anyone under "Build Priorities" > "Stacked Builds" No change Advanced Potential Transcendence Ticket Ironheart Ironheart (no change) Tier-3 Mega Advancement Ticket Shuri Taskmaster, She-Hulk, White Fox Selector: Potential Transcended Character Sif Sif (no change) 2nd Potential Realisation Ticket Shadow Shell, Spider-Man, Captain America No change Selector: Tier-3 Character Ant-Man Ant-Man, Cyclops, Loki, Captain America (Sharon Rogers)
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Edited the intro text to reflect the new mechanics.
- Updated the "Character Pool" section to show all the current uniforms.
- Split the recommendations into four sections: "Strong Recommendation", "Optional Uniform", "No Uniform", "Futureproofing".
Section Characters Strong Recommendations Shuri Optional Uniforms Ant-Man, Venom, Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man (Miles Morales) No Uniform Vision, Wasp, Groot Futureproofing Doctor Octopus, Rocket Racoon, Groot, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Loki, Daredevil
[Part 1] Build Priorities
- Added a note saying any "Optional Uniform" you may have decided to buy from Tier-2 Guided Quests goes at the end of "Stacked Builds".
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Decent Builds Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever], Sersi, Scarlet Spider, Katy, IronHammer, Kingo, Scorpion Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever], Thor [Herald of Thunder], Sersi, ScarletSpider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion C.T.P. of Destruction No recommendations, reforge and save Shadow Shell
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Changed the description and character pool under "Tier-3 Guided Quest" to clarify the new mechanics.
- Added a note saying to pick Spider-Man and Captain America even if you already have them Tier-3.
- Changed all the icons in this section to have the character portrait as a smaller portrait next to / under the skill icon, so that they can trigger popups on the website version.
[Part 4] Card Information
- Added a note under "Premium Cards for PvP" that most players should not consider PvP cards as good cards.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Removed Hulk and Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) from the guide.
- Added Spider-Man and Shadow Shell as starter recommendations.
- Added Polaris as a potential premium recommendation.
- Updated the mid-game sections to mention Jean is good now.
[Part 1] Items
- Fixed the image thumbnails under the "90 Day Items" heading.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) and Hulk from "Non-Selector Characters".
- Added Shadow Shell (2nd place) and Spider-Man (4th place) to "Non-Selector Characters".
- Removed Iron Hammer from "Weekly Selector Characters".
- Added Shadow Shell as the Day 1 choice in "Weekly Selector Characters", replacing Iron Hammer.
- Added a note to Scarlet Spider under "Weekly Selector Characters", mentioning his uniform but not really recommending it.
- Removed Shadow Shell from "Additional Selector Characters."
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added Polaris as 2nd best under "Random Chest".
- Bumped Ghost Panther from last place to 3rd place under "Random Chest".
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) [Marvel Studios' Ms. Marvel] and Hulk [Fear Itself] from "Recommended Picks".
- Added Shadow Shell [Moon Temple Defenders] (2nd place) and Spider-Man [Back to Basics] (4th place) to "Recommended Picks".
[Part 1] 90 Day Special Check-In
- Fixed typo where 2nd Potential Realisation Ticket has a 1 on the end.
- Character recommendation changes as below:
Item Old New Tier-2 Mega Advancement Ticket Ironheart Ironheart (no change) Level 6 Advanced Potential Enhance Ticket Anyone under "Build Priorities" > "Stacked Builds" No change Advanced Potential Transcendence Ticket Ironheart Ironheart (no change) Tier-3 Mega Advancement Ticket Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Shuri Shuri Selector: Potential Transcended Character Sif Sif (no change) 2nd Potential Realisation Ticket Captain America Shadow Shell, Spider-Man, Captain America Selector: Tier-3 Character Ant-Man Ant-Man (no change)
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Removed Hulk from "Main Recommendations" (and the section as a whole).
- Removed the paragraph about there being more than 10 recommendations (as there are now 10).
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- Edited Shadow Shell's description (under "Biometric Selectors") to reflect that she is now a starter character.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Stacked Builds Shuri, Captain America, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Hulk, Valkyrie Shuri, Shadow Shell, Captain America, Spider-Man, Valkyrie C.T.P. of Energy Shuri, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Valkyrie Shuri, Shadow Shell, Valkyrie C.T.P. of Regeneration Hulk None, save it C.T.P. of Authority No recommendations, reforge and save Spider-Man
[Part 2] Goals
- Removed redunant "Goals" heading.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Sersi [Marvel Studios' Eternals] from "Niche/Optional Uniforms".
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Added Spider-Man (2nd place) under "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
- Removed Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) and Hulk from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Removed Sersi from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Added Shadow Shell to "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Edited descriptions of Taskmaster and White Fox under "Support Advancements" to no longer mention DRX.
[Part 2] Native Tier-2
- Added Jean Grey [Dark Phoenix] in first place.
- Edited Doctor Strange's description to be less favourable.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Moved "Rise of the X-Men" to 1st place and moved "The Fate of Mankind" to 4th place.
- New order for the first four is "Rise of the X-Men" > "Sorcerer Supreme" > "X-Force" > "The Fate of Mankind".
- Edited descriptions of "Rise of the X-Men", "Sorcerer Supreme" and "The Fate of Mankind" to reflect the current state of the relevant characters.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Removed "The Fate of Mankind - Madness Ensues" from being a recommendation in the "Deluxe Pack" section. Reworded some of the header text to reflect this.
- Changed the descriptions for "Rise of the X-Men - Mutual Enemy" and "X-Force - Beginning of the Chaos" in the "Deluxe Pack" section, now that Jean is good again.
[Part 3] Type Enhancement
- Changed the banner image to use the proper banner art of Shadow Shell in update 8.7.
[Part 4] Team Building
- Replaced the banner image with the higher-quality Marvel Girl banner art added in update 8.6.
- Replaced the first example team composition with She-Hulk, Shuri and Valkyrie. Placed this team under a new heading, "PvE Team Building".
- Replaced the second example team composition with Blue Dragon, Shadow Shell and Sun Bird. Placed this team under a new heading, "Example Thematic Team".
- Added a new section, "PvP Team Building", with the team being Wasp lead, Spider-Man and Shuri support.
- Revised the "Additional Information" section to reflect some of the changes made to the other parts.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Changed the description of Refinement to be more favourable to its Reforged variant. Apologies for misinformation.
[Part 4] General Tips
- Replaced Magneto with Wolverine as the character who is bad in point 8 of "Things to Avoid".
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Removed Spider-Man, Venom and Thor (Jane Foster) from the guide.
- Added Shuri, Captain America and Hulk as starter recommendations.
- Added Ironheart / Riri Williams as the main premium character recommendation.
- Added new sections to account for the new 90 day special check-in.
- Replaced all mentions of with
[Part 1] Basic Information
- Removed the "Items" subsection, to be moved to a separate main section.
[Part 1] Items
- New section that includes the "Items" subsection that was removed from "Basic Information".
- Added a new "90 Day Items" subsection that describes the major rewards given in the 90 day special check-in.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Included a proper mention (i.e. portrait, big text) for 1-Star M'Baku from Legendary Battle, and removed Thor (Jane Foster)'s.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed Spider-Man, Venom and Thor (Jane Foster) from "Non-Selector Characters".
- Also removed Sif as an optional choice in "Non-Selector Characters", as she will be moved to Part 2 of the guide.
- Added Shuri (1st place), Captain America (2nd place) and Hulk (4th place, behind Kamala Khan) to "Non-Selector Characters".
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Moved Ironheart to 4th place under "Random Chest", and 1st place under "Selector".
- Changed description for Namor under "Random Chest" to mention his new uniform is out but is a bit crappy.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Spider-Man [Spider-Man: No Way Home (Integrated Suit)], Venom [King in Black] and Thor (Jane Foster) [Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder] from "Recommended Picks".
- Added Shuri [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever], Captain America [Back to Basics], Hulk [Fear Itself], and Riri Williams [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever] to "Recommended Picks", in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th place respectively.
- Removed Sif [Asgard Invasion] from "Viable Alternatives", as she is being moved to Part 2.
[Part 1] 90 Day Special Check-In
- New section added that shows which characters are recommended for each major item.
Item Recommendation(s) 6★ Mega Rank Up Ticket Save it Tier-2 Mega Advancement Ticket Ironheart Level 6 Advanced Potential Enhance Ticket Anyone under "Build Priorities" > "Stacked Builds" Advanced Potential Transcendence Ticket Ironheart Tier-3 Mega Advancement Ticket Anyone under Part 2 > "Tier-3 and Transcending" > "Tier-3 Advancements" Selector: Potential Transcended Character Sif 2nd Potential Realisation Ticket Captain America Selector: Tier-3 Character Ant-Man
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Removed Venom from "Main Recommendations".
- Added Hulk to "Main Recommendations" in 2nd place.
- Edited Shuri's description to mention her new uniform and status as best new player character.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Renamed the "Decent Mains" subsection to "Shadowland Clearers", and made the description clearer.
- Added more text under the "Leads and Supports" subsection to clarify their importance.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Stacked Builds Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Venom, Thor (Jane Foster), Valkyrie Shuri, Captain America, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Hulk, Valkyrie Decent Builds Sif, Sersi, Scarlet Spider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion Ironheart, Sersi, Scarlet Spider, Katy, Iron Hammer, Kingo, Scorpion C.T.P. of Energy Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Thor (Jane Foster), Valkyrie Shuri, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Valkyrie C.T.P. of Destruction Spider-Man, Thor (Jane Foster) No recommendations, reforge and save C.T.P. of Rage Venom, Doctor Strange Captain America, Doctor Strange C.T.P. of Regeneration Thanos Hulk C.T.P. of Authority Spider-Man, Thanos No recommendations, reforge and save
[Part 2] Goals
- New section that just contains the "Goals" subsection that used to be under the introduction - looked bad on the website version.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Added Sif [Asgard Invasion] to "Recommended Picks", mentioning she is the day 72 selector recommendation.
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Removed Spider-Man under "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
- Added Captain America under "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
- Removed Venom and Thor (Jane Foster) from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Added Shuri (1st place) and Hulk (3rd place) to "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Changed Sif's description under "Awakening/Transcend Potential" to mention she is the day 72 selector recommendation.
[Part 3] Basics
- New section that just contains the "Overview" and "Build Order" subsections that used to be under the introduction - looked bad on the website version.
[Part 3] Artifacts
- Changed the "Generic Artifacts" version to no longer recommend Pure Evil for PvE. Apologies for the misinformation.
[Part 3] Custom Gear
- Added another paragraph under "Obelisk Stats" to explain the "proc" terminology.
[Part 3] PvP Builds
- Changed the "Artifacts" section to no longer imply thatallgood PvP characters have an exclusive artifact.
- Mentioned Damage to Leadership or Pure Evil as options for PvP.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Added a couple of extra lines to the C.T.P. of Rage and Refinement to reflect that they have Reforged variants now. Their positions among the rankings have not changed.
View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Replaced Moon Knight with Venom throughout the guide.
- Removed Captain America (Sharon Rogers) as a character to focus on.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed Moon Knight and Captain America (Sharon Rogers) from "Non-Selector Characters".
- Added Venom to "Non-Selector Characters".
- Reordered the "Non-Selector Characters" section: new order is Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Venom, Thor (Jane Foster), Sersi, Sif.
- Removed the line in Kingo's description under "Weekly Selector Characters" that implied all players should do his Epic Quest stages eventually.
- Added a mention of Scream's [Silence] uniform under "Additional Selector Characters", as a potential option if you really like it (but not one that will be on the rest of the guide).
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added a section advising not to get Carnage.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Light Sirius Armor] and Moon Knight [Marvel Studios' Moon Knight] from "Recommended Picks".
- Moved Thor (Jane Foster) [Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder] to last place in "Recommended Picks".
- Added Venom [King in Black] to "Recommended Picks" in third place (between Kamala and Jane).
- Changed description of Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Star Light Armor] under "Gold Uniforms" to no longer recommend Light Sirius, and instead to wait for a new uniform.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Fixed the incomplete fourth paragraph of the introduction text, which now says that there are more than 10 recommendations, so you have some leeway with the choices you make.
- Added Venom to "Main Recommendations" in first place.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
Category Previous Recommendations New Recommendations Stacked Builds Spider-Man, Thor (Jane Foster), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Captain America (SharonRogers), Moon Knight, Valkyrie Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Venom, Thor (Jane Foster), Valkyrie Low-Level Builds Angel, Bishop, Warpath, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Star Light Armor], Angel, Bishop, Warpath, IronMan, Captain America, Black Widow C.T.P. of Energy Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Thor (Jane Foster), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), MoonKnight Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Thor (Jane Foster), Valkyrie C.T.P. of Destruction Spider-Man, Thor (Jane Foster), Sersi, Hela Spider-Man, Thor (Jane Foster) C.T.P. of Rage Doctor Strange Venom, Doctor Strange
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Removed Captain America [Sharon Rogers] from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Added Venom to "Tier-3 Advancements" in second place.
- Changed the description text of the "Awakening/Transcend Potential" section to reflect Awakening Materials now dropping from Alliance Battle.
- Removed Moon Knight from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Shifted Valkyrie (1st place) and Sersi (2nd place) up from "Support Advancements" to "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Added a note under "Support Advancements" that the ones listed there are no good as mains, but some of the previously-listed T3/TP characters may also have support capabilities.
- Removed the "CTP-Specific Advancements" section for now, as Hela is no longer recommended.
[Part 4] Important Gamemodes
- New section that is just the "Daily Tasks" and "Weekly Tasks" separated from
. - Removed Squad Battle from "Daily Tasks", and shifted up Alliance Battle to fill its place with an edited description to emphasise the Awakening Materials.
- Added a new section at the bottom named "Late-Game Daily Tasks", which includes World Boss Legend, Alliance Battle Legend, Story Mode Ultimate, and Giant Boss Raid: Dormammu.
Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
September 7, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) added as a key starter character, She-Hulk recommended as a mid-game Tier-3 for her lead.
- Removed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Hawkeye, Wong, and Makkari (+ Gilgamesh) from the guide entirely.
- Added more detail to the Part 1 - Guided Quests and Part 4 - Team Building sections.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Added Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to the "Non-Selector Characters" section, in fourth place.
- Removed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) from the "Non-Selector Characters" section.
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added Ironheart to both the "Random Chest" (7th place) and "Selector" (3rd place) sections.
- Edited Nick Fury's description under "Random Chest" to mention theSecret Invasionshow.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to the "Recommended Picks" section, in third place.
- Removed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) from the "Optional Uniforms" section.
[Part 1] Tier-2 Guided Quest
- Renamed this section from just "Guided Quest" to "Tier-2 Guided Quest".
- Renamed the "No Uniforms" section to "Main Recommendations".
- Changed the first intro paragraph to mention that the Tier-3 Guided Quest unlocks once the Tier-2 Guided Quests are done.
- Changed Shuri's description to mention the upcomingBlack Panther: Wakanda Foreverupdate/uniform, and Wasp's forAnt-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
- Removed Hawkeye from the "Main Recommendations" section.
- Re-added the "Futureproofing" section, which lists characters that will likely receive new uniforms for movie/show tie-ins, in order of release date. Current list is Ant-Man, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Daredevil, Loki.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Moved She-Hulk to the top of the list under "Leads and Supports", and changed her description to reflect that her TV show uniform and Tier-3 have come out.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
- Added Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to "Stacked Builds" in third place, and as a C.T.P. of Energy priority under "C.T.P. Priorities" (also in third place).
- Added Valkyrie to "Stacked Builds" in last place.
- Bumped Sif down from last place in "Stacked Builds" to first place in "Decent Builds".
- Removed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) from "Stacked Builds".
- Updated the description text for "Decent Builds", which previously stated none of the characters have 6th skills although Sersi and Kingo (and now Sif) are on the list.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Hawkeye and Wong from "Recommended Picks".
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Under "Tier-3 Guided Quest", added portraits of all the characters available, and added some more text saying to pick Spider-Man even if he is already Tier-3.
- Removed Hawkeye and Wong from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Added Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to "Tier-3 Advancements" in first place.
- Removed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) and Makkari from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Added She-Hulk to "Support Advancements" in third place.
[Part 2] Native Tier-2
- Changed Doctor Strange's description to mention GBR instead of WBL as the mode he is good at.
- Removed Scarlet Witch.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Changed descriptions for most of the Epic Quests as follows.
Epic Quest Change The Fate of Mankind Removed Makkari recommendation. Sorcerer Supreme Removed Wong recommendation. Rise of the X-Men Removed mention of Jean Grey and Magneto, and added that mutant materials areuseful for crafting cards. X-Force Removed mention of Deadpool and Psylocke. The Galactic Imperative No longer says Star-Lord and Beta Ray Bill are good in PvE. Dark Reign No longer says that you "should" complete it at some point, made description ofSentry's performance less favourable. First Family Removed mention of Mister Fantastic and Human Torch, Doom now stated to be aniche choice.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed Gilgamesh from the "Deluxe Pack" section.
- Added Magneto and Psylocke to the "Deluxe Pack" section, under Makkari.
[Part 4] Team Building
- Moved the current content into a section named "Basics".
- Added a new section named "Additional Information" with some assorted tips.
Krakoan Summer
July 20, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Thor (Jane Foster) added as a key starter character, Valkyrie's [Love and Thunder] uniform added as an optional starter uniform.
- Removed Electro from the guide.
- Added more early-game lead/support characters to the "Support Shop Grinds" section.
- Revamped the "Daily Tasks" section in Part 4.
Minor Update - 31 July 2022
- Removed reference to Loki's uniform from Part 1, and replaced references to DRX with GBR Dormammu in Part 2.
- Removed the "CTP-Specific Advancements" section from "[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending", meaning Hela is no longer recommended.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Included a proper mention (i.e. portrait, big text) for 6-Star Thor (Jane Foster) from Legendary Battle, and removed Shang-Chi's.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Added Thor (Jane Foster) to "Non-Selector Characters" in third place.
- Renamed the "Viable Alternatives" section to "Additional Selector Characters", and added more text saying to pick those characters after the "Weekly Selector Characters" have been collected.
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Changed Valkyrie's description under "Random Chest" to mention her [Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder] uniform.
- Reordered the first 4 characters from Valkyrie-Echo-Luna-Crescent to Valkyrie-Luna-Crescent-Echo.
- Removed Electro from both "Random Chest" and "Selector" sections.
- Added Namor to the "Random Chest" section in fifth place.
- Added Crescent to the "Selector" section in second place.
- Added some text in the middle to divide the first 5 and bottom 3 picks, as Nick Fury, Dazzler and Ghost Panther are unlikely to get Tier-3/Transcended Potential anytime soon.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Thor (Jane Foster) [Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder] to "Recommended Picks" in second place.
- Added Valkyrie [Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder] to "Viable Alternatives" in first place.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Removed Thor from "No Uniforms".
- Added Vision to "No Uniforms" in second place.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Added mention of Angel's debuff lead in his description.
- Added Star-Lord, Moon Girl, Ronan, Hela, Gorgon, and Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) to the "Leads and Supports" section.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
- Added Jane Foster to "Stacked Builds" in second place.
- Added Jane Foster as a C.T.P. of Energy priority in "C.T.P. Priorities", in second place; and as a C.T.P. of Destruction priority in second place.
- Removed Electro as a C.T.P. of Judgement priority in "C.T.P. Priorities" and changed the description to simply say to wait for a new character worth putting it on.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Green Goblin [Spider-Man: No Way Home], Electro [Spider-Man: No Way Home], and Hela [Asgard Invasion] from "Niche/Optional Uniforms".
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Added Thor (Jane Foster) to "Tier-3 Advancements" in second place.
[Part 4] General Tips
- Added Dimension Rifts and World Event to "Daily Tasks", and replaced Co-Op Play with Multiverse Invasion.
- Reformatted the whole "Daily Tasks" section to include icons instead of just plain text, and sorted in order of importance.
- Split Heroic Quest off from "Daily Tasks" into a new section, "Weekly Tasks", which also includes Challenger Cheer and Shadowland (which was moved from "Miscellaneous Tips").
Moon Knight & Elektra
June 15, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Minor update: taking Loki out and replacing Doctor Octopus with Moon Knight.
[Part 1] Basic Information
- Under "Character Selections", replaced the part that says characters with All Defense Down are future-proofed (now says Leaderships are future-proofed).
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed Loki and Doctor Octopus from "Non-Selector Characters".
- Added Moon Knight to "Non-Selector Characters" in third place (replacing Doctor Octopus).
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Moved Echo from 4th place under "Random Chest" into 2nd place.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Loki [Marvel Studios' Loki (TVA Suit)] and Doctor Octopus [Spider-Man: No Way Home] from "Recommended Picks".
- Shifted Spider-Man [Spider-Man: No Way Home (Integrated Suit)] to 1st place in "Recommended Picks", over Sharon.
- Added Moon Knight [Marvel Studios' Moon Knight] to "Recommended Picks" in 3rd place.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Removed the "Niche Uniform" section entirely. Ghost Rider is no longer recommended as a result.
- Removed Loki and Doctor Octopus from the "No Uniforms" section.
- Added Thor to the "No Uniforms" section in 1st place.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Added some text to the start of this section saying to farm the Starter Characters - "Non-Selector Characters" that are available in the Support Shop first.
[Part 1] Build Priorities
- Removed Loki and Doctor Octopus from "Stacked Builds".
- Shifted Spider-Man to 1st place in "Stacked Builds", over Sharon.
- Added Moon Knight to "Stacked Builds" in 3rd place.
- Added Sersi to "Decent Builds" in 1st place (was missing previously).
- Changes made to "C.T.P. Priorities" are listed in the table below.
CTP Old New Energy Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Doctor Octopus, Doctor Strange Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Moon Knight Rage Loki, Doctor Strange Doctor Strange Insight Taskmaster, Valkyrie, Sif Taskmaster, Sif - Also changed the descriptions under each C.T.P. to reflect these changes.
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Moved the "Tier-3 Guided Quest" section to the top.
- Removed Loki from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Removed Doctor Octopus from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Added Moon Knight to "Awakening/Transcend Potential", in 1st place.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed character recommendations from the "C.T.P. Acqusition" section and added text at the start saying to refer to Part 1 - Build Priorities - "C.T.P. Priorities".
[Part 2] Improving Cards
- Fixed text in "Card Acquisition" that says Mutant World Bosses are on the right side (this referred to the old UI).
- Fixed text in "Card Crafting" that says Crafting Cubes drop from Giant Boss Raid (changed in 7.1), and that "Card Information" is a section in Part 3 (now in Part 4).
[Part 4] Card Information
- Removed Black Panther #35 from "Premium Cards for PvE".
[Part 4] General Tips
- Removed mention of World Boss Invasion slots in point 5 of "Things to Avoid".
- Replaced Iron Man with Magneto as character who is bad in point 8 of "Things to Avoid".
- Changed point 6 in "Character Building Tips" to clarify that the 10% method is undeniably superior.
- Removed mention of World Boss Invasion in "Daily Tasks".
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
April 27, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Doctor Octopus added as one of the key starter characters; Electro as a viable premium; Wong as a mid-game uni/T3 recommendation.
- A new section in Part 1 shows the build priorities and C.T.P. priorities for starter characters.
- Guided Quest section now shows all the available characters.
- Mid-game uniforms section overhauled, removing a bunch of outdated uniforms.
- Native Tier-2s section cleaned out, replacing the existing choices with Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch.
[Part 1] Basic Information
- New section with the stuff that used to be before the first section. This was moved to a new section for consistency with the native website implementation.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Added Captain America (Sharon Rogers), Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus to "Non-Selector Characters" in 2nd, 3rd and 4th place respectively.
- Removed the "Build Priorities" heading, as it has been moved to a new section entirely.
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Removed the text under "Random Chest" that talks about the old bio sub trial.
- Removed mentions of Valkyrie's Fearless Defenders uniform under "Random Chest"; instead it says to wait for a Thor: Love and Thunder uniform.
- Added Electro to "Random Chest" (5th place) and "Selector" (2nd place).
- Edited Luna Snow's description under "Selector" to be less favourable.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Doctor Octopus [Spider-Man: No Way Home] to "Recommended Picks" in 4th place.
- Moved Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) [Marvel Studios' Hawkeye] from "Recommended Picks" (was 4th place) to "Viable Alternatives" (1st place).
- Removed Taskmaster [Marvel Studios' Black Widow] from "Viable Alternatives", moving him to Part 2 of the guide.
- Removed the text under "Gold Uniforms" that mentions uniforms changing to gold in 7.0 (not relevant).
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Added a "Character Pool" section that shows the 21 options available.
- Bumped Doctor Octopus to 2nd in the "No Uniforms" list, and changed his description now that he has a new uniform.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Removed the line in Mysterio's description that says buying his uniform is an option.
- Removed the "Uniform-Required Characters" section entirely (which only contained Moon Knight [Mr. Knight]).
[Part 1] Build Priorities
- New section that expands on the "Build Priorities" that used to be under "Starter Characters". Characters are grouped into headings of "Stacked Builds", "Decent Builds", and "Low-Level Builds".
- Also includes a "C.T.P. Priorities" section that shows what characters the types of C.T.P.s should be put on if/when they are acquired.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Added Taskmaster [Marvel Studios' Black Widow] to "Recommended Picks" in 1st place, and Wong [Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2] in 3rd place.
- Removed Valkyrie [Fearless Defenders] from "Recommended Picks" (was 2nd place).
- Added Green Goblin [Spider-Man: No Way Home] and Electro [Spider-Man: No Way Home] in 1st and 2nd place respectively in "Niche/Optional Uniforms".
- Removed Proxima Midnight [Dark Obsidian Armor], Shang-Chi [Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi] and White Fox [Lifestyle Series 2] from "Niche/Optional Uniforms".
[Part 2] Tier-3 and Transcending
- Renamed the section from "Tier-3s and Transcending" because it looked funny with the forced capitalisation.
- Added Wong to "Tier-3 Advancements" in 4th place.
- Added a note to Tier-3 Loki as soon as you have a Rage in "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Changed some text under "Tier-3 Guided Quest" to reflect the fact that there are no longer multiple options listed.
- Added Doctor Octopus to "Awakening/Transcended Potential" in 1st place.
[Part 2] Native Tier-2
- Renamed the section from "Native Tier-2s" because it looked funny with the forced capitalisation.
- Added Doctor Strange [Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2] and Scarlet Witch [Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 2] in 1st and 2nd place respectively.
- Removed Proxima Midnight [Dark Obsidian Armor] and Supergiant [Dark Obsidian Armor] (was 1st and 2nd place).
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Added Sorcerer Supreme in 2nd place.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed Shang-Chi Legendary Battle Extreme from "C.T.P. Acquisition".
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Edited Patience and Veteran descriptions to reflect their irrelevant reforgings.
Marvel Studios' Hawkeye
March 17, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Kate Bishop added as one of the key starter characters, pushing Sif to an alternative pick.
- Hawkeye added to the mid-game section, replacing Falcon.
- Guided Quest section revamped, reducing the number of characters.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Added Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) in second place for both "Non-Selector Characters" and "Build Priorities" sections.
- Modified Sif in "Non-Selector" characters to state that she is optional, and in "Build Priorities" to account for her new optional status.
- Modified description of "Viable Alternatives" section: "none of these require a uniform to begood" -> "none of these require a uniform to beusable".
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added Echo in fourth place under "Random Chest".
- Changed Luna Snow's desciption under "Selector" to be less favourable.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) [Marvel Studios' Hawkeye] in fourth place for "Recommended Picks".
- Shifted Sif [Asgard Invasion] down to "Viable Alternatives", in first place (above Taskmaster). Also altered her description to be less favourable.
- Removed the "Good until you get his WandaVision uniform." part from the Vision [Avengers: Age of Ultron] description in "Gold Uniforms".
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Renamed "Optional Uniforms" section to "Niche Uniform".
- Removed Daredevil [Fall From Grace] and Vision [Marvel Studios' WandaVision] from this section - only Ghost Rider [King of Hell] remains.
- Got rid of the "Futureproofing" section, combining it with "No Uniforms" since it means the same thing anyway.
- Re-added Vision to the "No Uniforms" section (previously in "Optional Uniforms").
- Changed Ghost Rider [King of Hell]'s description under "Niche Uniform" to be less favourable.
- Removed Falcon from the "No Uniforms" section.
- Updated Hawkeye's description under "No Uniforms" to reflect his new uniform having arrived.
- Simplified the descriptions for Shuri and Loki under "No Uniforms".
- Altered the text descriptions of each section to clarify that uniforms are not worth buying except maybe Ghost Rider.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Captain America [Enter the Phoenix] and Captain America (Sam Wilson) [The Falcon and the Winter Soldier] from "Recommended Picks".
- Added Hawkeye [Marvel Studios' Hawkeye (Hero Suit)] to "Recommended Picks" in first place.
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Removed Falcon from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Added Hawkeye to "Tier-3 Advancements" in second place (where Falcon previously was).
- Removed Captain America from "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
- Added Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) to "Awakening/Transcend Potential" in first place.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Removed "Dark Reign - Playing Hero" (Moonstone) recommendation under "Deluxe Packs".
- Added "The Fate of Mankind - Land of the Gods" (Gilgamesh) recommendation under "Deluxe Packs".
- Changed C.T.P. of Energy recommended characters from Sharon Rogers and Falcon to Sharon Rogers and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), under "C.T.P. Acquisition".
- Edited down the first line of the C.T.P. of Judgement description under "C.T.P. Acquisition" so that it no longer goes off the page.
[Part 4] General Tips
- Replaced Spider-Man with Iron Man as character who is bad in point 8 of "Things to Avoid".
Hellfire Gala (Part 1)
January 5, 2022View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Replaced Shang-Chi with Spider-Man as the best cheap PvP character. Shang-Chi moves to an optional pick.
- Guided Quest uniforms are no longer recommended.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Included a proper mention (i.e. portrait, big text) for 6-Star Spider-Man from Legendary Battle, and removed War Machine's.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Spider-Man [Integrated Suit] in "Recommended Picks", third place.
- Removed Shang-Chi [Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi] from "Viable Alternatives". Shang-Chi moved to Part 2.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Removed "Recommended Uniforms" section, and modified the introductory text to mention Guided Quest uniforms are generally not worth buying.
- Vision moved from "Recommended Uniforms" to "Optional Uniforms".
- Removed Venom entirely (was in "Optional Uniforms").
- Swapped Ghost Rider [King of Hell] and Daredevil [Fall From Grace] in "Optional Uniforms", since Spider-Man is now a better Speed for PvP.
- Added Groot under "No Uniforms", replacing Venom, for his striker ability.
- Slightly changed Doctor Octopus' description under "Futureproofing", as he was not in the December No Way Home update (still remaining hopeful for a 2nd NWH update that gives him a uniform).
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Added Shang-Chi [Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi] under "Niche/Optional Uniforms" in 3rd place.
- Moved Sersi [Marvel Studios' Eternals] to last place in "Niche/Optional Uniforms".
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Removed Shang-Chi from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Added Spider-Man as 1st pick in "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Changed the introductory text to be more accurate (as the rest of the section no longer only lists two of the Epic Quests).
- Made a small note about Psylocke being decent in the X-Force description.
- Altered The Galactive Imperative's description so it no longer says Beta Ray Bill and Star-Lord are "amazing" for PvE.
Asgard Invasion
November 30, 2021View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)View Image Guide (Part 4)
Overall Changes
- Tier-2 Sersi added to Freebies, and removed from "Starter Characters" and "Selectors and Tickets".
- Kingo replaces Sersi as Starter Character.
- Sif is added as a Starter Character.
- Removed Ikaris from "Free Premiums".
- Replaced War Machine with Captain America in Part 2.
- Replaced Moonstone with Makkari in Part 2.
- Added Part 3 - Character Building, and renamed Part 3 - Resources to Part 4.
Minor Update - 12 December
Section Change Part 1 - Starter Characters "Weekly Selector Characters" - fixed Kingo's description from Physical to Energy Damage. Part 1 - Guided Quest "Optional Uniforms" - removed mentions of ABX performance in Venom's description. Part 2 - Mid-Game Uniforms "Recommended Picks" - clarified that Judgement is better than Rage for Phoenix Cap. Part 3 - Stats "Stat Caps" - clarified that some stats start at 100% for all characters. Part 4 - General Tips "Miscellaneous Tips" - removed Weapon Hex recommendation and the part about WBUone-shots.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Added Tier-2 Sersi from Eternals Epic Quest.
- Included a proper mention (i.e. portrait, big text) for 6-Star War Machine from Legendary Battle, and removed Thor's.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Changed the "Loki" section up the top to "Non-Selector Characters".
- Added Sersi and Sif to "Non-Selector Characters".
- Renamed "Recommended Picks" to "Weekly Selector Characters".
- Removed Sersi as Day 1 in "Weekly Selector Characters".
- Moved Iron Hammer to be Day 1 in "Weekly Selector Characters", replacing Sersi.
- Added Kingo as Day 7 in "Weekly Selector Characters", replacing Iron Hammer.Also added Kingo to "Build Priorities", in between Scarlet Spider and Sersi.
- Added Sif to "Build Priorities", in between Loki and Scarlet Spider.
- Added a row of character portraits under "Build Priorities".
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Removed Ikaris from both "Random Chest" and "Selector" sections.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Added Sif [Asgard Invasion] to "Recommended Picks", in 3rd place.
- Moved Taskmaster [Marvel Studios' Black Widow] from 3rd place of "Recommended Picks" to 2nd place in "Viable Alternatives".
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Changed "Must-Cop Uniforms" to "Recommended Uniforms".
- Added a line about how Vision's uniform is still worth getting, but not a must-have.
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- "Biometric Selectors" changes:
Type Old New General Selectors Sersi Kingo Blast-Type Selectors Sersi Hydro-Man Speed-Type Selectors Scorpion Kingo
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Added a note to purchase all the uniforms in "[Part 1] First Uniforms" before starting on these.
- Removed War Machine [3099] and Luna Snow [Light Sirius Armor].
- Added Captain America [Enter the Phoenix], replacing War Machine.
- Added Hela [Asgard Invasion], Sersi [Marvel Studios' Eternals], White Fox [Lifestyle Series 2], and Wave [Classic].
- Split the list into two sections:
- "Recommended Picks": Falcon [FATWS], Captain America [Enter the Phoenix], Valkyrie [Fearless Defenders]
- "Niche/Optional Uniforms": Hela [Asgard Invasion], Proxima Midnight [Dark Obsidian Armor], Sersi [Marvel Studios' Eternals], White Fox [Lifestyle Series 2], Wave [Classic].
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Fixed Loki's Tier-3 skill icon showing as War Machine's.
- Removed War Machine from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Removed Moonstone from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Added Captain America to "Tier-3 Guided Quest", replacing Vision.
- Added Sif (1st priority) and Makkari (2nd priority) to "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Removed Luna Snow from "CTP-Specific Advancements".
- Added Hela to "CTP-Specific Advancements", noting to build her if you have a Mighty (or Brilliant) Destruction.
- Added a new section, "Support Advancements".
- Moved Taskmaster, Valkyrie and White Fox to this section.
- Added Sersi and Wave to this section.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Added The Fate of Mankind, first on the list, recommending Sersi and Makkari's quests.
- Edited Dark Reign's description to reflect Sentry no longer being the clear best PvP character.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Edited "Deluxe Pack" description to reflect Eternals Deluxe Packs being non-standard.
- Added Makkari's Deluxe Pack as a recommendation over Moonstone's.
- Changed Moonstone's Deluxe Pack description to reflect her no longer being strongly recommended.
Part 3
- Added a new "Part" to the guide covering character building. This replaces what was previous "[Part 3] Resources - Team & Character Building".
- As a result, "[Part 3] Resources" has been renamed "[Part 4] Resources".
[Part 4] Team Building
- Renamed from "Team & Character Building" to just "Team Building" - character building is now Part 3.
- Removed all the now-redundant content relating to character building.
[Part 4] C.T.P. Ranking
- Updated Destruction and Authority descriptions to reflect their viability through Reforging.
- Mentioned that Greed's Reforged variants aren't anything too special.
[Part 4] General Tips
- Removed the part where it says Wolverine is not good.
Light Sirius
September 23, 2021View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)
Overall Changes
- New player carries are now Sharon and Loki instead of Moon Knight.
- Replaced Human Torch with Katy in Starter Characters.
[Part 1] Freebies
- Added 6-Star Shang-Chi since he is now free from Legendary Battle.
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Removed the section recommending Moon Knight from the Support Shop.
- Replaced it with a section recommending Loki from Guided Quest.
- Removed Human Torch as Day 14 "Recommended Pick".
- Added Katy as Day 14 "Recommended Pick".
- "Build Priorities" section updated accordingly (removed Moon Knight and Human Torch, added Loki (top priority) and Katy (4th priority).
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Removed Gambit and Carnage from "Random Chest".
- Added Crescent to "Random Chest", below Ikaris.
- Moved Ghost Panther to last place (previously was above Nick Fury and Dazzler).
- Updated Luna's descriptions under "Selector" to reflect her Light Sirius Armor.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Updated the 2nd paragraph of the intro to be less uniform-specific.
- Added another introductory line to clarify that uniforms are very important for character viability.
- Removed Moon Knight and Falcon from "Recommended Picks". Falcon moved to Part 2.
- Added Loki [TVA Suit] and Sharon Rogers [Light Sirius Armor] to "Recommended Picks", 1st and 2nd respectively.
- Removed Sharon Rogers [Star Night Armor], Human Torch [Classic] and Gambit [Excalibur] from "Viable Alternatives".
- Added Shang-Chi [Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi] "Viable Alternatives" (now the only one there).
- Changed Sharon Rogers [Star Light Armor]'s description under "Gold Uniforms" to reference her Light Sirius Armor.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Moved Daredevil from "Must-Cop Uniforms" to "Optional Uniforms", updated description to say Shang-Chi is better.
- Updated the description for "Must-Cop Uniforms" since there is only one now.
- Removed Iron Fist, Thor and Black Bolt entirely.
- Added Doctor Octopus and Hawkeye to a new section, "Futureproofing".
- Moved Loki up to the top of "No Uniforms".
- Updated Loki's description under "No Uniforms" to reflect his show uniform having come out.
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Removed Spider-Gwen [Gwenom] from "Uniform-Required Characters".
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- Removed Rogue from the "X-Gene / Mutant Selectors" section.
- Updated the "Tier-2 Tickets" section to no longer mention Moon Knight, Spider-Gwen, Gambit and Carnage.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Cable [X of Swords] and Supergiant [Dark Obsidian Armor].
- Added Falcon [FATWS], War Machine [3099] and Luna Snow [Light Sirius Armor]. All three are above the existing two uniforms (Valkyrie and Proxima).
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Removed Daredevil and Proxima Midnight from "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Moved Sharon Rogers to the top priority, above Falcon, in "Tier-3 Advancements". Updated her description since she has a new uniform now.
- Added Loki, Shang-Chi, Taskmaster, War Machine, and White Fox to "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Removed Moon Knight from "Awakening/Transcend Potential".
- Removed Ghost Rider and Supergiant from "CTP-Specific Advancements".
- Added Luna Snow to "CTP-Specific Advancements" for Rage or Judgement.
[Part 2] Native Tier-2s
- Removed Cable.
[Part 2] Future Crystal Investments
- Added Shang-Chi Legendary Battle to "C.T.P. Acquisition".
- In "C.T.P. Acquisition", Energy is now recommended for Sharon Rogers or Falcon, Rage for Loki, and Judgement for Luna Snow.
- Added Wave to "Heroic Quest".
Armor War 3099
August 3, 2021View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)
Overall Changes
- Added recommendations for Falcon - Guided Quest / Uniform / T3.
- Removed Carnage as 6☆ Premium Selector pick, replaced with Luna or Ikaris.
- Added Tier-3 Guided Quest section that recommends Vision.
- Recommendations for Taskmaster Tier-3 and Supergiant Transcended Potential.
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Added recommendation for Ikaris, one slot below Luna Snow, in "Random Chest".
- Moved Carnage below Ikaris and Luna to be the 5th place recommendation in "Random Chest".
- Edited Carnage's description in "Random Chest" to more accurately reflect his current power.
- Removed Carnage from "Selector" pick.
- Added Ikaris to "Selector" pick, below Luna Snow who is now the first pick.
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Removed Carnage from "Recommended Picks".
- Added Falcon [FATWS] and Taskmaster [Black Widow] to "Recommended Picks", in 2nd and 3rd place under Mr. Knight respectively.
- Moved Human Torch [Classic] from "Recommended Picks" to "Viable Alternatives", in 2nd place under Sharon Rogers [Star Night Armor].
- Added She-Hulk [All-New] to "Gold Uniforms" in the "must-have" section.
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- Moved Ghost Rider [King of Hell] from "Must-Cop Uniforms" to "Optional Uniforms".
- Edited the text under Falcon to say to purchase his FATWS uniform.
- Removed Doctor Octopus [Superior Octopus] from "Optional Uniforms".
- Added Wasp to "No Uniforms".
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- Changed the gear upgrade average from 375 (pre-7.0) to 166 (post-7.0) Biometrics.
- Changed "General Selectors" recommendation to Sersi instead of Moon Knight.
- Changed "Combat-Type Selectors" recommendation to Scream instead of Moon Knight.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Removed Taskmaster [Black Widow] from the list, since he has been added to Part 1.
- Added Supergiant [Dark Obsidian Armor] to the list in last place.
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Added Falcon in 1st place for "Tier-3 Advancements".
- Moved Vision out of "Tier-3 Advancements" and into a new section "Tier-3 Guided Quest".
- Removed Rogue and Human Torch from "CTP-Specific Advancements".
- Added Supergiant for Judgement in "CTP-Specific Advancements".
[Part 2] Native Tier-2s
- Added Supergiant in 2nd place.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Added First Family in last place.
The Black Order
May 26, 2021View Image Guide (Part 1)View Image Guide (Part 2)View Image Guide (Part 3)
Overall Changes
- Reformatted the guide into 3 parts.
- Made changes to selector picks based on more characters being added to the Support Shop.
- Added a section on Gold-Cost Uniforms based on more uniforms being sold for Gold in 7.0.
- Added a section for Guided Quests, added in 7.1.
- Recommendations for Transcending Human Torch and Moonstone.
- Recommendations for Tier-3 Ghost Rider, Rogue and Proxima Midnight.
- Changed some advice based on the new Crafting system for Comic Cards.
- Added a CTP Ranking and Card Info section in Part 3 of the guide.
Minor Update - 2 June
- Changed Carnage's description from "best Combat Villain" to "one of the best" in Part 1 > "Free Premiums" > "Selector".
- Replaced Iron Man with Wolverine as character who is bad in Part 3 > "General Tips" > "Things to Avoid".
- Fixed some outdated text that said all listed Tier-3s were single cost in Part 2 > "Tier-3s and Transcending".
- Added a note that Proxima Midnight is a 1.5x cost Tier-3 in Part 2 > "Tier-3s and Transcending".
- Added C.T.P. of Destruction to "C.T.P. Ranking" in Part 3.
- Removed the part where it says Supergiant World Boss isn't worth playing in Part 3 > "General Tips" > "Daily Tasks".
[Part 1] Starter Characters
- Renamed "Recommended Picks" sub-section to "Selector Picks".
- Moved Moon Knight out of the Selector picks (was Day 7), and added a new section saying to build him from Support Shop.
- Removed Spider-Gwen (was Day 21 Alternative) and Shuri (was Day 28) from Selector picks. This is because Spider-Gwen is now available in the Support Shop and Shuri from Guided Quests.
- Added Iron Hammer (Day 7) and Human Torch (Day 14) as Selector picks.
- Shuffled Scarlet Spider from Day 14 to Day 28 so that he is the Tier-2 pick.
- Edited "Build Priorities" section according to the new character selection.
- Fixed "Build Priorities" section saying Scarlet Spider should be lv66 for SL33, corrected to lv64 for SL32.
- Moved Human Torch and Iron Hammer out of "Viable Alternatives" as they are now in "Selector Picks".
[Part 1] Free Premiums
- Took Namor and Weapon Hex off the list of "Random Chest" Premiums to go for.
- Moved Valkyrie to the top of the list of "Random Chest" Premiums (was 4th place).
[Part 1] First Uniforms
- Renamed this section from "Uniforms".
- Added Human Torch [Classic] to "Recommended Picks" as 3rd priority.
- Added a new section, "Gold Uniforms".
[Part 1] Guided Quest
- New section about Guided Quest. Split into three sub-sections, "Must-Cop Uniforms", "Optional Uniforms", and "No Uniforms".
- "Must-Cop Uniforms":Ghost Rider [King of Hell], Daredevil [Fall From Grace], Vision [Marvel Studios' WandaVision]
- "Optional Uniforms":Iron Fist [The Living Weapon], Thor [Herald of Thunder], Black Bolt [Marvels X], Doctor Octopus [Superior Octopus]
- "No Uniforms":Shuri, Falcon, Loki
[Part 1] Support Shop Grinds
- Renamed "Recommended Characters" to "Decent Mains"
- Removed Vision from "Decent Mains", as he is in Guided Quest now.
- Removed all the "Uniform-Required Characters" (Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Loki, Thor, Venom) as they are in Guided Quest also.
- Added a new sub-section, "Leads and Supports", and moved Phil Coulson from "Decent Mains" to there.
- Added Moon Knight and Spider-Gwen to "Uniform-Required Characters"
- Added Destroyer, She-Hulk, Warwolf, Ancient One, Medusa and Mantis to "Leads and Supports".
[Part 1] Selectors and Tickets
- Replaced Spider-Gwen with Scorpion for Speed Biometric Selectors.
[Part 2] Introduction
- Added a "Goals" sub-section that talks about what this part of the guide is trying to accomplish.
[Part 2] Mid-Game Uniforms
- Repackages the "Uniforms to Buy" sub-section in "Going Forward" of previous versions.
- Removed Daredevil [Fall From Grace], since he is in Guided Missions.
- Removed Venom [War of the Realms], since he is in Guided Missions and the Baby Groot uniform is sold for Gold now, so you can use him instead for a heal striker.
- Removed Spider-Gwen [Gwenom], since she is in the "Support Shop Grinds" section of Part 1 now.
- Added Taskmaster [Marvel Studios' Black Widow], Valkyrie [Fearless Defenders], Proxima Midnight [Dark Obsidian Armor] and Cable [X of Swords].
[Part 2] Tier-3s and Transcending
- Repackages the "Tier-3 Advancements" and "Awakening/Transcend Potential" sub-sections in "Going Forward" of previous versions.
- Added Vision and Proxima Midnight as Tier-3s to go for.
- Added Moonstone and Valkyrie as Transcends to go for.
- Added a new "CTP-Specific Advancements" sub-section for T3s/TPs that you should only do when you have a certain CTP. Consists of Ghost Rider [Rage], Rogue [Judgement] and Human Torch [Judgement]
[Part 2] Native Tier-2s
- Repackages the "Native Tier-2s" sub-section in "Going Forward" of previous versions.
- Added Proxima Midnight as top priority over Cable.
[Part 2] Epic Quests
- Repackages the "Epic Quests" sub-section in "Going Forward" of previous versions.
- Added X-Force for the purpose of unlocking mutant mat farms for Crafting.
[Part 2] Improving Cards
- Taken from the "Comic Cards" section of previous versions.
- Added a "Card Acquisition" section that talks about Crafting for Cards.
- Added a "Card Crafting" section that mentions to start Crafting your first good Premium Card in the hopes of getting Pierce.
[Part 3] Character & Team Building
- Fixed some text that went off-screen.
[Part 3] C.T.P. Ranking
- New section that provides a ranking and brief description of all CTPs.
[Part 3] Card Information
- New section that provides a list of PvE and PvP Premium Cards and a few tips.
March 16, 2021Overall Changes
- Replaced Iron Hammer with Sersi in Starter Characters
- Replaced Black Widow with Daredevil for early-game PvP investment
- Added more information on how to build characters and teams
- Added a section detailing who to use selectors on
Starter Characters
- Removed Iron Hammer as Day 1 pick.
- Added Sersi as Day 1 pick.
- Added Iron Hammer as 3rd "Viable Alternative".
- Added a new heading/section called "Build Priorities" that tells you how much to invest in each of the starter characters.
Selectors and Tickets
- A new section detailing what to use various selector items on.
- Mastery Tickets: Mysterio
- Norn Stone Selectors: Speed (but doesn't really matter)
- Biometric Selectors: Moon Knight (General), Moon Knight (Combat), Sersi (Blast), Spider-Gwen (Speed), Shadow Shell (Universal)
- X-Gene / Mutant Selectors: Kid Omega / Rogue (if Judgement available)
- Some advice on who to use Tier-2 Tickets on
Team & Character Building
- New section for team/character building basics.
Going Forward
- Removed Black Widow [Snow Suit] from "Uniforms to Buy".
- Removed Black Widow from the Tier-3 recommendations list.
- Added Daredevil as top "Uniform to Buy" (replacing Black Widow).
- Added Daredevil as top Tier-3 recommendation (replacing Black Widow).
Dawn of X
February 8, 2021Note
- This is the oldest guide being tracked on this page, so no changelog is available.
Certain characters have "proc-friendliness" ratings that are meant to complement their rotations. This provides information on which Custom Gear effect they perform better with: a one-time damage increase (Proc) or persistent increase (Rage).
If you do not know what any of this means, check out Part 5 of the Beginner's Guide.
- All the rankings here are subjective to a degree. If you completely disagree with something, please raise it in the THANO$VIB$ Discord.
- The C.T.P. of Energy is used to indicate proc-friendliness, and C.T.P. of Rage for non-proc-friendliness, as they are the classic examples of each. However:
- An Obelisk with a Damage Proc or a C.T.P. of Destruction also works for proc-friendly characters.
- A C.T.P. of Judgement (where applicable) also works for non-proc-friendly characters.
- Note that a "mini rage" (Obelisk with Rage effect) is not included above - most characters that are not very proc friendly would still perform better using a suboptimal rotation and a Obelisk with a proc.
- Please do not take this section as recommending to equip a Rage to certain characters. It considers only the character's skillset in isolation, not how relevant they are overall (which should be the basis of your C.T.P. choices).
- There may be cases where you equip a Rage on a character who is more proc-friendly than another, just because that character is usable in more content.
- In some cases, you may even want to equip a Rage on a perfectly proc-friendly character, if they are most useful in modes where Rage is simply better than Energy/Destruction (e.g. Alliance Battle).
Proc-friendliness ratings consist of 4 scales, described below.
Overall Rating
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