Update 5.9.5 - Scarlet Witch Mid-Month
Patch notes released Wednesday April 1, 2020.
Greetings, Agents!
CM Fragment here, from the MARVEL Future Fight team.
There's a powerful force coming in the Marvel Future Fight realm.
Scarlet Witch's new Uniform and Tier-3 upgrade will be available in the April 1st patch.
She has great influence with various factions, from the Avengers to Mutants.
Now, let me introduce this new power!
A New Scarlet Witch Uniform
- New Uniform Skills are based on Level 1 stats.
- The New Uniform will be on sale at a discounted price during the event period and will be available for purchase in the MARVEL Universe and Uniform Room after the event and discount sale end.
- The New Uniform can be purchased after the 4/01 patch at the discounted price as part of the events.
Scarlet Witch Tier-3 Advancement
One of the main supporting heroes White Fox, can now be advanced to Tier-3.
Her upgraded abilities would be a great help in battles for allies and herself as well!
Other Fixes
- The issue where it was impossible to collect paid items that exceeded the storage limit has been fixed.
- The issue where the screen was not immediately refreshed when a pop-up appeared at the end of the Squad Battle season has been fixed.
- Some <House of X Special Event> Quest text has been corrected.
- Doctor Doom <Modern>'s striker skill will now activate correctly.
Currently, various events are held to commemorate the Tier-3 Scarlet Witch. We hope our Agents enjoy the new patch with these events.