Dance with Doom (Thena)
"Dance with Doom" is Thena's story within the greater "The Fate of Mankind" Epic Quest. This is the final story for the Epic Quest: you must complete all 5 of the other stories to unlock it (and unlock Thena), and by progressing through the various stages, Thena reaches Tier-3.
The requirement to unlock also includes Makkari and Gilgamesh's storylines, so Thena can be considered to be locked behind both Deluxe Packs. This is similar to the "Final Unlock" Native Tier-2 in most other Epic Quests, like Jean Grey or Doctor Doom (except Thena is Native Tier-1).
It is very important to read the "Level Rebates" section below.
Mission & Rebates
Mission & Rebates
Unlockable Mission - Broken Harmony
Deviant Diversion
Deviant Diversion
Basic character farm mission, but crucially the only place in the game where you can renewably farm Thena Biometrics. This mission has an individual limit of 10 character drops (but a single run that drops 2 Biometrics only counts as 1 run), so you can get at least 10 Biometrics a day from it.
Since they're cheap at 4 Energy (3 Energy with Stage 1 Boost Points), running this mission is a decent way to farm Uniform EXP and fodder Biometrics while maintaining a decent Bio-to-Energy ratio. If you anticipate a new uniform for Thena, it may be good to farm this until you have 930 Biometrics in your inventory.
Unlockable Mission - True Evolution
The Final Showdown
The Final Showdown
This mission is unlocked through quest progression, and has a daily entry limit of 2. Each run will drop 2 6-Star ISO-8 Boosters, and may include the other ISO-8 and Obelisk drops. This makes it a very valuable mission and one you should run daily.
This is very similar to the Delxue Missions for non-Mutant Epic Quests (e.g. Nova's, Invisible Woman's), just without guaranteed Biometric drops. Consider it an added bonus for purchasing both Deluxe Packs.
Every run will randomly select one of the Eternals as a Shifter (if played manually), and rewards a single Biometric of that Shifter character upon mission completion. This is an additional way to farm rarer characters like Ikaris or Thena.
As with all of these missions, it is an option to guarantee two Shifter Biometrics from this mission by force closing if you get an undesired character as a Shifter. Tedious and probably not worth it as you'd already have Ikaris Tier-3 by the time you get around to this mission.
Level Rebates
Certain stages of the Epic Quest will reward you with Thena level ups, for each 2 levels above 60 (and stopping at 70). However, if you have manually levelled your Thena to an equivalent or higher level than what the stage reward wants to give you, you will receive some materials as rebates.
While this doesn't really matter for a free character like Sersi or Kingo, getting Thena Biometrics in bulk like this is extremely rare. As such you should level up Thena to Lv.70 manually and get all the level rebates, which will allow you to put those Biometrics towards Uniform Upgrades (you will have some left over, but she could always get another uniform some time down the road).
Keep a close eye on the Stage List below, and level Thena before the auto-level-up stages - you should not be letting the quest level her for you at all. It does cost more generic Biometrics than the Thena Biometrics you get rebated, but trading farmable ones for Premium Biometrics is really a no-brainer.
Thena Biometrics
Thena Biometrics
Lv.62: x200 Lv.64: x225 Lv.66: x250 Lv.68: x275 Lv.70: x300
Total: x1250Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter
Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter
Lv.62: x150 Lv.64: x300 Lv.66: x450 Lv.68: x900 Lv.70: x1150
Total: x2950
Costs and Rewards
Costs and Rewards
Research Costs
Implicit Costs
Additionally, this Epic Quest requires that you rank up Thena's gears manually. The costs for these are shown below - gear upgrade costs are averages. More data can be found on the Gears page of THANO$VIB$.
Gear Levels 20-25
Gear Levels 20-25
On average, x2784 Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter, x1355 Titan Component Packs, x1355 Essence of Dimension, x3,468,819 Gold
These are the various rewards accumulated as you complete the stages of the Epic Quest.
Quest Progression
Quest Progression
Stage List
Below is the full list of Epic Quest stages and their associated rewards. Remember that you can:
- Scroll down to the "Search and Research" section for details on those.
- Scroll up to the "Requirements" heading for information on resource and material farming.The stage numbers that are highlighted are ones that might take some time to complete.
Celestial Components
[ASSEMBLE POINTS] Send 1 Alliance Point.
Reward: Essence Of Dimension x251
Family First #1
Use 1,000,000 Gold
Reward: Norn Stone of Omnipotence x202
Family First #2
[SEARCH] Search for Celestial Components
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x253
Armed Guard #1
[BROKEN HARMONY] Clear Brains VS Blades 3 times
Reward: Energy x504
Armed Guard #2
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Participate 10 times
Reward: Norn Stone of Omnipotence x205
Mechanized Minions #1
Rank Up Thena to 4 Star
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x256
Mechanized Minions #2
[ISO-8] Enhance ISO-8 X 5
Reward: Gold x200,0007
Mechanized Minions #3
[CUSTOM GEAR] Upgrade X 5
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x258
Energy Trail #1
[BROKEN HARMONY] Clear Brains VS Blades 3 times
Reward: Norn Stone of Omnipotence x209
Energy Trail #2
Rank Up Thena to 5 Star
Reward: Essence Of Dimension x2510
Source of Power #1
Use 50 Energy
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x2511
Source of Power #2
[RESEARCH] Celestial Component Data Investigation
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2012
Safer Hands
Reach level 15 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Clear Ticket x2513
Battle Scars #1
Reward: Norn Stone of Omnipotence x2014
Battle Scars #2
Rank Up Thena to 6 Star
Reward: Essence Of Dimension x2515
Needless Destruction #1
[RECLAIMED MEMORY] Clear Industrial Complex 3 times
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2016
Needless Destruction #2
Reach level 20 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2017
Failed Diplomacy #1
[ISO-8] Combine X 1
Reward: Norn Stone of Omnipotence x2018
Failed Diplomacy #2
Reach Tier-2 with Thena.
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2019
Mutual Agreement #1
[ALLIANCE BATTLE] Participate 1 time
Reward: Essence Of Dimension x2520
Mutual Agreement #2
[RECLAIMED MEMORY] Clear Deviant Diversion 3 times
Reward: Thena Lv. 6221
Genetic Testing #1
[RESEARCH] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #1
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2022
Genetic Testing #2
[ASSEMBLE POINTS] Send 1 Alliance Point.
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x2523
Throne Overthrown #1
[COMIC CARDS] Upgrade X 5
Reward: Gold x200,00024
Throne Overthrown #2
[BROKEN HARMONY] Clear Smaller Heads Prevail 3 times
Reward: Thena Lv. 6425
Shared History
Reward: Cosmic Cube Fragment x2526
Fight Another Day
[RESEARCH] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #2
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2027
Edge of Eternity #1
Reach level 22 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2028
Edge of Eternity #2
Use 1,000,000 Gold
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2029
Looking for Trouble #1
Reward: Thena Lv. 6630
Looking for Trouble #2
[HEROES REUNITED] Clear Madness Ensues 3 times
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2031
Cosmic Power #1
Reach level 23 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Clear Ticket x2532
Cosmic Power #2
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2033
Celestial Search #1
[RESEARCH] Celestial Components Activation
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2034
Celestial Search #2
[HEROES REUNITED] Clear Shock and Awe 3 times
Reward: Thena Lv. 6835
In Our Favor #1
[CUSTOM GEAR] Upgrade X 5
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2036
In Our Favor #2
Reach level 24 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Energy x5037
Opposing Forces #1
[ISO-8] Enhance ISO-8 X 5
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2038
Opposing Forces #2
[TRUE EVOLUTION] Clear The Final Showdown 2 times
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2039
Evolve or Die! #1
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Participate 10 times
Reward: Thena Lv. 7040
Evolve or Die! #2
[COMIC CARDS] Upgrade X 5
Reward: Titan Component Pack x2041
Of One Mind
Reach level 25 with all of Thena's gear.
Reward: Rank 1 Black Anti-Matter x2042
Deviants Defeated #1
[DIMENSION MISSION] Acquire Contribution Reward 1 time
Reward: Gold x200,00043
Deviants Defeated #2
[TIMELINE BATTLE] Win 10 times
Reward: Thena Tier-344
Hope Springs
[EPIC QUEST] Complete Story: Dance With Doom
Reward: Gold x200,00045
Search and Research
At various points in the Stage List, you will be asked to complete "Research" tasks which basically just require you to sacrifice some resources to progress. They are listed here in the order they appear in the Stage List (and generally, goes from easiest to hardest as you go down).
This Epic Quest also includes Searches. These require that you run a particular mission over and over to acquire some RNG drops. They are awful and universally despised. It is generally accepted that Search items drop at a fixed rate regardless of level (e.g. Dimension Missions having levels 1-15), so if you want to rush Search stages, run the missions with lowest Energy requirement (e.g. Dimension Mission stage 6).
[Search] Celestial Components
[Search] Celestial Components
Find 40 Celestial Components in Dimension Mission
Skip Cost: 45 per item, 1800 total[Research] Celestial Component Data Research
[Research] Celestial Component Data Research
x250 Cosmic Cube Fragment, 200 Essence of Dimension
Skip Cost: 6 Crystals per Cosmic Cube Fragment, 2 Crystals per Essence of Dimension, 1900 total[Research] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #1
[Research] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #1
x400 Titan Component Pack, 200 Essence of Dimension
Skip Cost: 2 Crystals per Titan Component Pack, 2 Crystals per Essence of Dimension, 1200 total[Research] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #2
[Research] Eternals Genetic Structure Research #2
x200 Cosmic Cube Fragment, 4 Titan's Record: Universal
Skip Cost: 6 Crystals per Cosmic Cube Fragment, 1125 Crystals per Titan's Record: Universal, 5700 total[Research] Celestial Components Activation
[Research] Celestial Components Activation
x400 Titan Component Pack, 4 Titan's Record: Universal
Skip Cost: 2 Crystals per Titan Component Pack, 1125 Crystals per Titan's Record: Universal, 5300 total