The Ideal "Daredevil: Born Again" Update
If thanosvibes took over MFF, this would be the Daredevil: Born Again update (awesome).
Main Update
Main Update
New Character
The most obvious new character to add. To keep things realistic, Muse will be a paywalled Speed Villain that is stuck at Tier-3 and makes no impact on the meta.
New Uniforms + Advancements
It's been over 3 years since the last Daredevil uniform, so a proper treatment is due.
Skills: Ideally would be proc-friendly for new players - skill 5 could summon one of the Defenders (Jessica, Luke, Iron Fist), and skill 4 could be a billy club throw with some residual ricochets. Skill 3 could remain as his big counterattack and proc skill, but with a longer and flashier animation.
Usability: As Speed Human Male Hero he sadly has little chance of being a super versatile PvE character. This can be made up for by making him absolutely insane in WBL with some PvP viability too - think a mix of Miles' ATSV uniform and Spidey's Back to Basics in one character. With the Symbiote Suit being a disappointment, Daredevil could be the perfect cheap PvP character with enough WBL dominance to make him worth building for new players.
Punisher also deserves the spotlight with his last good uniform being Cosmic Ghost Rider in 2020.
Skills: Gameplay-wise there should be more guns (minigun infinite skill please) and less smoke bombs and katanas.
Usability: This uniform+T4 combo would make him a pure PvE beast that was significantly better than both Hulk and Ock in ABL, balanced out by the fact that he isn't eligible for the Villain day.
White Tiger
White Tiger
The White Tiger in the show is a male and a different character, but there is some precedent for uniforms being different people.
Passive Skills: Would be made into a pure lead/support character: something like 60% Phys Attack lead, and a massive ~50-60% damage boost for Weapon Master types.
Usability: The intent would to have him be a dedicated support for Punisher and his one ABL meta day, without making him too general of a support.
Transcended Potential
With White Tiger's new uniform and Misty Knight's useful Cold Damage lead, this would be quite a fruitful set of characters to Transcend. Only Hellcat would remain useless.
Team Up Collection: The Defenders
Combat Human Male Villain is plenty saturated already with Hulk and Ock on the ABX/L side and Cap on the WBL/PvP side. With the standard roles filled, Kingpin can be a bit more interesting.
Skills: Kingpin's kit would be mostly summon based, but keep the car skill from the Winter Criminal uniform because it's sick. One skill could summon tracksuits, one could summon regular suits, and keep his 6th with The Hand.
Passive Skill: In addition to the HP and Phys Attack leadership from Winter Criminal, Kingpin would have a new type of support passive. When attacking, there would be a chance that one of Echo, Elektra or Bullseye is summoned with a percentage of the active character's stats. This would be similar to Weapon Hex's passive but hopefully a bit more impactful - could be tuned to be roughly the same as a 30-40% damage increase and/or be slightly more impactful in PvP.
Usability: Kingpin could be a nice gimmick Tier-4 that is somewhat useful on his own, while having a unique skillset and team passive.
Bullseye is a logical fit with Kingpin, and another opportunity for a unique support.
Passive Skills: Bump the Ignore Dodge leadership from 50% to 75% and add a new support: 10-30% chance to activate penetration of all defensive buffs when attacking. Shocking this hasn't happened yet and would be interesting to see if it shakes up the meta at all.
Usability: Would primarily be a PvP support that could bring certain non-PvP characters into the viability with added penetration.