Halloween Seasonals 2024
- Crystal Uniforms
Crystal Uniforms
Ghost Rider [Rage Returned]
Ghost Rider [Rage Returned]
A must-have for basically any account due to his overall PvE usage. He is currently easily the best Tier-4 Striker in the game (using his 4th skill when striking), meaning he can buff basically any Tier-4 character simply by setting him as Striker. This can increase ABL scores by over 1m when compared to a general striker character.
On his own, he is still very dominant in WBL and GBR, despite having dropped off slightly in ABX/ABL. Definitely worth building and using regardless of your point in the game.
Something to note is that you will want a Rage or Judgement if using him later in the game, but he is so good you won't regret equipping one on him.
Not Recommended
Black Bolt [Fallen Soul]
Black Bolt [Fallen Soul]
Was a game changer when he first came out, but as a pure DPS character (other than his Inhumans leadership) he hasn't aged well. There are free characters that can perform as well as he can, making him a questionable choice for a full price limited uniform.
He is also not proc-friendly, requiring a Rage to get the most out of his DPS. However the power creep means he no longer deserves a Rage, so either you get this uniform and don't give him a Rage (and he's weak as a result), or you do give him a Rage (and it's a waste of one).
The Inhumans leadership has also never come into play, as there have been no useful Inhumans since his release. Even if good ones do come out in the next year, a 60% attack lead is nothing special.
Abomination [Infected Bioweapon]
Abomination [Infected Bioweapon]
A puzzling support uniform that does not actually make him a better support than with his previous uniform (there is a very slight increase, but insignificant).
A definite skip especially if you do not already own the character. Even if you do want to get Abomination, he's just as good without the uniform.
- Paywall Uniforms
Paywall Uniforms
Each of these uniforms can be purchased for 30 Halloween Event tokens. These come with certain real-money packs at roughly 1 USD for each token (though the packs come with other items, like Crystals, as well).
10 tokens are given for free in a check-in event, so you can consider the first uniform you buy as costing 20 USD. Any subsequent uniforms will require you to buy an additional 30 tokens for about 30 USD.
These are not in order - both are primarily supports and in categories that already have a few free support options.
You can read the below descriptions below and click on the portraits to view World Boss restrictions if those will influence your decision.
Morgan le Fay [Fallen Soul]
Morgan le Fay [Fallen Soul]
Morgan's uniform was the first Halloween exclusive, and still has a place in the meta as a support for Universal types.
The main difference between her and Sin would be the PvP aspects - Morgan herself has a revive, which can be useful in AC, and her support passive also includes debuff removal.
The PvE aspect is about the same (35% damage to bosses, 35% all attacks). She is currently a meta support for Universal Villain ABX and Universal Female ABL.
Similarly-typed supports to consider, no particular order:
Sin [Rage Returned]
Sin [Rage Returned]
Sin followed Morgan as a slightly more niche support. Her support works specifically for Villains.
Her support is similar to Morgan's (55% damage to bosses), but she does have an additional damage support on her Artifact that can make her noticeably more powerful (though it does require the exclusive Artifact, ideally at high rank).
She is currently a meta support for Villain Female and Speed Villain ABX. Notably she is also available for 3 ABL days, although she is not meta for them at the moment as Luna (a Hero) is the top scorer. However, she'll be valuable if you don't have Luna and use Gwenpool for this day, or if you think there's a chance that a villain character will overtake Luna and benefit from Sin.
Similarly-typed supports to consider, no particular order:
Not Recommended
Weapon Hex [Infected Bioweapon]
Weapon Hex [Infected Bioweapon]
Sadly the first paywall Halloween Tier-4 is a big disappointment. Zero ABL days and weird zombie-specific supports makes her a very niche Otherworld or AC support only.
While she does provide a 45% damage increase for PvE, the only relevant Zombie for it to apply to is Zombie Strange, who already has Mysterio and Coulson supports (both seasonals too, but for Crystals) for ABX. Hex can't enter Strange's ABL day as it's restricted to males.
This makes the unique PvP support the only relevant part: debuff removal and Immortality for 7 seconds for any Zombie characters - however the character is guaranteed to die once the Immortality is over. A must-have if you want to build a Zombie Otherworld team around her, but that's a whole multi-character investment for a niche PvP mode. Compare this to other seasonal supports, who are usually very useful in more general content the moment you buy them, and the value she provides is grim.
Should be a pass for the majority of players.