C.T.P. Allocations Guide

Info on how to decide which characters get which C.T.P.s. These are general guidelines and there may be rare exceptions - it is still probably best to ask on a per character basis is unsure.

Specific character recommendations have also been avoided for futureproofing.

  • PvE Dealers

    PvE Dealers

    Alliance Battle Focused

    Rage is always the ideal choice for Alliance Battle, even if the character is perfectly proc-friendly.

    Reforge: Helps, but not necessary. Can add about 1m score depending on the character, mostly for pushing higher scores. It's recommended to have a regular Rage on everyone you need for ABX/L before reforging.

    World Boss Legend Focused

    Energy is good for proc-friendly characters who do not have innate Chain Hit Damage. Note that some characters gain Chain Hit Damage later on (e.g. on Tier-4 Striker Skill) which may change the recommendation.

    An easy way to check if a character has Chain Hit Damage is by opening their character popup on THANO$VIB$ and checking the "Skills" tab. If there is a tile called "Important Buffs", it will indicate whether the character has innate Chain Hit Damage. If the tile does not appear, it means the character has no buffs considered "Important" (and thus they do not have Chain Hit Damage).

    Reforge: Helps, but not necessary. As you start pushing WBL to higher stages, the added Pierce will help a lot.


    Destruction is good for proc-friendly characters who do have innate Chain Hit Damage. Most PvE uniforms have this nowadays, so Destruction is generally more useful.

    An easy way to check if a character has Chain Hit Damage is by opening their character popup on THANO$VIB$ and checking the "Skills" tab. If there is a tile called "Important Buffs", it will indicate whether the character has innate Chain Hit Damage. If the tile does not appear, it means the character has no buffs considered "Important" (and thus they do not have Chain Hit Damage).

    Reforge: Absolutely necessary.


    Judgement only works for characters who deal Elemental Damage, and ideally ones that are not proc-friendly. Performs better than a Rage in most cases.

    Due to diminishing returns on Elemental buffs, it may be less effective on characters with substantial Elemental buffs natively.

    Reforge: Helps, but not necessary. Basically just makes it deal a bit more damage. There are not many characters who can make good use of Judgement, so it is probably okay to Reforge.


    Rage is good for WBL characters who are completely not proc-friendly, and not Elemental (thus unable to use Judgement).

    Such characters are unideal in most cases, but there are some exceptions that are great in WBL with a Rage.

    Reforge: Helps, but not necessary, especially for WBL purposes.

    Giant Boss Raid

    Similar to Alliance Battle, Rage is the best C.T.P. for GBR. However, it is recommended not to build characters specifically for GBR.

    A good character will do fine with whatever PvE C.T.P. you equip on them, and you get the same rewards regardless of damage dealt.

    Dispatch Missions / Zombie Survival

    The chaotic nature of these modes makes a persistent proc ideal. Especially if running multiple dealers, where the non-active character will be using an AI rotation.

    Both Rage and Judgement (for Elementals, obviously) seem to perform equally well here.

  • PvP Dealers

    PvP Dealers

    This section is not divided by gamemode as most PvP gamemodes function similarly. Instead the C.T.P.s are listed with the favourable attributes.

    These are general rules and it may be best to look up character-specific reviews even with this information.


    The best all-around PvP C.T.P., should work reasonably well for everyone. Some characters may have better choices than Conquest though.


    Provides an offensive boost for characters that innately have good defensive abilities, so you can focus on attack.

    Can also be good for off-meta Immortality characters in Otherworld Battle. These will likely die immediately once the Immortality wears off, even if you use a defensive build, so the offense of a Greed would be more helpful.


    Notably has no Guard Break Immunity, so you must equip this on a character with native GBI.

    A pure defensive C.T.P. that revolves around healing. Therefore it should be equipped on a character who doesn't need an offensive boost, and that is already very tanky.

    If equipped on a character with natively low defensive stats they will likely just get one-shotted.


    Not as relevant as it once was. The main appeal now is stacking the reforged damage reduction, which can essentially provide 5 seconds of immortality if stacked high enough.

    Good on characters / team setups where you can stack the damage reduction close to 100%. This is obviously much easier with a Brilliant.

  • Supports


    Both these C.T.P.s function similarly in both PvE and PvP, though importantly you can stack the effects from Insight and Liberation. Insights are also generally more common, especially if you were playing prior to Liberation being added.

    Factors to consider are:

    1. Versatility: Consider how much you use a given support character, across various gamemodes. You get the most out of a support C.T.P. if you equip it on someone you use often (e.g. has many ABX/L days).
    2. Practicality: Assess how well the overall team does without a support C.T.P. - if the given team is very far off your goal (e.g. ABX/L score, WBL stage clear), a support C.T.P. won't double your score. But if you are hovering around 11m ABL and want to hit 12m, a support C.T.P. will definitely help close the gap.
    3. Reduce Overlap: If you have multiple Insights and Liberations, try to equip them in such a way that most teams will have one of each type, rather than 2 Insight or 2 Liberation.

