Card Crafting Guide
Card Crafting is a system that allows you to unlock additional stats for Premium Comic Cards. Regular, non-Premium Cards cannot be crafted.
The goal of crafting for most players is to acquire Pierce, an important late-game PvE stat. In addition to Pierce, Crafted Stars provide additional stats that may be useful.
Crafting Costs and Stat Rolls
Crafting Costs and Stat Rolls
Each Premium Card can be crafted 6 times, with each craft turning one of the six stars coloured (red, green or blue). The costs of crafting increase with the number of stars already crafted, and the stats that can be rolled differ for each star.
Unlike regular Comic Cards, the possible stats for each slot do not vary between cards - every card's 1st slot will have the same 5 possible stats, and so on.
To craft, you need to sacrifice 5 6☆ cards, and a certain number of Card Crafting Cubes - this number increases as you craft more stars. Card Crafting Cubes can be farmed from Giant Boss Raid with a maximum of 500 a day.
Star Stat Pool Cube Cost 1 Dodge
Recovery Rate
Poison Resist
Cold Resist
Crowd Control Time400 2 HP
Energy Defense
Movement Speed
Lightning Resist
Mind Resist800 3 Ignore Defense
Physical Defense
Lightning Resist
Fire Resist
Crowd Control Time1200 4 Critical Damage
All Defense
Movement Speed
Fire Resist
Mind Resist1800 5 Attack Speed
Critical Rate
Cold Resist
Poison Resist
Skill Cooldown2500 6 Energy Attack
Physical Attack
All Basic Attacks
Cold Resist
Mind Resist3500 TOTAL 10200
Card Quality
Card Quality
Additionally, the quality of a card impacts the magnitude of the Crafted Stats.
Other than quality, the regular stat rolls and crafted stat rolls are completely separate systems. Rerolling the regular stats will only have an impact on the Crafted ones if the Quality changes.
Quality Stat % 1 7.5% 2 8% 3 8.5% 4 9% 5 9.5% 6 10% 7 11%
Coloured Stars
Coloured Stars
Crafted stars have an equal chance of rolling one of three colours. If you get 3 or 6 stars of the same colour on a single card, you will unlock a special stat specific to that colour.
Colour Stat 2% Additional Pierce Damage 5% Additional Pierce Damage 2% Concentration 5% Concentration 4% All Resistance 10% All Resistance - Pierce is the most desirable crafted stat, ignoring defense and providing a sizable damage boost in most PvE modes (ABX is an exception).
- Concentration provides a boost to special Reforged C.T.P. mechanics like Beatdown or Steel, but the amount it contributes is negligible.
- Resistance simply adds that percentage to all of Mind, Lightning, Cold, Fire and Poison Resist stats. Almost useless.
Change Craft Options
Change Craft Options
It is very likely that you will not get the desired colours from the first Craft. Once a Card is fully Crafted, you can reroll to try for better stats.
"Change Craft Options" allows you to reroll Crafted Stars. This is completely independent of "Change Normal Options", which re-rolls the regular Card stats.
To Craft Combine a card, you need to sacrifice a Premium Card and 750 Card Crafting Cubes. Therefore it is recommended to only Craft Combine a card when you have fully crafted it, so the maximum number of rerolls can be done at once.
Unlike Change Normal Options, you can choose to "Lock" Crafted Stars to preserve their colour and stat. It is not possible to lock only a stat or only a colour - you either lock both, or let both reroll.
Combining costs an increasing amount of Crystals for each Star you choose to lock. If no stats are locked, it costs a small amount of Gold.
Note that there was a 30% Discount Event on the Crystal cost "Change Craft Options" during Black Friday 2024. It may be wise to wait for similar discount events if you plan to reroll many times.
Locked Stars Crystal Cost 1 50 2 100 3 150 4 300 5 500
Unequip Costs
Unequip Costs
Finally, costs to unequip Premium Cards increases as more Stars are Crafted.
This makes it especially important to only unequip during a discount event.
Crafted Stars Unequip Cost 1 700 Crystals 2 800 Crystals 3 900 Crystals 4 1000 Crystals 5 1100 Crystals 6 1200 Crystals