Christmas Seasonals 2024

This event was the first where old returning seasonal uniforms were discounted.

Crystal uniforms over two years old were discounted by the regular 40%, for a cost of 1050 Crystals.

Paywall uniforms over two years old were discounted by 10 tokens, for a cost of 20 tokens.

There are no strong recommendations for this year. Even the "top" recommendations will depend on your account and goals.

  • Crystal Uniforms

    Crystal Uniforms

    Somewhat Recommended
    Gambit [X-Men Year-End Party]
    Gambit [X-Men Year-End Party]

    This year's new Crystal uniform and a clear standout in Alliance Battle modes, and the new meta pick for Blast Hero Mutant (replacing Cable).

    However, Psylocke's paywall [Summer Vacation] uniform can also hit 12m relatively easily on the same day, while also being the top pick for Hero Mutant Female day. If you already have this uniform, Gambit would offer only a slight score improvement to one of Psylocke's days.

    Gambit also isn't the best for No Restrictions (Strange is still better), so anyone with Strange would end up only using him for that single Blast Hero Mutant day.

    Still really strong and a good choice if you are pushing scores, don't have Psylocke's uniform, and/or like Gambit as a character. Also worth noting he's also quite good in WBL, but likely requires a proc C.T.P. for pushing high stages (which detracts from his ABX/L value).

    Phil Coulson [Winter Ops]
    Phil Coulson [Winter Ops]

    This was quite a popular uniform last year when it came out, the key appeal being his support passive changing from Heroes only to All Allies. In theory this provides a much needed 2nd support for Blast Male Villains like Magneto (at the time) or Strange (the current meta).

    Main issue is that Coulson himself remains Hero, so despite being able to support Villains, he is gated from entering content that requires them. This restricts him to only being useful in content with no "Side" restriction, like Blast Male ABX (where Strange doesn't really need the help) and some WBL stages.

    The uniform also adds a HP and damage reduction passive which applies only to Heroes, and his Artifact support passive is also Hero-oriented. So if you want to make the most out of these additional supports you would prefer to use him with a Hero anyway, which is another knock on the supporting Villains aspect.

    Whether this limited extra use is worth 1750 Crystals depends on the player, but would lean towards no especially for low-paying or newer accounts.

    Not Recommended

    Most of these are just outdated, so less detail is given.

    Magneto [Krakoan Winter]
    Magneto [Krakoan Winter]

    Blast Villain meta for a long time, but has since been completely replaced by Doctor Strange. You would only get this uniform if you really like the character and want him to be usable.

    Kingpin [Winter Criminal]
    Kingpin [Winter Criminal]

    Completely irrelevant - will likely get a new uniform and Tier-4 with the Daredevil: Born Again update too.

    Groot [Snowflake Festival]
    Groot [Snowflake Festival]

    Completely irrelevant - wasn't any good when it came out either. Groot is also a likely candidate for a Tier-4.

    Deadpool [Holiday Party]
    Deadpool [Holiday Party]

    Completely irrelevant - replaced by the Deadpool and Wolverine uniforms.

  • Paywall Uniforms

    Paywall Uniforms

    Each of these uniforms can be purchased for 20 or 30 Christmas Event tokens. These come with certain real-money packs at roughly 1 USD for each token (though the packs come with other items, like Crystals, as well).

    10 tokens are given for free in a check-in event, so you can consider the first uniform you buy as costing 10 USD less. Any subsequent uniforms will require you to buy additional 20-30 tokens, depending on whether you want to buy a discounted one, for about 20-30 USD.

    Somewhat Recommended
    Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Arctic Warrior]
    Captain America (Sharon Rogers) [Arctic Warrior]

    Visually, this uniform is incredible and some of their best work in a long time. Practically it is underwhelming - not a big increase in performance from [Posiedon Armor], yet a very significant increase in uniform cost and rarity.

    For players without any of the two most recent uniforms, there is a case for [Posiedon Armor] being recommended over [Arctic Warrior] due to the much lower cost.

    Might be worth getting if you want max performance out of Sharon, but she's still only useful in WBL due to restrictions. This could obviously change with the upcoming ABX/L restriction changes, but buying a paywall uniform just for the possibility she will be meta in the new ABX/L feels like setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Rogue [Winter Ops]
    Rogue [Winter Ops]

    Still the best "farming" character, helps a ton for Rift and Dispatch. However there are other options for Dispatch and not everyone runs Rifts very frequently - making her use here very niche. While good in WBL too, there are other options that are free.

    There is also no guarantee she will remain as the top farm character into 2025, and with her not being amazing at any other mode, it would render this $30 uniform almost completely useless.

    White Fox [Lifestyle Series 2]
    White Fox [Lifestyle Series 2]

    A decent upgrade to White Fox's already great non-uniformed support passives. Sadly a lot of the appeal of this uniform (Dispatch lead, 4th skill all def down) is no longer relevant, so the uniform is essentially just a support stat buff.

    This still is the best support for Luna on ABL days which is tempting. White Fox does seem like a strong candidate for a Tier-4 and a new uniform though, so might be best to hold out if you're doing fine with her default support.

    Only recommended if you really want a push to Luna's ABX/L scores immediately.

    Not Recommended
    Black Cat [Winter Criminal]
    Black Cat [Winter Criminal]

    Adds a decent Leadership for Villains and a good Tier-2 Passive for Dispatch, though the Dispatch part isn't used too much anymore.
    Hard to recommend when there are free alternatives like Green Goblin, and Black Cat is overdue a new uniform and 6th skill anyway.

    Magik [Krakoan Winter]
    Magik [Krakoan Winter]

    This uniform has always sucked and isn't even Christmas themed. $20 for Alliance Conquest fodder (+ Artifact required) is not it.

    Gwenpool [Holiday Party]
    Gwenpool [Holiday Party]

    Had its moment, but is way outclassed by newer uniforms like [Dark Gwenpool].
