With the latest update, Spider-Man has finally joined Cap in the more-than-10-uniforms club. No better time than to look back over the years of Spider-Man updates!
Street Level (Early Era)
Street Level (Early Era)
These are the uniforms before the Tier-3 skill was added.
Update 1.0: Marvel Future Fight
March 29, 2015 (9 years, 268 days ago)The original - at launch characters only had four skills and characters were much harder to rank up. Spidey was a new player character with farmable bios and a web debuff on his first skill, which was useful at lower ranks.
With not much of a meta in the game at the time and more of a "build who you want" vibe, Spidey was prolific just for the accessibility and popularity of the character.
Secret Wars: Renew Your Vows
Secret Wars: Renew Your Vows
Update 1.4: Secret Wars
August 25, 2015 (9 years, 119 days ago)This was one of the first big drops of uniforms and brought the much-anticipated symbiote(?) suit.
At this point in the game, uniforms were more like skins with a couple of aesthetic skill changes, so this uniform performs basically identical.
All-New, All-Different
All-New, All-Different
Update 1.8: Spider-Verse
December 15, 2015 (9 years, 7 days ago)Another early Spider-Man uniform which adds a couple of shock skills and a more substantial skill change to the 1st skill. No noticeable improvement over Renew Your Vows but no one really cared at the time.
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War
Update 2.1.5: Marvel Studios' Captain America: Civil War (Part 2)
May 17, 2016 (8 years, 218 days ago)Spidey's first post-World Boss and first movie uniform, but still not that impactful in terms of skill changes. Disappointingly he was not a staple of the recommended few reliable World Boss teams.
Spider-Man: Homecoming Homemade Suit
Spider-Man: Homecoming Homemade Suit
Update 3.2: Spider-Man: Homecoming
July 5, 2017 (7 years, 169 days ago)We skip ahead quite some time since the previous uni, and at this point uniforms are solidly established as reworks that should substantially increase the performance of a character.
This uniform did exactly that after plenty of complaints from Spidey fans about his long-time irrelevance - adding an incredibly useful 4th skill with one of the first instances of long residual damage. Combining this with his 5th was revolutionary at the time, as was the long web duration on the 4.
Sadly this re-entry into the meta would not last long, as Spider-Man 2099 would arrive on the scene the very next update and do everything this uniform did but better. The Homemade Suit remained a good option for F2P players in Timeline and World Boss.
Stark Intern (Tier-3 Era)
Stark Intern (Tier-3 Era)
These are the uniforms after the Tier-3 skill was added.
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War
Update 4.0: Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War (Part 1)
April 25, 2018 (6 years, 240 days ago)The Infinity War update was legendary in the way it bumped up the visual fidelity of uniforms and their skill visuals. Spidey's treatment was in line with this, receiving his first full 5-skill rework in what is likely still his nicest looking uniform model.
The 4dc5 combo from the previous uniform is mostly maintained, but it's added to by a fast-moving 2nd skill and a high-damaging iframe in his 3rd skill. This was enough to bring him back into the Timeline meta and have him be a solid choice for World Boss.
His Tier-3 skill would arrive an update after this uniform and further increase his viability, as one of the first characters to recieve a 6th.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Update 5.2: Spider-Man: Far From Home
July 2, 2019 (5 years, 172 days ago)This was the first Synergy uniform for Spidey and was probably intended to be the PvE-focused of the two. However it turned out to be weaker in both PvE and PvP compared to the black suit.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (Stealth Suit)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (Stealth Suit)
Update 5.2: Spider-Man: Far From Home
July 2, 2019 (5 years, 172 days ago)The better of the two FFH uniforms - this notably had the rare Invisibility buff on the 5th skill, which made it obviously superior in PvP. As it came out in the middle of the Defense Down craze, it ended up also being better in PvE due to the 75% All Def Down at the very end of his 6th.
Skills-wise it's quite similar to the Infinity War one, but with enough additional buffs and effects to make it a clear upgrade.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Integrated Suit)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Integrated Suit)
Update 7.7: Spider-Man: No Way Home (Part 1)
December 22, 2021 (2 years, 363 days ago)After the biggest gap ever, the No Way Home suit brought Spidey back in a big way. At the time he might have been the most annoying character ever to fight: high dodge, constant i-frames and defensive buffs, and a 4th skill that seemed to come off cooldown faster than it should to interrupt whatever you were planning on countering him with.
Top that off with a much-needed Tier-3 skill rework and this was probably the height of relevance for Spidey as a character. He wasn't only a "cheap PvP option" but legitimately at the top of the meta.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Black & Gold Suit)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Black & Gold Suit)
Update 7.7: Spider-Man: No Way Home (Part 1)
December 22, 2021 (2 years, 363 days ago)This was supposed to be the PvE-focused of the two uniforms, and was likely better, but the Integrated Suit's PvP performance was simply too good to pass up.
A bit of a waste as both NWH uniforms came with quite a proc-friendly rotation - 3dc(6c)4c5, 4dc for Integrated - and respectable damage, which would not be present in the next couple of uniforms.
Avenger (Tier-4 Era)
Avenger (Tier-4 Era)
These are the uniforms after the Tier-4 skill was added.
Back to Basics
Back to Basics
Update 8.7.5: Web-Warriors
January 26, 2023 (1 years, 328 days ago)Releasing just over a year after the NWH unis, this uniform was a visual downgrade but yet another push into PvP dominance. The delayed-damage 4th skill is replaced with an instant one-shot ability (among other skill changes), proving much more effective in the meta of the time.
Despite not being geared for PvE, being one of the first Tier-4s (or at least Lv.80s) alone was enough for him to be viable in World Boss Legend. This relevance would obviously decrease as more actual PvE Tier-4s released in coming updates.
The Symbiote Suit
The Symbiote Suit
Update 10.5: Symbiote and Spider-Man
November 20, 2024 (29 days ago)This latest uniform was sadly not a large improvement over Back to Basics, and the first uniform since pre-Tier-3 times that has not pushed Spidey back up into prominence.
The most impactful change was the addition of the Symbiote tag, allowing him to synergise with other Symbiotes and their support passives (e.g. Agent Venom's in PvP). While he can be viable with a setup like this, any account able to achieve this would fare much better with the current meta.