7.0 Update Recap - 6th Year Anniversary


This image is intended to provide a short summary of the characters added or improved by a recent update. Use this as a recap, not a definitive guide: for more detailed reviews you may have to look elsewhere.

Everything is to a degree subjective and I've tried to ensure the information here is as accurate as possible, but if I have included any completely garbage takes please let me know.

Please note that I am referring to the current update when discussing characters. New gamemodes and meta characters that may release in the next update are not considered, even if that update comes out before this does.

Thanks to proton, stro, TClord, anuswarp and Ren Vader for the help!

Update 7.0

Quick link to the patch notes:

7.0 Patch Notes

The 6th-Year Anniversary update was quite enormous, with the most new uniforms we've had in a single update since the Uncanny Avengers + Lifestyle Series in October 2019.

The Crystal cost of this update is simply 8 1050-cost uniforms. This would usually be 8400 Crystals on a regular 40% sale, but all uniforms were given a 50% discount due to the Anniversary, putting the total at 7000 if you took advantage of this sale.

  • Characters


    One new character, Mephisto. The third Native Tier-3 so far alongside Sentry and Knull.


    Requires Judgement, but is easily meta with it. Has a really cool gimmick where you can switch forms and skills with his 3rd skill.
    The best pick for ABX overall and likely the best for Dispatch Missions as well. Solid in WBL and of course WBU.
    Has some use in PvP due to his revive, but it's a waste not to build him for PvE.

  • Uniforms


    Listed below are the new uniforms in this update. The order here is not important. For individual character details - which are more important than a ranking anyway - just read the descriptions.

    For the characters that have also received a Tier-3 or Awakening this update, more detail is provided in the sections below.

    The uniform options are listed from Advanced to Mythic, left-to-right.

    Iron Man [Superior Iron Man]
    Iron Man [Superior Iron Man]

    A much-needed buff for Iron Man with an easy proc rotation and large damage buff.
    He remains a PvE character, but is actually a viable one now.
    This uniform changes him to a Villain which is useful in Shadowland and ABX.

    Professor X [Classic]
    Professor X [Classic]

    Not the biggest upgrade with most of his skills remaining the same or similar.
    One big change is the proc buff on his 3rd skill, which buffs his damage significantly.
    This change also gives him a much easier proc rotation, which he was horrible with previously.

    Mister Fantastic [The Maker]
    Mister Fantastic [The Maker]

    A very nice upgrade for Mister Fantastic, especially after the mid-month buff.
    Changes him to Villain and buffs him enough to be the best Combat Villain.
    He remains proc-friendly with easier proccing on his regular rotation, and his T3 charges faster.

    Invisible Woman [Classic]
    Invisible Woman [Classic]

    A decent buff, but Invisible Woman remains primarily a PvP character.
    The added buffs on her skills are nice, but still do poor damage in PvE content (though she is proc-friendly).
    Awakened Skill and Transcend Potential improve her even further.

    Human Torch [Classic]
    Human Torch [Classic]

    One of the biggest standouts of the update, providing an enormous PvE improvement.
    Insane damage buffs, especially on his 3rd skill, make him one of the highest DPS characters in the game.
    Awakened Skill and Transcend Potential improve him even further.

    The Thing [Classic]
    The Thing [Classic]

    Not very good on his own, as has always been the case, but a valuable support.
    Awakened Skill and Transcend Potential improve him even further.

    Scarlet Witch [Marvel Studios' WandaVision]
    Scarlet Witch [Marvel Studios' WandaVision]

    Despite having some of the most beautiful animations in the game, Wanda's uniform is disappointing.
    While she does manage to be ABX meta, she doesn't excel in WBL and can't enter SB in Vibranium.
    Works surprisingly well with just a proc Obelisk, though a Rage or Judgement is ideal.

    Vision [Marvel Studios' WandaVision]
    Vision [Marvel Studios' WandaVision]

    A really strong uniform that improves greatly upon Vision's already-formidable base kit.
    His rotation is quite proc-friendly (though not perfect), making him a great and cheap new player option.
    Tier-3 improves him even further.

  • New Tier-3 Advancements

    New Tier-3 Advancements

    Note that this section assumes the best uniform for Vision.

    I have not included Mephisto here as he is a Native Tier-3.

    Vision [Solar Annihilation]
    Vision [Solar Annihilation]

    A really nice Tier-3 that does solid damage and charges fast.
    While maybe not the absolute best in any area, Vision's low costs and relative proc-friendliness make him an excellent Universal Hero to invest in, being capable of scoring high in ABX and clear WBL solo.

  • New Transcended Potential

    New Transcended Potential

    Again, best uniform is assumed.

    Human Torch [Endless Flame]
    Human Torch [Endless Flame]

    Human Torch's damage skyrockets with this uniform, making him one of the top WBL clears overall with Judgement.
    Having Maker as lead and Thing as support allows him to push through Male-only restrictions in WBL.
    His high damage and insane crowd clearing also make him an excellent Story Mode Ultimate carry.

    Invisible Woman [Force Field Flurry]
    Invisible Woman [Force Field Flurry]

    Okay in PvE, with her Awakening rotation doing nice damage, but her niche has always been PvP.
    Works well even as an off-meta Timeline character, even better in AC.

    The Thing [Earthen Collapse]
    The Thing [Earthen Collapse]

    Again, quite poor on his own, but you'd be Transcending him to be eligible in Story and WBL.
    A very nice support for Maker and Human Torch, though those two are so strong that Thing probably won't do a thing.
